Obsession. (A RP between SRuiz and Lovebite) -
Lovebite - 07-18-2016
Harriet straightened her nurses outfit, surprised how easy it was to sneak into this place as long as she looked the part they asked no questions, she messed with her bangs in the mirror. Then put on a extra coat of lipstick as she then headed out of the locker room towards her 'patient's' room, grabbing his clipboard on the way in. "Okay, Mister... What are your symptoms?"She asked, taking a seat on a stool, crossing her legs and taking out a pin as she clicked it. It had been a few weeks since her little midnight experiment on him, she was wondering when she would get to see him here. The hospital was out of his way but she assumed it was because he didn't want anyone to know where he was going and for what purpose, while that would only make it easier on her to get him out of here.
RE: Obsession. (A RP between SRuiz and Lovebite) -
SRuiz - 07-18-2016
He just had his physical a few weeks ago and nothing was reported as abnormal days after. He played it safe if he ever dabbled into those kind of situations. No need to have random children running around with women he was not completely interested in. Still, ther there he was having problems keeping food down. Oddly, it mostly occurred in the morning but that was a problem considering the physical training he had to do in that timeframe.
His light brown eyes rose when the figure before him stepped inside. He was just talking with a nurse, so it was safe to assume this was the doctor he was told would arrive. It wasn't anyone he knew, not that he could say he knew most faces there save for the nurse and the doctor who gave him the physical before. Only time he had business in this particular hospital was when his coach advised him to go out of the way rather than local and so there he was all the way over from Florida to somewhere in the middle of the states. No need for the team Captain to have his medical records plastered by people who knew or had some obsession over him with.
"Umm" Jámes made sure to think of everything. "Sensitivity in my chest, feeling a bit bloated, not able to keep anything down mostly in the morning as well as extremely fatigued, but there's usually an increase in appetite later on. It comes and goes, so I'm mostly just tired more than usual in the morning."
RE: Obsession. (A RP between SRuiz and Lovebite) -
Lovebite - 07-18-2016
Their brown eyes met and her heart raced in excitement though she kept her cool, nodding as she began writing all of this down with a slight smile,"Alright, Mr James... I'm going to prescribe you with something to help. It won't take care of them completely, but they will make them a bit better."She dug into her coat pocket and handed over a non labled bottle, it was prenatal vitamins, though she didn't share that with him. Knowing that most people didn't question doctors they just listened to them. It helped that she snuck in some sleeping pills too,"Take two every day."She said, taking note to follow after him quickly once he left to make sure he wouldn't get away before she could do what she needed to.
RE: Obsession. (A RP between SRuiz and Lovebite) -
SRuiz - 07-19-2016
Of course Jámes had questions. The bottle had no labels on them, didn't say what to it with what for that matter. Just take two a day? She didn't even give him a prescription to take to the pharmacy.
"Umm..." She was already on her way. That certainly was rude. He wasn't like most men and not ask questions. He followed out the room, though he never saw her and by the time he was well spent looking around, the actual Doctor arrived to an empty room. He even went to the desk to ask about the doctors present and even with the description he gave, there was nothing to help figure out who the person was. He held the bottle and left out the hospital entirely.
"Ella me dio la botella y dejo (she just gave me the bottle and left)" he said to his agent on the other line of his phone. Of course he was told to just take them. Who would honestly have a personal vendetta against him in the states. Sides it was one in the morning. Maybe she was just tired. "Bien. Nos Vemos (Alright. See you.)"
He had a flight back to Florida and then overseas for a photoshoot and game. He climbed in the truck he rented, pulling a bottle of water out and taking two as he was instructed. The male cranked the car up and drove off for the hotel. He was barely in the door before the drowsiness started to set in. Closing the door, he crashed immediately after, unaware he was followed.
RE: Obsession. (A RP between SRuiz and Lovebite) -
Lovebite - 07-19-2016
Harriet had picked the lock to the adjoining room, she found it funny that such a well paid and famous sports star would have to buy a room that didn't even have completely separate rooms. Though it did make it easier on her, she could pose as his girlfriend for now and renew the rooms rent a few times while she took care of him and their babies. As long as no one knew where he was, she could pull this off for a while until she could convince him that he really was pregnant and they needed to stay together for the good of the babies.
"James?"She poked his cheek, tilting her head as she smiled some at the lack of reaction he gave her, taking the pair of fluffy handcuffs she had bought from a kinky little shop. Though she had bought them mostly for his comfort as she locked them onto his wrists then dragged him over some to sit him up against the headboard before connecting that pair to another connected to the bed. "There you go, handsome."She smiled and sat a few feet away from him so he wouldn't try to go for her when he woke up, she didn't have the key with her anyway.
