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The Addom's Family Values - shiro08 - 07-16-2016

This is basically an RP revolving the Addom family that is full of pregnant people. Can have non-pregnant members like partners or breeders of the family members, and family that hadn't conceived yet. Can be at different stages of pregnancy and feel free to do whatever you want so long as it is not so conflicting with others.


How many, how far along:
Other info:

Name: Mathens Addom

Age: 41 years old

Gender: Male (though she is the mother of the family)

Pregnant: Yes

How many, how far along: two, eight months

Desription: black hair, and turquoise eyes. He looks way younger than his age. Small and quite feminine looking.
Other info: Has a cheerful personality. Becomes an extreme worry wart when it comes to his children. Has a warm heart and very supportive. Is the one who maintains the cleanliness of the mansion-like house they own (even when his husband tried so hard to convince him to just hire a maid.)

"All done!" Mathens smiled at his creation, a huge, mouth-watering breakfast table. Taking off his apron, he rubbed his stomach with much happiness. "You were very behave just now, and for that mama will reward you with your favorite chocolate sauced spaghetti."

Once done setting up the plates and other utensils, he waddled out of the kitchen to the bottom of the grand staircase.

"Breakfast is ready!" He shouted to his family who were still in their rooms.

RE: The Addom's Family Values - LittleShadow - 07-16-2016

Name: Orion Addom
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Pregnant?: Yes
How many, how far along:Three, 22 weeks
Description: Black hair that stops above his shoulders and misty blue eyes. He is medium in height 5'5" and small in size.
Other info: He likes to draw and is always drawing different things. He is one of the youngest. He is pregnant by his ex-boyfriend who left him

Orion was in his room drawing something in his sketch book that he had. He was sitting in front his window looking outside since it was nice out this morning he was drawing what he was seeing out of it at the moment.

Getting up from where he was sitting at he left his room and headed down stairs. "Morning mom", he said once he was down the stairs.

RE: The Addom's Family Values - shiro08 - 07-17-2016

Mathens smiled seeing one of his youngest son coming down the stairs. The boy had its belly outstretched forward and he can't help but remember the worthless ex-boyfriend of his son. He just hoped that Orion isn't struggling so much with his pregnancy. He was shocked to find out that his son was going to have a baby so young, but he was very supportive of him.

When he reached the bottom of the stairs, he hugged the younger. "Good morning, Orion." He then broke the hug to rub his son's stomach. "Did you sleep well? I hope my grandkids weren't bothering you too much."

He then took a hold of his hand and slowly led him to the the table. "Eat up!" He said cheerfully before sitting himself to one of the chairs.

RE: The Addom's Family Values - anibus3 - 07-17-2016

Name: Luigi Addoms
Age: 20
Gender: male
Pregnant?: not yet
How many, how far along: n/a
Description: Short red hair and dark green eyes, he's rather tall and slender; standing at 6ft 1in.
Other info: Is a scientist and has had no luck in romance with anyone, thus he has stopped trying.

Luigi was rather out of it, having worked a late shift at the lab his body didn't really want him to wake up. Course, he knew it was better to get up now rather than invoke the possible wrath of his 'mother'/father. It was a strange thing to wrap one's head around if you weren't part of this family or good friends of it, though to Luigi and his seemingly countless siblings; he really didn't try to keep track of this family, the potientail for it to get larger was easy. So dragging himself out of bed, he scratched his head which messed up his hair even more, and threw on a clean pair of clothes before heading down the stairs.

Once down the stairs and partway toward the table, he could catch sight of his mother and one of his siblings. To be honest, he never expected Orion to have kids so young though, it shouldn't be as shocking as it was. Well it was just a everyday morning in this house.

"Morning everyone." Luigi greeted.

RE: The Addom's Family Values - shiro08 - 07-17-2016

"Good morning, Lulu!" Mathens greeted after swallowing a mouthful of spaghetti. He frowned when he saw the stressed look on his son's face. With a sigh, he hefted himself off the chair and went to make the elder of his sons a cup of coffee. He didn't like that Luigi seems... lonely and unmotivated. He is silently hoping that a partner would come soon for his son. He very much deserves it.

"Luigi, you look stressed. Has work been taking a toll on you? Here, have some coffee. Eat your breakfast and get more sleep. It looks like you really need it." He smoothed his son's unruly hair, smiling at him gently. "You know you can talk to me if you have something troubling you, right? I love you." He ended with a hug.

He sighed with their situation. He always dreamed of having a big family, though he was not expecting it too be this big. He wasn't aware that he was so fertile and that led to one another. He can't blame his husband since, well.... Moving on, he loved all of his many children, of course and didn't regret having any of them. And now it would seem that his fertility had passed on to his children. He was constantly worried about the feelings of his children with the pregnancies and hoped that they aren't bothered too much.

"I'm sorry if this had been too much for you, Lu."

RE: The Addom's Family Values - anibus3 - 07-17-2016

Lulu...a old nickname that would never die, well it was just something his parent liked to call him so there was nothing he could do about it. Rubbing his eyes, he gave a smile but a very tired one to show he heard them.

