
You are on a blind date with the most wonderful person you have ever met. You share everything in common with this person.
It's almost like you are soul mates. As the date is ending you are intived to come into their home. You both enter the house.
It's a mansion more or less. Your date asks you to make yourself comfortable as they leave the room. They enter the room again
but they are some sort of creature. What do you do? (Please tell me which creature you would like.)

A.) Scream and run out of the room

B.) faint

C.) Beg them not to hurt you or eat you

D.) Get ready to fight the creature and demand where they hid your date

(A... Um, I don't know, I'll leave it up to you? :)

Addison pressed back against the wall, his eyes widened by fear. He sank down into his scarf, beginning to stammer and stutter in a small voice, "P-P-Please d-don't hurt me, I... I... Please...."


(Thanks ok! my character's name is Bishop. He is a naga)

Bishop stared at Addison as he backed away in fear. "Addison, its me Bishop. We had just were on a date. Please calm down I am not going to hurt you. I would never want to hurt you. We have to talk. Come over here to sofa. Bishop moved slowly towards Addison and reached out to touch his cheek.

Addison bit into his lip, trembling at the sight of such a beast. He was already fearful of snakes- now his date was one? He didn't move from his spot, but didn't run away. He asked in a small voice, "Th-This is s-some kind o-of trick, right?" he gave a weak, forced laugh, "Very funny bishop, please..."

Bishop shook his head. "Please I not playing a trick on you. This is really my true form. I am not going to harm you or eat you. Please come over here. (Sorry I didn't know you had posted here!)

Clearly frightened, but trusting of the kindhearted man he had just shared a meal with, Addison walked forward and looked up at him wordlessly. "Bishop..." he said after a while, "Is this... Really... You?"

Bishop nodded his head at him. "Yes, it is Addison. Please don't be scared of me this is my true form. I am a naga. I am sorry I tricked you. I wasn't lying when I said I thought you were great, how sweet you are, and handsome." Bishop reached his hand and stroked Addison's cheek as he looked into his eyes sadly. "I don't really go out on dates a lot. I was scared to tell you before. I didn't want you to be scared of me like you are now. I am just so lonely. I am last of my kind. Please don't be mad or hate me because of this".

Addison looked up at him once more, placing a hand on his scaly torso. It felt odd, feeling little bumps in place of skin, so cold instead of warm. He ran his dainty fingertips over the surface with a look of surprise. This was real. Bishop was real. Addison let out a timid breath, but wrapped his arms around him. "Youre.. Still you." He whispered, "I-If I can be pregnant... You can be... This." Though it was obvious he was frightened, Addison was also clearly trying. He looked up at Bishop, "You were so kind so me, and I enjoyed our date... Perhaps we... Aren't so ba--" Addison gasped lightly, "-ad." 

Bishop purred and smiled as Addison stroked his scales. "Thank you, Addison. I would be honored to be the father to your unborn child. I believe this will work." Bishop purred as he slowly wrapped his tail around Addison and stroked his stomach under his shirt. Bishop kissed Addison as he carried him to his bedroom. He gently laid him on a king size four poster feathered bed with red satin sheets and covers. He got on to the bed and pushed Addison's shirt up a bit as he purred and stroked it. "So how far along are you?".

Addison stiffened as he felt the tail wrap around his body. "Just, please... Don't..." he stuttered in a whisper, gently pushing the muscled tail off of his waist. "M-My stepfather had a boa..." He said quietly, "I was t-taking care of him... And eh wrapped around my neck... I-I couldn't b-breathe..." He looked back up to Bishop, "Please d-don't wrap around me..."

After he pushed Bishop down, he was fine. Addison closed his eyes, placing his hands over bishop's as he caressed his belly. "Almost nine... Eight and a half." he whispered, before shifting position with a bit of difficulty. He was feeling uncomfortable, though he was sure the need was luxurious... Addison let out a small noise, moving back onto his side. "I'm sorry." he apologized, "J-Just... Trying to find a comfortable position-- ah..." he paused, "Must've been something I ate... It feels like my stomach's cramping..."