For now she ordered room service, a lot of it for him and her, knowing he had an appetite now.
RE: Obsession. (A RP between SRuiz and Lovebite) -
SRuiz - 07-19-2016
He was out cold, unable to feel anything. He rested peacefully for the next minutes to an hour, a soft yawn escaping his mouth as he stirred. His light brown eyes were partially blurry and of course the natural thing was to wipe them. That didn't go as planned. He struggled to get loose. His bondage were cuffs, fluffy and pink. The fact they were on his wrist keeping him bound was enough to infuriate him. That was before he even saw the woman on the other side. Of course it startled him because he recalled coming back and falling asleep, which explains why he still had his shoes on.
"What's going on!?" He looked at her clearly and recognized the face. Instantly, he tried getting loose even further.
RE: Obsession. (A RP between SRuiz and Lovebite) -
Lovebite - 07-19-2016
She looked back, she had been putting together a plate of food for him, coming over and taking a seat in front of him as she placed the plate down,"Calm down, James. You shouldn't stress. Stress is bad for you right now."She scooted the food over to him,"Here, eat. I bought some of your favourites, but made sure it's still healthy for you and the little ones."She smiled and got back up,"Do you want something to drink? A smoothie or something?"She went to turn on the tv, turning it up because he would probably start yelling more and she didn't need people asking around yet.
RE: Obsession. (A RP between SRuiz and Lovebite) -
SRuiz - 07-19-2016
The male was clearly beyond calm. His privacy was invaded and as far as he knew he wasn't violated. He was in a way, but just not the way he was thinking because right now he was heated about the situation on the verge of erupting. The television was turned up and any possible form of anger that boiled over would hardly be heard.
"I'm not touching that" he shoved the plate away, not taking chances for if this same woman drugged it again. He pulled against the cuffs, using his strength honed from exercising and lifting in hopes he could get loose from them. They looked flimsy and frilly -he could not forget the last part because it annoyed him the most- yet they seemed highly resiliant.
"Que caraja es tu problema? (What the f**k's your problem)?" Of course he wasn't expecting her to respond to what he said, not when he was already pissed to the point he was talking in his native tongue. For a few seconds, he still struggled against the restraints, looking to get loose, his mind eventually calming, though evident he was still enraged. "What the fuck is your problem, creep?"
Oh, he had plenty of things to call her at this point, but no need to enrage the psycho chick before him, right? If he was smart about it, he could get out of these with a little bit more sliding, use the metal to break through the wooden frame of the bed.
RE: Obsession. (A RP between SRuiz and Lovebite) -
Lovebite - 07-19-2016
Harriet sighed,"I didn't drug it, not this time at least, and you have to eat to keep your strength up."She said, watching as he struggled in the handcuffs and smiling some,"You won't get out of those, I made sure of it."She looked to the plate he had shoved away and tilted her head when she met his eyes again, shaking her head,"No problem. Just a worrier is all. I can't trust you to take care of yourself, and I can't allow that for the sake of our precious cargo."She nudged over the food again,"Please eat. You can only go a few days without water or food, but that's not healthy for you in your condition."
RE: Obsession. (A RP between SRuiz and Lovebite) -
SRuiz - 07-19-2016
He heard her mention something about a condition before, but hearing her say it again now had him a bit puzzled.
"What did you do to me?" She was encouraging him to eat, which from the looks of it was quite a lot. "I'm not hungry..."
He really wasn't and what time was it even? Nothing was making sense right now and for someone who liked sanity, he was getting agitated. What did he even do to this woman? She wasn't a one night stand. He would know. He never got himself into a situation like that. Did he look at her funny? He knew he shouldn't have taken those pills, but she did look like an actual Doctor. That was the least of things he would even assume.
"Why are you doing this to me? What did I even do to you?"
RE: Obsession. (A RP between SRuiz and Lovebite) -
Lovebite - 07-20-2016
"You're with child, James."She smiled happily, though looked a bit disappointed when he said he wasn't hungry,"But your steak will get cold if you don't eat it, then it would just be a waste."She said, pushing over a pack of a plastic fork and knife, thinking of something for a short moment as she bit her lip,"I'm not telling you any more until you eat everything on that plate."She said and stood up, walking around the big hotel room for a moment to take everything in and then the view from the window,"Too bad you'll have to stop working while you're carrying. It's a shame, I adore watching your games on tv."