"Yeah, have to work a few extra hours nothing too bad though." Luigi answered as he accepted the coffee cup, feeling the heat leave it and sink into his hands. "As much as sleep would be lovely, I'm afraid I have to head into work at my usual time."

Taking a seat at the table, a brow was raised to the next part of their words when they gave him the hug after smoothing his hair down. Now what did that mean? He usually tried to talk to his mother on things, sure things regarding work he couldn't discuss that with em.

"There's just nothing to talk about, but I do know I can talk to you. So no worries there." Luigi said with a smile, trying to give them some reassurance. "What are you talking about? Things have been okay, sure I'm working some extra hours without having a choice in it but other than that things are fine."

RE: The Addom's Family Values - shiro08 - 07-17-2016

"Just making sure that you're okay." Mathens explained with a smile. He headed back to his chair and continued eating. He stopped when he heard his son talking about leaving early for work. He looked up to observe his son. 'He looks so worn out.' He thought in worry.

"You sure you're up to another day at work?" Worry was clear in his voice. " I think resting a bit won't do harm. You shouldn't overwork yourself, even when the work demands it. I don't want you getting sickly with stress and exhaustion, Luigi." He was hoping that his son would heed his words but Luigi had always have that stubborn side of him, especially when it comes to work.

RE: The Addom's Family Values - LittleShadow - 07-17-2016

Orion smiled bungling him back he was used to having everyone rub his stomach. "I slept well. No they were good all night",he said since he was usually up most nights with the triplets kicking him. Though now he was fine at the moment since the three were asleep. He rubbed his stomach before following to the table at the moment.

He sat down in a chair across from his mom. He started to eat the food after putting some on his plate so he could eat. Orion looked up when he heard his big brother "Morning Luigi",he said after he finishedeating what he had in his mouth.

RE: The Addom's Family Values - anibus3 - 07-17-2016

"Morning Orion." Luigi greeted with a smile. "Doing okay this morning?"

Breakfest was always a time to sit down and enjoy each other's company, sometimes dinner was too. Though with how late his shifts had been lately, he always arrived a little late to the family gathering sort of speak. Starting to eat what was on his place, he hadn't noticed his mother staring at him. He was worn out but he'd rather keep working rather than being lazy and sitting around the house with a nap now an then.

"I'll be alright Mom." Luigi said after he swallowed what was in his mouth. "We're just short staffed right now and the highers are trying to find more employees, till then everyone has to pull a bit more weight."

RE: The Addom's Family Values - tjopj44 - 07-18-2016

(is it okay if i join?)

Name: Ethan Addom 

Age: 19
Gender: Male
Pregnant? Yes
How many, how far along: 7 1/2 months pregnant with three boys
Description: Tall, toned body except for the huge round pregnant belly, short and straight blonde hair, green eyes. He is very handsome, but has lost a lot of confidence when he got pregnant. 
Other info: He was raped and got pregnant. He doesn't know who the guy is, but he loves the babies and would never abandon them, and now the rape is just a part of his past, that doesn't affect him anymore. He is very cheerful and kind, loves to sing and to read, and he works as a waiter to get money, because he doesn't want to be a burden to his family, specially to his father. He is also very close to his brothers.

Ethan was on his room, reading one of his favorite books again, when he heard his father calling them for the breakfast. He stood up, got out of his room and slowly walked down the stairs. "Good morning, mom" he said, and tried to hug his father, which was hard because both were very pregnant. "Good morning, Orion, Luigi" he said, waving at his two brothers "and good morning, little brothers" he said, giving a rub on his father's belly.

(by the way, would you prefer Ethan to call Mathens mom or dad?)

RE: The Addom's Family Values - LittleShadow - 07-18-2016

"Yep",Orion said pushing his hair out of his face before he started to eat again. He didn't want to end up eating his hair he liked it the way it was though it tended to get in the way when he ate. Though he wouldn't be the youngest when the twins were born but was excited for them.

"Morning Ethan",Orion said he was done eating but didn't feel like getting up.

RE: The Addom's Family Values - shiro08 - 07-18-2016

(Mom would be better so his caring side would make more sense, not that I have anything against fathers :D)

Smiling a bit, he continued eating. "If you're sure, Lu." He often miss his red-head son since it is becoming often that he isn't able to have dinner with them, a time when they can really bond together and relax in each other's company. But if his son wants to do this then he'll continue to support him, even if there will be a lot his son would be sacrificing.

He looked up to see his second youngest entering the room. He didn't like that his Ethan was raped but that brought his son happiness through the babies he is carrying so he can't help but to accept and also be happy for him. He doesn't support though the idea that Ethan wanted to work whilst heavily pregnant. There is no need to trouble about the financial resources since their family owns a chain of known business industries. He should be resting, is what he always thought.
"Good morning, Ethan! Come join us! So how was the sleep? Rested enough?" He invited the said son over with the same enthusiasm he had in inviting the other two.

