Caught By Mr. Midnight (Seanwoods)
"All right guys, I gotta hit the road, big Chemistry exam in two days I haven't even cracked the book for yet!"

Weaving a little, he stumbled towards his truck----yeah, he was drunk but it's not like he'd never driven loaded before! Besides, it was only half a mile back to his campus apartment; he'd be fine. Sliding into the seat he switched on the radio, tuned to the campus station. A news bulletin crackled to life.

'Disturbing new reports this evening that U of T's very own campus rapist has struck again. The mystery man, who has called himself 'Mister Midnight' reportedly broke into a dorm shared by three freshmen, and beat one quite badly with a baseball bat before stripping and sexually-assaulting the other two. Both victims are cooperating with campus health services and the local authorities to see this criminal brought to justice, but until he's caught campus police advise young men not to be out alone at night, and to lock all doors and windows. Remember: a police escort, whether to a car, to and from class, or home, is available to any student free of charge. Be safe out there, Longhorns!'

Sam shuddered as the news gave way to a music set courtesy of some stoner freshie's  garage band. Two more! That made five victims this month! Added to the three from the month before....ugh, it just wasn't safe to be a dude on campus anymore! Not that Sam was worried----he had a registered pistol in his night table drawer, and beside he played lacrosse; no one messed with a lacrosse player! No way would he wake up tonight or any other night, to find a big beefy guy dressed all in black threatening to beat him to death unless he stripped and turned over. And leaving a calling card saying 'Mr. Midnight was here!' when it was over. He shivered even as his cock stirred a little in his short. Yeah, no way THAT would ever happen!
Sean came into their room. He saw his friend listening to the radio about the news of Mr. Midnight. "You OK, Sam?" he asked his friend. Sean had known Sam since they were in middle school. Sean has a bit of a crush on Sam, but never had a chance to tell him, so he kept it to himself. He was glad that he and Sam were roommates.

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