Teen pregnancy RP (Closed with HelsKing) -
BarefootAndPregnant - 07-04-2016
Name: Jake
Age: 18
How many kids: Twins
How far along: 8 months
Kyle sat on a bench to catch his breath, staring down at his gravid belly. By now, the 17-year-old was so pregnant that even sandals were uncomfortable to wear, so he went to places barefoot, not really caring about being seen in bare feet. While he got his breath back, he watched his twins move about in his tummy, their strength surprising him.
RE: Teen pregnancy RP (Closed with HelsKing) -
HeIsKing - 07-04-2016
Name: Hawke
Age: 18
How far along: 6 months
How many: triplets
Hawke was also sitting on the bench, and he noticed as Kyle walked over and sat down next to him. Hawke was holding a leash, and next to him sat his dog, a pretty brindle pit bull named Alaska. He smiled at the boy sitting next to him as Alaska got up, sniffing at his legs. "Hey there," he greeted warmly.
RE: Teen pregnancy RP (Closed with HelsKing) -
BarefootAndPregnant - 07-04-2016
"Hey," Kyle replied. "How's it going?"
RE: Teen pregnancy RP (Closed with HelsKing) -
HeIsKing - 07-04-2016
"As well as it can be," Hawke laughed, rubbing at his stomach. "How about you? You look pretty big."
RE: Teen pregnancy RP (Closed with HelsKing) -
BarefootAndPregnant - 07-04-2016
"I guess I'm okay. As okay as someone can be eight months after drinking too much at a party and paying the price, anyway."
RE: Teen pregnancy RP (Closed with HelsKing) -
HeIsKing - 07-04-2016
"Ah, man." Hawke paused, feeling bad for the boy. "I'm in a similar situation. Boyfriend found out I was pregnant with three and split."
RE: Teen pregnancy RP (Closed with HelsKing) -
BarefootAndPregnant - 07-04-2016
"Well, eight months ago I went to this awesome party. Drank a bit too much, got talking to this cute guy. Next thing you know..." I smile dryly. "I have two buns in the oven."
RE: Teen pregnancy RP (Closed with HelsKing) -
HeIsKing - 07-04-2016
"Yeah? My boyfriend and I had been together for three years. We only wanted one kid, but we got three, and he didn't want to deal with it."
RE: Teen pregnancy RP (Closed with HelsKing) -
BarefootAndPregnant - 07-04-2016
(Jake's age has been changed to 18 because site rules)
"Sorry to hear that," Jake says sympathetically. "I guess I got lucky. My parents have been really supportive -- they always said I should get started on a family nice and early."
RE: Teen pregnancy RP (Closed with HelsKing) -
HeIsKing - 07-04-2016
"That's always nice. My family's not so supportive, they're kind of upset I got pregnant so early. I've always wanted a family though." He rubbed his stomach thoughtfully.
RE: Teen pregnancy RP (Closed with HelsKing) -
BarefootAndPregnant - 07-04-2016
"Yeah?" Jake asks, intrigued.
RE: Teen pregnancy RP (Closed with HelsKing) -
HeIsKing - 07-04-2016
"Yep, ever since I was a little boy. Now I've gotten my wish..." Hawke sighed and looked over at the other boy. "So what about you? Have you always wanted kids?"
RE: Teen pregnancy RP (Closed with HelsKing) -
BarefootAndPregnant - 07-05-2016
"Not quite as early as this, but yeah. I always wanted to start a family." Jake starts tracing a circle in the dirt with his bare heel.