C There is only one way out (w/ clary)

Name: Mathieu
Age: 21
Appearance: Dark curls, green eyes, he's tall and muscular, easily the strongest among his class of alphas.  he had always been at the top, but everyone just see the glamour and not the difficulty and sacrifice behind.  he was the only child of his family, but there were high hopes on him with his stats excelling in all round. he had passed every test with flying colors since his birth, which was a curse in itself.

He was a genius in many fields, a self-taught technician, he knew about computers and wires, thereby he somehow found a reroute that allowed him to come into contact with an omega who would be in "the game" with him.  He had established quick contacts with him, and established gestures that would identify themselves. 

Stanidng at the entrance to the arena, Matthieu - or Matt for short, was nervous.  he knew he had someone waiting for him, so he wouldn't have to go through the brutal fight with all the other alphas standing in other cubicles, but what if something goes wrong? what if he failed to recognise that particular omega? what if he recognised it wrongly?  There were so many uncertainties that when the gate opened, he was hesitant in stepping through.  

The sunlight momentarily blinded him. he shielded his eyes with his hand, and saw the "prizes" at the other end... so which would be "the one"?

Name: Fen
Age: 20
Appearance: Fen is smaller in size, just a little over 5’2”, and has an effeminate appearance. While his hair is short and curly, dark brown in hue, his body is slender and lithe; there’s a minuscule amount of muscle, and even though he may not be able to do too many strength activities, he’s very agile and quick. His skin is pale with a light stream of freckles across his cheeks. His features are complemented by a pair of cerulean colored eyes. Fen is rather quiet and doesn’t like to talk too much, and never did he imagine he’d be picked for the arena games.

There aren’t many other omegas with him. Fen stands with the few others of his kind at the far end of the arena, and he’s almost certain they’ve mixed the numbers up again. More alphas than there are their counterparts, which meant there would likely be a rough few moments coming up. He was slightly worried, but was looking forward to at least having an escape route. Fen couldn’t see the alpha he’d planned with from where he was, but nevertheless he stood tall. The scent of his own pheromones catches his nose, intermingling with those of the other omegas. It was all a ploy, forcing omegas into heat for entertainment of any other citizens watching, but Fen tried not to let his emotions get the best of him. He bites his lip, weight shifting from one foot to the other nervously. Finally, when it seems as though the alphas might be nearing, Fen would raise a hand in a subtle gesture and mimic the motion he’d been informed of before, hoping his match might notice.

After the initial stun of getting released into broad daylight, the group of alpha quickly made their way - or more like raced - to the omegas. The pheromones could be sensed once they passed halfway. The audience at the arena were shouting so loud, it's deafening down here at the field.

They were coming closer and closer to their "prize". Matt's nervously looking at the small group of omegas. he wasn't looking at their faces, rather more at thier hands, trying to find the one who'd know their secret code. He was scanning them while running himself. the trick was, he had to be there - if not the first, at least as the earliest few so "his omega" wouldn't be picked by someone else, leading to a fight that he had tried os hard to prevent.

omegas come in all sorts of shapes and sizes, most of them with a smaller frame than alphas. with the omega so readily agreeing to his proposal, he had somehow assumed the omega must be one that's not as attractive physically, so would rather arrange this secretly than to open himself for scrutiny being the "leftovers". Matt was hearing his own heavy breathing as he slowed down, coming to an almost stop in front of the group.

He scrutinized them... and there! he saw that little gesture... the crossing of 2 fingers, the index over the thumb. that's his omega... he located him successfully. he let out a huge sigh adn responded with the returning gesture - raising his index and then his middle finger - before he had time to look at his face.

Matt couldn't breath. this omega had taken his breath away... that's the single most beautiful thing he had ever seen, and the alpha mind was overwhelmed with the thought of protecting him and cherishing him for life.

Fen was too nervous to even move at the sudden rush of alphas barreling his way. Some of the other omegas scurried off in different directions, and Fen probably would have done the same thing as well if it hadn’t been for the fact that he had a plan in place that he intended to fully see through. Narrowing his eyes, he takes a deep breath and watches for the signal back, a sigh of relief eventually loosed from his lips when he caught sight of the alpha he’d been scheming with.

There’s not much time to look him over or gauge for a reaction — in fact, Fen didn’t want to, at least not while they were in this arena with others fighting around them. Appearances could come later, after they were put into whatever house or building together. Fen relaxes, nodding towards the other, but is nearly taken off guard by another alpha abruptly making his way for him. Fen hastily skips forward to meet up with the alpha he had plotted with. In a quick gesture, Fen would grab his hand and tug, attempting to drag Matt away from where the remaining alphas and omegas were struggling to get together.

“Okay, we made it at least.” Fen looked up at the taller man and blinked, long lashes fluttering over his eyes. “What do we do? Are they going to take us out of this arena?” Were they supposed to mate right here? Fen hadn’t been informed of anything of the like. Despite the forced heat upon him, his strong scent and the beginnings of slick rubbing between his legs, Fen appears to be too focused on finding a way out of the arena. “Do we have to tell someone?”

The stumbling alpha at their way was dangerous. Matt was snapped out of his fazed state by the imminent threats. He followed his omega - yes, that's HIS omega - for a few steps, heading to a quieter corner. He looked around and already, he was pressing the omega against his strong chest. "there's only one thing needed to have us extracted out of this horrible place..." he said, looking around in high alert.