RE: Obsession. (A RP between SRuiz and Lovebite) -
SRuiz - 07-20-2016
He was with child? That had to be the biggest joke he heard in weeks, maybe even months. He spared no expense to laugh, the chuckle coming out the moment she said the last word.
"Wih chilh" be asked rhetorically, hardly letting some air come back in because of his hilarious she made herself appear. Men didn't get pregnant. That was simple science. "That's alright, you don't have to tell me anymore. I get it, loca."
He looked at the steak and frowned. Of all the things she could have given, it was red meat? He may have been six foot two and close to two-hundred and fifteen pounds, but he didn't gain a bulk by eating something that physically made him sick to the stomach.
"Don't know where you got your information from" he ignored the notion about being with child, therefore not humoring her in that he wasn't going to play futbol for a while, "but red meat doesn't work well with me, especially steak."
Maybe he was pulling her chain. Maybe he just really disliked it and wasn't even going to delve into the matter. What he did know was that being handcuffed was not idea and he was getting fed up with the situation.
"Now if you don't mind, I have a flight to catch and a game to attend in a few hours, whenever you're done playing mad scientist, loca."
RE: Obsession. (A RP between SRuiz and Lovebite) -
Lovebite - 07-20-2016
She looked at him as he laughed and looked a bit amused herself, but for totally different reasons, he would believe her soon enough and she would love to see the look on his face when he did. "You'll get it soon. You said that you're already bloating and have tenderness? That is our children growing, and your body's preparing to nourish them."She sighed and crossed her arms, looking at him,"What would you like instead then? Anything but fish, it's bad for the babies."She went over and picked up the menu again for room service, handing it to him then,"I plan on learning much about you, James. Maybe you could learn about me too, since we're going to be together a while."She stood back and leant against the tv stand, taking out a notepad and writing a few things down,"You don't like red meat then? Why?"
RE: Obsession. (A RP between SRuiz and Lovebite) -
SRuiz - 07-21-2016
Get it soon? He sure hoped so because right now he close to figuring out -at least he thought he was- how to get out the cuffs and of course escape the loca before him. She may have drugged him before, but he was taller and bigger than her. Certainly that had to account for something. Giving that she was also beginning to take note, he may as well lied. Anything to send her on the fritz. He glanced at the menu.
"Why don't I eat it? Plenty of reasons. Make me sick to the stomach that I literally vomit, particularly ham. There's also the fact that it's not exactly the healthiest of choices, so I and most of the team avoid it and find protein and other means of supplements it has in other meat or nuts and fruit." He examined the menu, looking for something that would at least be worth his time eating. "That's really going to be a problem since all I do is go fishing with the family and friends. Maybe turkey or something on this menu? What time is it anyways?"
What could he do to get himself out of those cuffs and away from this particular maniac? He felt his phone in his pocket still but it was like a personal torture in knowing he could not reach his hands out towards his pocket to reach for them. Why was he even picked for this particular prank anyways, if it was for that matter.
"I might eat lamb, but that's not on here and my fiance is one of the few that can cook it without me wanting to hurl."
About to be a married man. That should probably do the trick. He had a name already formulating in his mind as well as a ring he could pose off for being a wedding band.
RE: Obsession. (A RP between SRuiz and Lovebite) -
Lovebite - 07-21-2016
"Has that always happened?"She asked, taking a seat against the tv stand and looking down to the notepad then up at him curiously while she finished writing down her last sentence, wondering if that would be another symptom or it's always happened to him. "Well, order a sandwich or something light if you want, I'll eat this."She reached for the plate and sat it down on her lap,"It's about...."She checked her watch,"Seven in the afternoon."She said, taking the plastic utensils from his side, looking up at him with an eyebrow raised and bursting out into a small fit of giggles,"James, you're not in that type of serious relationship with anyone. I would know, if you were we wouldn't be in this situation."She smiled at him, sitting back and shaking her head,"Nice try though. Very nice."
RE: Obsession. (A RP between SRuiz and Lovebite) -
SRuiz - 07-21-2016
"Since I was a kid, not that any of that matters."
That was all she was getting from him right now. She would be lucky if she got anything else. She gave mention of the time and he was livid all over again. He was supposed to have left in the morning! How long had he been out and what was she planning?
"I can't stay here!" He fought against the cuffs again, trying to get them to break. She seemed more concerned at trying to jot notes down and making assumptions about him, something that heated him even more. Nothing, though. Absolutely nothing pissed him off more than when you jeapordize his punctuality and career, especially something he worked hard for as a rookie. Now the the 23 year old was more prone to being irate and in her case as she would soon find out, nonchalant with cold words.