He noticed that Orion was having troubles with his hair and got up to get something from a nearby drawer. Drawing out a hair clip (it was his sister's) he went back to his seat on the table and handed the clip to his youngest.
"Here. We don't want you eating any hair now do we?" He chuckled at Orion, finding him cute with the blush that spread the younger's cheeks.

(LittleShadow and tjopj44, is Orion and Ethan still schooling or home studied, etc.. Just to be clear)

RE: The Addom's Family Values - tjopj44 - 07-18-2016

(Okay. And, yes, Ethan still studies on a college)

Ethan smiled at his mom and said "Yes, mom, thank you, i've rested a lot. I was reading Harry Potter and The Globet of Fire again". He sat on the chair by Orion's side with difficulty and started to eat his breakfast. "So, Luigi, how are you today? Orion, has the morning sickness stopped yet?" he asked, concerned about his brothers. "Mom, come sit with us, you should be resting too, you are already eight months pregnant." He gave his belly a few rubs as he felt the babies kicking him

RE: The Addom's Family Values - LittleShadow - 07-19-2016

(Orion went to a private school before the summer of his last year now he is home schooled since he is pregnant)

Orion blushed taking the clip from his mom "Thank you mom",he said he took the hair clip that was handed to him. That helped out a lot he drank some of his milk that he had in his cup at the moment as well he clipped it in the right side of his hair. It was slightly longer then the left side at the moment he finished eating what he had in his mouth. "It has passed",Orion replied smiling he loved his brothers and his family.

RE: The Addom's Family Values - anibus3 - 07-19-2016

"Morning Ethan." Luigi greeted.

Most of his family was probably pregant, each though different circumstances it seemed. What mattered the most in all of this was that they were happy and that the children came through. Most people wouldn't want a big family but Luigi saw nothing wrong with that, course he lived in a big family. So the life of a small family was foreign to him.

"I'm doing okay, I have to go into work early and stay late again but nothing I can't handle. How about you?" Luigi asked.

RE: The Addom's Family Values - tjopj44 - 07-20-2016

"You work a lot, Luiggi. You should rest sometimes, maybe go to somewhere to dance, or a nightclub" Ethan said. "I'm fine too, thanks, bro. I was called to work today, so I'll be home a bit later, but that's okay." he smiled and continued to eat his food "Oh, and by the way, mom, this is delicious" he complimented his mom for the food

RE: The Addom's Family Values - shiro08 - 07-22-2016

His Tan-tan complimenting his food brought a smile to his lips. "I'm glad you like it, Ethan! It's a special recipe handed to me by your grandmother. She said it helps a lot in providing energy and seeing that you and your brothers need all the energy you can get, I made this."

He then looked at Orion's direction and also smiled at the cuteness of his youngest. "Now isn't that better, Orion? No more hair getting in between you and your food." He always thought that his son could have shorter hair, but if this is what his son wants then so be it as long as it's not causing too much problems. He kept a scissor, though, just in case Orion changes his mind.

He looked at Luigi and felt proud of his eldest for his great sense of responsibility. Knowing that Luigi will might leave soon for work, he got up once again from his seat, the babies inside him slightly protesting, to pack Luigi his lunch. After, he went back to his seat and handed his son the lunch. "Here's your lunch. Remember to eat it on time, okay. I don't want you skipping meals no matter what."

RE: The Addom's Family Values - tjopj44 - 07-26-2016

Ethan finished eating his food and then looked at the clock. He decided he should go and get himself ready to school, or he would be late. He stood up with difficult, because the huge belly would pull him down, and walked to his mom "Mom, i'm going to take a shower, i don't want to be late to school" he said and gave his mom as kiss on the cheeks and a rub on the belly "bye, little brothers" he said with a smile and got upstairs to the bathroom

RE: The Addom's Family Values - shiro08 - 07-30-2016

Hearing a chair pushed back and someone slightly groaning, Mathens looked up from his food to see Ethan struggling up. Being kissed, he smiled at Ethan. He beckoned the boy to lean again and he kissed the younger's cheeks back.

"Okay. Be careful on your way, alright. Remember slow,  easy steps!" His eyes lingered a bit as he saw Ethan waddling slowly on his way to the stairs. He wanted his son to to be home schooled with Orion. With how huge and far along Ethan is, and with triplets at that, he shouldn't really be distancing away from the manor. What if he go into early labor! He bit  his lips at the thought. 'Maybe I should bring up home school to him again.'

He groaned when he felt a very strong kick and rubbed his stomach trying to ease of the pain. This is another reason why he wanted his boys to be near him as much as possible. A week away from being 9 months, he could  already feel the signs of the impending labor. He wouldn't be able to be there when his children needed him if they're away from him.

RE: The Addom's Family Values - anibus3 - 08-04-2016

"I will mother." Luigi said as he accepted his lunch from em. "Thank you."

Getting up, he headed off to work. Course by time he arrived home, it was already past midnight, the man gave a sigh as he closed the door and scratched his head. Well he felt pretty tired and ready to pass out, though above all else he was a bit hungry still. So far it looked like no one else was about in the house, so he had hoped to sneak quietly to the fridge.