He grabbed the omega's waist. he could see where the cameras were. all he had to do was to find one, and kiss in front of it. He could see with the corner of his eyes the dark little light dot - reflection of light from the camera. "i am gonna kiss you..." he muttered, looking at the skinny little one that's just reaching his chest. He held his waist and bend forward, cupping his face and pressed a gentle kiss on the omega.

there were cheers from the audience. No doubt what they had done was broadcasted live on the big screen. The alpha was thankful the omega didn't fight back - or it would look suspicious. Their case would look suspicious anyway, sicne it took such a short time for them to "connect". He deepened the kiss, but his thinking was active. He recalled the reaction of the omega, such a smart one, calm and unfazed even with all that distraction.

"you are doing very good... I am matt. what's your name?" he asked when they finally separated.

Another day, the close proximity of the other might have made Fen anxious, but with all the ongoing fighting in the arena, alphas attacking other alphas and spilling blood if only for the chance to claim an omega, he couldn’t be picky at this time. It could’ve been worse, he could have gotten forced into something himself; that being said, while this entire thing was still questionable in itself, at least Matt didn’t seem like a bad match. Fen sighed sighed once they were finally away from the remaining alphas and omegas. He lifts a hand to brush his hair from his face, fingers rubbing lightly at his eyes then before they peer up to study the other’s face. At the mention of being kissed, Fen bit his lip but nodded. If that’s what they had to do to get out of here, he wouldn’t make a fuss. It was just for a quick moment.

His eyes shut tight when their lips are pressed together and he does his best to try and return the kiss, solely for the purpose of giving a show for the camera. He brought both hands up to press against Matt’s chest after they’ve deepened the kiss, and when he pulls back, Fen caught his breath again. When he speaks, it’s in a whisper, purposefully so that the camera might not be able to pick it up. “Fen,” he replied quietly. He shook his head a bit, back to their problem at hand despite the way his heat threatened to overwhelm him. “When they take us to... wherever they’re going to, do you... have a plan from there?”

"i have smuggled contraception with me here. It's from the black market, i am going to be frank, so i will let you decide wehther to take it or not... once we got the deal done, and that you aren't getting pregnnat, they shoudl release us finding this is a mismatch." Matt had been hopeful. he had seen cases like that before, the government realising the couple wouldn't do good together, and release them after the omega was confirmed not conceived. "if we aren't as lucky, they might keep us in teh same house for a little longer - but the plan wouldn't change. we are just a month from freedom." he said , explaining quickly. he had his back against the camera, so his whisper wouldn't be captured.

What Matt didn't realise was when he mentioned freedom, his grip on teh omega's waist actually tigthened, like his body was protesting at the prospect of letting this omega go. They were compatible in so many ways, his body was reacting to the rich sweet smell in teh air. Fen was oozing with phermones, his heat almost at its peak. "We should expect an extraction any..." the last few words died on his lips when he saw a crew of uniformed staff coming to get them.

Matt subtly sheidled the omega from the staff. He was growling, showing his teeth when they got too close. It wasn't all acting, his alpha inside was indeed reacitng this way with the threat of having his mate taken away. He glared at one paritcularly dumb guy who attempted to take Fen by his arm, and pushed him away. "here we go..." he whispered to Fen and lifted him up, bridal style, demonstrating his preferred way of getting led away.

Fen offered a small smile at the reassurance. As long as the contraception worked and they were able to fool the officials into believeing they weren’t a match, they may both be able to go home with nothing else as far as attachments went. It wasn’t ideal either way, Fen would much rather dig some tunnel out of their eventual home and crawl back home, but if this was what they had to do then there was no getting around the fact. He was thankful; it could have been worse, he could have been like some of the other poor omegas that were being fought over around them. Fen felt a slight bit of pity for them as he knew their fate — he was too focused on the next step of the process, though, that pondering on the others couldn’t be sustained, not when they were already getting ready for extraction.

The omega rugged away at the man who had approached and attempted to grab at him, giving them a hardened glare, if only to sell his and Matt’s act. There was no protest as he was lifted up, even if he’d much rather walk himself. His eyes darted between the officials that escorted them out of the arena, an odd sense of relief washing over him. The hardest part was over and they could move onto the next step... which would likely be a bit more awkward to sell, but they were both determined and Fen could only hope Matt wished to get out unscathed as much as he did.

Matt pressed Fen's face closer to his chest, shielding him from the cameras. He just instinctively felt like doing that, to stop prying eyes from the world from seeing his mate. yes his mate... that was the idea that overwhelmed his brain now, with the omega in heat in such close proximity.

Among cheers - and some boos with how lackluster this pair was in inducing fights - they were escorted through a red carpet to the room they were assigned. Once through the frame, Matt looked around in high alert, picking up the cameras that were hidden everywhere in the room. He placed Fen down on the bed and nibbled on his neck, wanting to whisper to Fen. "i got a pill on my left back pocket... scoop it up and pop it into your mouth. there's a camera on your left, so try to do it subtly while i block its view." he gave his instructions quickly, continuing with his nibble on his neck to mask the movement of his lips.

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