Bishop nodded his head understanding as he removed his tail from Addison. "I am sorry, I didn't know." Bishop continued to stroke Addison's stomach and kissed it. He stopped as Addison turned on to his side in slight pain. "Really, here let me give a massage. Maybe that will help." Bishop started to massage Addison's stomach gently and could his child kicking and moving around. "Wow, he is kicking up quite the storm in there".

Addison let out a breath and nodded with a whimper, hiding his face in Bishop's neck. He rested his hands on his extended abdomen, "He is feisty." the blue-eyed boy whispered, "He's kicking me more than usual..." 

Relieved as Bishop began to massage his rounded form, Addison was pleased to lay down, ready to even fall asleep in his arms, when a rush of fluid wet his dress pants. Addison flushed, thinking that he had wet himself, though he only looked up to Bishop with a scared expression. He didn't mean to. He hadn't even felt the urge to go....

Bishop purred as Addison relaxed in his arms. He looked up at Addison's scared expression and wet stain on his dress pants. "Hey please don't worry it's ok. I am not upset. You couldn't help it." Bishop smiled and kissed Addison and removed his shirt. "Now I can get you out these clothes and drink in your beautiful body with it's swollen belly. Bishop kissed and licked at Addison's belly as he removed his pants and boxers in move. "Beautiful".

"Bishop..." Addison whispered, shuddering from the sudden chill of open air. He blushed as the snake fondled and lapped at his stretched skin, but instead of protesting, he bit his lip. It did feel good to be touched in such a way, despite the cramps in his abdomen. He was just afraid of being bitten... "Bishop, I..."

Bishop stopped at looked up at Addison. "What's wrong?. Is it hurting you?. I am not making you uncomfortable am I?. Please don't worry, I am not going to bite you or harm you if that what's worrying you. Is it helping with the cramps?". Bishop massaged Addison's stomach for a moment. I have an idea. He got off the bed and went into the bathroom and returned with a bottle of warming massage oil. "Here let's try this." He joined him back on the bed and dumped a good amount on his stomach and massaged it on his stomach gently and kissed him.

Addison closed his eyes, his heart beginning to pound, "No, they're worse. Bishop... I feel... Pressure..." he whimpered, "D-Down there..."

Bishop pulled away and spread Addison's legs open. "Addison, I hate to tell you. I believe you are in labor." Bishop licked at his entrance to help numb the pain and struck a finger inside him to check on the baby's progress. "Alright, Addison the baby is on the way. Just breathe it's ok and get ready to push when I tell you". Bishop gave him his hand to squeeze for the pain.

Addison looked about ready to burst into tears. "No! No, Bishop!" he began hyperventilating, breaths coming in short, heavy bouts. He couldn't believe it. "No, I... I have... A few more... Weeks... Aah..." Addison sunk down as he felt a contraction wash over him. He fumbled to get his cellphone out of his pocket, blush searing his cheeks as Bishop licked and prodded at him. Shakily handing him the phone, he said in a pleading voice, "Call the number on the screen. Sh-She's a midwi---iiiiiiiiiiife...." he gasped in the middle of the word, clutching Bishop's hand. 

A tear rolled down his cheek, "Bishop, I-I'm scared."

Bishop purred and stroked the boy's stomach as he continued to lick his birthing canal. "I know you are scared. It's ok, I am going to help you deliver your baby. I mean our baby. The midwife won't get here in time. I know it hurts, please just breathe deep breathes for me now. That's it in and out." Bishop pulled away from his entrance watched his birthing canal. "Alright, get ready to push on the next contraction."

(I am so sorry.)

Still very much frightened and very much shocked, Addison said in a pitiful voice, "J-Just call her. Please, Bishop. I-I'm not re-ready... I can't..." he closed his eyes, taking a few deep breaths. The urge to push was building. He gave a weak effort towards it, ending with a whimper. "Bishop, I can't..."

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