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Help. These babies want out! (Open) - Printable Version

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Help. These babies want out! (Open) - missingyou421 - 02-23-2016

Hello, my name is Mark. I am 28 years old and currently pregnant and in labor with triplets. I am 6'2 light brown hair, blue eyes. I was very athletic before I got pregnant by this guy I met at a party. I really need someone to help me deliver my babies. My contractions are currently 10 minutes apart and my water has not broken yet.

RE: Help. These babies want out! (Open) - missingyou421 - 02-23-2016

I make my way into the quiet building, looking around for any sign of life. 'There seems to be no one at the clinic today' I say to myself as I walk past the reception desk and towards the waiting room. I was hoping to see family members of other patients waiting to hear about their new arrivals but no such luck. "Well babies what now?" I say to my belly as I rub it then sit down in one of the chairs hoping someone will come.

RE: Help. These babies want out! (Open) - geoffrey45 - 02-23-2016

(02-23-2016, 10:39 PM)missingyou421 Wrote:  I make my way into the quiet building, looking around for any sign of life. 'There seems to be no one at the clinic today' I say to myself as I walk past the reception desk and towards the waiting room. I was hoping to see family members of other patients waiting to hear about their new arrivals but no such luck. "Well babies what now?" I say to my belly as I rub it then sit down in one of the chairs hoping someone will come.
Do you want some help

RE: Help. These babies want out! (Open) - missingyou421 - 02-23-2016

"Yes please" I say looking up towards the voice. "My name is Mark and I'm in labor. Are you a doctor or a midwife or something?" I ask trying to heave myself up out of the chair.

RE: Help. These babies want out! (Open) - BlumberWhelem - 03-02-2016

Linda walked out of the back offices when she saw Mark struggling to lift himself off the chair. She hurried over and help him up. "Whoa...easy there hun, I got you..." after steadying Mark with a hand on his back, she began to notice that he may not be here for just a check up. "My name is Linda, I;m a midwife here. Are you okay?"

RE: Help. These babies want out! (Open) - missingyou421 - 03-03-2016

"My babies are coming." Mark says with a thankful look to the midwife as she help him up. "Hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo" he pamts, hunching over as a new contraction begins. "Oooohhhh" Mark grabs onto the chair next to him to wait out the contraction

RE: Help. These babies want out! (Open) - BlumberWhelem - 03-03-2016

"Oh are they?" she chuckles as she begins to notice Mark's face wincing from the contraction. "That's it, and out" Linda rubs his back. "How far apart are the contractions?" Linda trying to get a feel for Mark's situation.

RE: Help. These babies want out! (Open) - missingyou421 - 03-03-2016

"T-ten minutes" Mark pants out. The contraction comes to an end and Mark straightens up a bit,placing his hand on his gravid belly. "Can you help me?"

RE: Help. These babies want out! (Open) - BlumberWhelem - 03-03-2016

"Of course I can" Linda smiles. "Do you think you can walk down this hall to a room with me? The master birthing suite happens to have just opened up." he said grabbing Mark's hand to steady him.

RE: Help. These babies want out! (Open) - missingyou421 - 03-03-2016

Mark nods and they head off down the hall to the birthing suite. "Wow this place is huge" he said as his eyes went wide when they walked into the huge birthing room

RE: Help. These babies want out! (Open) - BlumberWhelem - 03-03-2016

"Yea, it is. This is where our VIPs come to give birth. So it seems that you're pretty lucky to have gotten it. I'll make sure you get all the great perks of the room as well...So, when is your due date?" Linda asked getting back on track.

RE: Help. These babies want out! (Open) - missingyou421 - 03-03-2016

"In 3 weeks but I knew they would come early" Mark said as he got into the hospital gown and with Linda's help, got into the bed. His belly somehow looked bigger in the thin gown he was currently wearing

RE: Help. These babies want out! (Open) - BlumberWhelem - 03-03-2016

"That's completely normal with multiples" she smiled. "I'm surprised you made it this close to your due date...I just want to quickly feel around for the babies position." Linda said pulling Mark's gown up from under the covers and pushed the blanket to his knees. "Wow, now these are some beautiful babies!" she exclaimed has she began to push and poke around Mark's overinflated belly.

RE: Help. These babies want out! (Open) - missingyou421 - 03-03-2016

Mark smiled as his babies kicked around in his belly as the midwife poked his belly. His babies had always been big movers and never gave him any peace but he loved every second of his pregnancy. "These four are pretty hyper still. Is that normal for someone in labor?"

RE: Help. These babies want out! (Open) - BlumberWhelem - 03-03-2016

"Yes and no, babies normally react to the contractions, but the intensity to which they move can vary depending on how much room they have inside of you. I'm thinking they so active because they have a little extra room in here because you have quite a bit of water in here." she said patting his belly. "Do you know what you're going to be having?"

RE: Help. These babies want out! (Open) - missingyou421 - 03-04-2016

"No. I wanted it to be a surprise. All I know is there is four of them" Mark smiled and patted the side of his belly. "So how long do you think we will have then?" He asked knowing he for sure was in labor but not knowing how far along in labor he was

RE: Help. These babies want out! (Open) - BlumberWhelem - 03-04-2016

"I can definitely agree with that. To be honest, I originally guessed that there would be five in here" Linda said giving Mark's belly a playful shake. "These babies are on the larger size, so that may add some time to your labor and definitely to your pushing stage. I'd like to take a quick look up your anus to get a better idea of where we stand. Can you roll over onto all fours for me?

RE: Help. These babies want out! (Open) - missingyou421 - 03-04-2016

Mark sighed. He knew it was going to take alot for him to get his massive frame to all fours but it's what the midwife needed him to do to check his progress. It took a few tries but he finally got over to all fours

RE: Help. These babies want out! (Open) - BlumberWhelem - 03-05-2016

Linda helped Mark rotate his round body over and steady him. "Okay, is that at all uncomfortable?" she asked knowing that Mark was in as awkward position as can be. "I'm going to need you to stick your bum as far out and up as you can." she requested putting on a rubber glove. She lifted the back of his gown up and pulled his underwear down. "Now take a deep breath..."

RE: Help. These babies want out! (Open) - missingyou421 - 03-05-2016

Mark nodded and did as the midwife asked. He put his butt out and up as much as he could while he used his forearms as a base to steady himself "alright" he says when she requests that he takes a deep breath.