The Chosen (story rp, open.)

Koji snorted at her and turned his attention from her. He continued to refuse to eat the bread stubbornly. He didn't trust her and would rather go hungry than to eat the bread she offered.


His mouth was still full so he gave Koji a nod with a smile to say the meat was good. He glanced at the bread laying in place in front of him his mind gradually slipping on the direction of trying it, after all if it really gave you strength all day it would help there journey tremendously. He held off still taking hints from the others not to touch it.

~Help me I'm human~

Koji made a personal note to burn his share of the elf bread later in a campfire. He didn't want to risk harming a innocent bird by throwing it away. He handed Shiloh more boar's meat to help fill him up to keep him from being tempted by the bread.

Another Phoekin, a Dark Elf and now to add that to the Werewolf, Aster simply was beginning to dislike the way this was all turning out. Were humans naive to the concept of understanding that Dark Elves were not to be trusted in all accounts or was their banishing from the Isles as the Elven King ran his fury down upon them not enough? While it may just be simple to throw an accusation like Jeremy or Koji, the truth of the matter was that it was better to exploit someone and Aster was simply biding his time. For now, he was increasing his security measures. The mark he had bestowed upon Ryne and the child before would activate in the form of a powerful seal blessing him instantly. There was no telling just how powerful the thing known as Elisha was, so using a spell that the goddess herself forged was an increased security measure to tear away at anything she would try on him mentally, physically and spiritually if the goddess had not already given him a discerning mind.

He said not a word on the matter as it was quite obvious already what he thought of the issue. People coming out the woodworks was more than enough to warrant more threats. He would rather deal with hunting the Rex again than deal with random faces. He pulled out the swordstaff again and began to walk off to clear his head and synchronize his surroundings once more along with providing an update.

"I'll watch from afar, though you are one terrible liar." He said ignoring the bread as he already had his own means of eating, the light elf vanishing in an instant as he had done before with the leaves -his presence entirely eradicated-, leaving the female to think where it was her words had betrayed her at. Even then, like the werewolf, he would take nothing tainted from utter filth. It was quite ironic how Ryne could not use his sense to find the Dark Elf journeying around yet he could keep pinpointing him out, who was several feet away. To be quite fair, none of it added up. She didn't want to be found. She made herself present. That was the difference, even if she was reckless in the matter or not. To add to her words about following them since the start, that was also a lie.

His eyes had never once stared at the figure that was Elisha, but he was more than capable of picking her apart from just hearing her words alone, yet she still was very familar. As he thought however, he could place no accusation than what was presented and what was presented were twists in her tongue; the lies. He just needed to recount all his centuries of living to find out where and when he did, there was no force on this planet to stop him from unleashing the gods and goddesses wrath upon not just her, but those that were truly guilty. He may be a hunter for the Imperial Army, but he was not someone to keep taking lightly and his patience towards certain matters were running thin. As the werewolf had some spells, he had several as well only hidden by his need to hold back because of morals else he was no better than the Dark Elves.

Ryne looked to the bread, wondering if it would do anything. He decided to eat it, still hungry after breakfast and needing the energy. "It's really good." He stated.

Elisha smiled at Ryne "it is right?"she said as she ate of the bread, the bread was soft and warm to the stomach and it woke you up as cafeine would and made your sore muscles relax to make it seem you had just started walking instead of having been walking all day. The bread was safe to eat for everyone and Elisha knew, sonner or later they would all try it out of need and see there was nothing wrong with it. She smiled at them all as she kept walking her stride so gentle no marks were left in the ground were her feet touched the ground.
"So Ryne... how much time we got?" she asked gently smiling down at him as if she had no care in the world and they were all just having a pleasant stroll down the forest.

Koji remained silent as he traveled with the group staying close to Jeremy and Ryne. He was glad at least the light elf knew that dark one was up to something. But Koji was smart and knew how to tell when someone was lying to him or hiding something. She had a bad scent on her one of darkness. He prayed quietly to the great spirit of the earth to continue watching over him and the group. His necklace felt warm against his chest as if it had a hidden power only he could feel. It gave him comfort and took it as a sign that the great spirit and the spirits of his fallen pack were watching over him and his friends. They wouldn't allow anything to hurt the unborn child or the group of protectors.

