The Market (Open RP)

"Alright then. I'll get a few things too and I'll join you." I said as I waddled off to get a few more things.

As spencer waddled about the store getting his last few items on his shopping list, he couldn't help be notice that he felt a bit bigger than before. I was having more trouble walking and each little movement of either baby inside him felt like an earthquake. He was so excited that he was having company over, that he just ignored it and tried his hardest to get to the register and pay. The only thing he wanted was for this dinner to go as smooth as possible.

I got myself a few more things, then made my way over to the register to pay for my own goodies.

Name: Alex
Age: 22
Belly contents: Overdue with his first baby
Went to the store to purchase more peanut butter, iced cream, chocolate syrup, and bacon (to be eaten together).

Alex rushed into the men's bathroom with the panic of a mad man despite his unwieldy 42 week pregnant belly to slow him down. Throwing open the door to the first stall Alex suddenly froze, shaking violently as he gripped his belly pushing out from underneath his t shirt--he was too late. "No, no, no, no, no this can't be happening" he said to himself his voice quaking as he felt the hot slippery feeling of something running down his thighs and pooling at his feet. Looking down he realized his worst fears he hoped his contractions he had been having regularly since the morning hadn't predicted. Unfortunately a pool of amniotic fluid, tainted a faint pink color by blood meant only one thing. Next thing you know Alex was bursting out of the men's bathroom holding his belly, fluid still dripping from between his legs. "Help me, my baby's coming, I don't know what to do" he yelled out into the grocery store, as he slowly collapsed to the ground.


((First Time RP'er! Hope this is ok! :) ))

Name: Sabrina
Age: 24

The day had started out normally enough for me. I was busy running errands for most of the day and all I had left to do was get a few things from the market before heading back to my apartment. I was just walking past the frozen section when I could hear the pained sound of a young man screaming for help and that his baby was coming.

Before I realized it, I was running towards the sounds of the screams and found him lying in a crumbled heap in one of the aisles and was soon by his side. Having been in training to become a midwife for the past few months, I could recognize the signs that he was already in hard labor. Noticing the slight tinge of pink in the puddle at his feet, I swallowed hard. He could very well be further along in labor than I think. But this was the first time I had been around an actual person this close to giving birth so I was struggling to keep my calm, if not for his sake, for mine... Letting his hand grab mine, I offered a smile that I hoped wouldn't betray how frightened I was.

"Don't worry; everything's going to be alright. How far along are you? Do you think you can stand up?"

Stage of pregnancy: 9 months due day pregnant with triplets

Walking around the store looking for some food. Having been disowned by parents times were hard with him and his three little ones. But thankfully his loving aunt sent him money to pay for rent and food.

"I'm 6 days overdue with my first baby. Please help me, I don't think I can stand. AND IT HURTS" I say screaming, holding my belly in pain

I bite my lip hard at his response. This isn't good... And judging by the pain he's in, I don't think he'll make it to the hospital in time.

'Come on...' I say as I wrap his arm about my neck and slowly get him to his feet as I try to take on as much of his weight as I can. 'We can't have you having this baby in the aisles.' I joke, trying to hide my panic at the possibility of delivering this baby at a grocery store on my own. Realizing that the break room is close by (and probably a better place for delivery) we start making our way in that direction; our progress agonizingly slow as we move past the surprised stares of several customers.

'The break room's not far; just keep moving. I'm Sabrina, by the way.'


Hey need some help? Kei asks sabrina

'Actually yeah.' I reply, suddenly grateful that I'm not alone. 'I need to get him to the break room. I think he's close to delivery too so I really need someone to get an ambulance on its way.' Noticing his also very pregnant stomach, I smirk.

'You look pretty far along yourself.'

Groaning as he feels another contraction course through his body, his belly tightening as he can feel the pressure building as the baby descends into his birth canal "I'm Alex, I just came to the store to pick up some food, not to have my baby!"

Once in the break room Sabrina helps Alex to lie down on the table, rapidly clearing cups of coffee and newspapers onto the floor as Alex lies down on his back. She pulls back his sweat shirt, revealing his massive, stretch mark covered belly. "How many are you due to have?" Sabrina asks, concerned as to the sheer size of his belly.

"Just one, the doctor says it's really big" Alex replies quickly before gripping his big belly and groaning, his whole body contorting in pain "OH GOD IT HURTS"

"Don't worry. Everthing's going to be alright." I reply as I let him take my hand while he struggles to pant through his latest contraction and slightly relieved that I wasn't facing multiples.

We made quite a stir when we first made it into the break room, with most of the employees clearing out rather quickly when they realized Alex's condition. One was nice enough however to offer to bring some towels which I gratefully accepted.

"Just hang on a little longer. The ambulance is on its way." I said as he let out a scream from the next contraction, squeezing my hand as tight as humanly possible while fighting every urge to push. Glancing at the clock on the wall, I realize that it's only been less than two minutes since the last contraction. He's too close now...

"I'm sorry but I need to see what's going on down there." I say as he quickly nods in agreement. Laying a towel over his legs to preserve some of his dignity, I hurry to remove his lower clothing.

"Oh my god..." I say as I catch a glimpse.

Wets one towel and dabs at his forehead. "Your doing great" i said. "Also to answer your question i'm due any day with triplets"
Continues to wipe Alex's forehead.


Keeps wipping Alex's forehead.

Alex can feel the baby beginning to enter his birth canal as he knew his labor was progressing faster than he was ready for. "Oh god it's coming" he cried out as he knew he had to bear down and push. "I'm going to push" he said, leaning forward to bear down.

"Go ahead and push. The baby's head is right there." she replied.

He didn't need to be told twice.

Taking a deep breath in, he bore down hard; a scream escaping his throat as he could feel the baby inching further down with each push. Gasping for another breath, he pushed again while Kei and Sabrina kept urging him to keep going. Before long, she could start to see the top of a tiny head. The contraction over, Alex leaned back against the wall, trying to rest between contractions. Sabrina then turned her attention to Kei.

"Go to the baby aisle and get a bulb syringe to clear the baby's nose and mouth. At the rate he's pushing, the ambulance isn't going to make it in time."

Having caught his breath Alex bore down hard again, feeling the intense pain of his baby about to crown.

"You're doing great. Keep going." she encouraged as little by little, more of the baby's head would appear. Her heart was pounding in her chest from the rush of adrenaline. 'Just wait until I tell my classmates that I delivered my first baby in a grocery store...' she thought to herself. Gently supporting him as he pushed again, she watched as muscles were quickly stretched to their limit as the head crowned.

"Ok, stop pushing." she instructed, much to Alex's protests. "We need to ease the head out so nothing tears. Try to take some deep breaths. Baby's got alot of hair." she grinned.

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