"You know absolutely nothing about me and if you think that I'm not the kind of person to care about getting into a serious relationship, ask yourself where does that leave someone like you, pendejo perra!?" (Stupid b***h)
He was one to never be disrespectful, but she crossed the line in getting him involved in her twisted form of shenanigans. Despite the low growl to his stomach, he was a stone wall right now. She could speak, but the only thing that better have come next was her letting him out the cuffs and hoping he didn't call the police. That was hopeful thinking though. He slunk his head against the wall, his brown eyes fierce with rage.
(Hope I didn't go too far <_______>)
RE: Obsession. (A RP between SRuiz and Lovebite) -
Lovebite - 07-21-2016
She smiled some,"Though it looks like you're stuck here with me now."She said and watched as he struggled a moment, tilting her head,"You may be buff, James, but you're not getting out of those without severing your wrist and I don't advice that."She laughed some more and shook her head, this would take some time but she would get him to warm up to her,"Not that you don't care at all, you just have your priorities in other places besides it. Like work, and that's where we're similar."She sighed, standing up shaking her head and placing her open notebook on his lap,"Here, a little brain food for you to take in. It's my whole study. It's actually easier than you think to mess around with reproductive biology if you know what you're doing."
((You're fine, XD. I don't care, it's just in character. Though I don't remember if we were thinking of a normally timed pregnancy like nine months or a sort of rapid one that would spread out over a month or two.))
RE: Obsession. (A RP between SRuiz and Lovebite) -
SRuiz - 07-22-2016
(Okay. Hmm, I think we went for long term, but if you want rapid, I don't mind)
None of this was getting him anywhere. She wasn't budging and he clearly was not going to humor her any further. He made it clear what he wanted. He even pulled on the cuffs more just to personally agitate her despite the warning she gave. He was nonresponsive when she slid the notebook over to him. Maybe he would look at it eventually. Instead, just for good measure, he flung it off his lap.
"I want..." everything felt empty right now, even his words. "Nothing to do with you."
If she did do something to him, that was all the more reason to dislike and distrust her all the more. He felt the hunger setting. Was she even going to trust him with the phone? Did it even matter? He had every right to scream for help! He was trapped in a room with a maniac after all. He kept his head on the wall, hoping the loud television and him being silent would be more than enough for her to get that he could not care what she said at this point any further.
RE: Obsession. (A RP between SRuiz and Lovebite) -
Lovebite - 07-22-2016
((Alright, you decide, either way is good with me too.))
Harriet ignored him now, shrugging and picking up the still steaming plate as she went over to the table to eat as slow and deliberate as she possibly could, this time it was her turn to agitate his hunger state with her eating. She could be silent if she wanted to, it wasn't a problem for her, maybe he would be provoked first into speaking, she smirked a bit to herself while chewing. Until she finished, soon getting up and beginning to undress on her way to the bathroom, keeping the plate where she had left it and grabbing a towel to use in and after her shower as she went into the bathroom.
RE: Obsession. (A RP between SRuiz and Lovebite) -
SRuiz - 07-22-2016
His mind drifted, ignoring her completely even when she started to eat slowly. He was not going to pay her any mind at this point. All he could wait for was for her to mess up somewhere and in most of those cases, they usually did. Maybe that moment came when she rose up to take a shower. He did not care what happened in those seconds, but only when the door closed and the water began to run did he wait for a seconds to actually make a move. He could focus on eating later if it meant he got out of there. He examined the headboard and began to lift his body up against it. It may have been sturdy, but unless she went on a personal vendetta to know which hotel he was going to pick out of all the good choices in the area and had enough means to cover the expenses to "reinforce" the beds, she was lying. He did not have to worry about getting out the cuffs if the headboard itself would be the object to break.
He gripped the chains of the cuffs, using them to help pull against the object. He would stop every once in a while whenever he heard a certain sound, but then he would resume and he did not stop until he heard a crack and not from his body. He kept at it until he wore one side of it a bit that should the time arise, he could break free completely. He could worry about explaining the cuffs and some of the wood attached to it to someone another time. Long as he was able to escape the whack and get help, he was good.
When the water stopped completely was when he dropped the act and resumed going back to his disillusioned state. He even went the extra route of making it appear like he was drifting back to sleep. How many days would it take for someone to track him anyways? He could not think of that moment. He had to think of escaping to the fullest and not looking back.
(Hmm, he may still be stubborn within a month's time. Maybe three to four?)