Ryne walked in the centre of the group, keeping himself and his child safe. He looked towards a massive oak. "That must be where the temple is."

(12-09-2014, 02:50 AM)DragonKnight Wrote:  Ryne walked in the centre of the group, keeping himself and his child safe. He looked towards a massive oak. "That must be where the temple is."

"What are we gonna do now?" Jeremy asked

"We must go inside and try to find something in there. A book, a scroll or something." Ryne suggested.

Koji studied the tree and walked around it. Before laying his hand against a spot on the trunk. He could have swore it was the great spirit guiding his body to find the hidden magic symbol on it and active it. The symbol was the mark of the goddess and lit up when Koji touched it revealing a portal into the tree it's self.

(12-09-2014, 03:00 AM)Monkeypaws19 Wrote:  Koji studied the tree and walked around it. Before laying his hand against a spot on the trunk. He could have swore it was the great spirit guiding his body to find the hidden magic symbol on it and active it. The symbol was the mark of the goddess and lit up when Koji touched it revealing a portal into the tree it's self.

"wow" Jeremy was impressed. "What we do now?" He asked, looking to Ryne and squeezing Koji's hand to pass him confidence.

"We go inside please follow me". Koji replied and squeezed Jeremy's hand back gently. Before leading the way into the portal allowing the deity that he worshiped to guide him to the item they would need. The inside of the oak tree had smooth walls made from oak and covered with protection spells and symbols of the goddess and the great spirit's power. But for some reason, Koji was the only one who could see the symbols and spells that involved summoning the great spirit and it was being fixed into his mind permanently.

Elisha took another bite of herr bread before folding it in a handkerchief and placing it on her bag as she eyed the oak. "what should the book or scroll have?" she asked feeling the place was filled with all type of energies both good and bad.

Ryne slowly walked to the portal and entered it. He stepped into a pocket dimension, where a large library awaited behind a massive set of doors. Beside the entrance were two large silver golems with two large hammers.

(12-09-2014, 03:07 AM)Monkeypaws19 Wrote:  "We go inside please follow me". Koji replied and squeezed Jeremy's hand back gently. Before leading the way into the portal allowing the deity that he worshiped to guide him to the item they would need. The inside of the oak tree had smooth walls made from oak and covered with protection spells and symbols of the goddess and the great spirit's power. But for some reason, Koji was the only one who could see the symbols and spells that involved summoning the great spirit and it was being fixed into his mind permanently.

Jeremy followed Koji, blindly, he would follow Koji wherever he was. although Jeremy did not see anything unusual, he could feel a special energy in that place, an energy of calm, peace and love

Koji shivered slightly at the feeling of the knowledge of the spells and magic that involved elements and the deities his species worshiped installed into his mind. He squeezed Jeremy's hand again to make sure he was still there. Before watching the symbols and spells as he was taught them vanish. He shook his head to clear and didn't answer the dark elf. All he knew was the item was close by and very powerful. As he continued onward towards the item, he wasn't aware that he and Jeremy were separated from their group. They were being led down a hallway to a large pair of heavy wooden doors with forest creatures carved into them and in the center was a sun and moon. The moment he got close to the doors they opened without him touching them.

(12-09-2014, 03:12 AM)Monkeypaws19 Wrote:  Koji shivered slightly at the feeling of the knowledge of the spells and magic that involved elements and the denities his species worshiped installed into his mind. He squeezed Jeremy's hand again to make sure he was still there. Before watching the symbols and spells as he was taught them vanish. He shook his head to clear and didn't answer the dark elf. All he knew was the item was close by and very powerful.

Jeremy shook Koji hand back so that Koji knew he was there. As they walked through the tunnel, Jeremy felt a stronger power, which seemed to draw him and hypnotize him, as if Jeremy was a moth and power were a bright light

The two golems light up with blue light and started to move. "Halt! You cannot enter this sacred place. Only the Chosen Heroes may enter." The golems stated simultaneously

(12-09-2014, 03:15 AM)DragonKnight Wrote:  The two golems light up with blue light and started to move. "Halt! You cannot enter this sacred place. Only the Chosen Heroes may enter." The golems stated simultaneously

Jeremy stopped and looked at Ryne. "Are you going to enter that room alone?" He asked, feeling worried about his friend

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