The Chosen (story rp, open.)

"Of course Elisha. When the war began and when sides were chosen, people assumed every race was evil. Dark Elves are persecuted for no reason, just normal people who had nothing to do with the Dark Legion and yet are executed for being spies. No one has the right to judge anyone without knowing who they truly are." Ryne explained.

(12-11-2014, 03:14 AM)Monkeypaws19 Wrote:  Koji closed his eyes as he played werewolf folks songs even the ones from the other members of their groups cultures he knew. He fought the urge to smirk at the surprised expression of the light elf finding out that werewolf knew elf folk songs.

Jeremy smiled at Koji, listening all the amazing songs that he was playing. He couldn't stop looking at him and felt something strange in his heart, just like he could feel Koji's heart beating at the same time of his

(12-11-2014, 03:20 AM)DragonKnight Wrote:  "Of course Elisha. When the war began and when sides were chosen, people assumed every race was evil. Dark Elves are persecuted for no reason, just normal people who had nothing to do with the Dark Legion and yet are executed for being spies. No one has the right to judge anyone without knowing who they truly are." Ryne explained.

Elisha grew silent at his words, she had no answer for them yet she took advantage of the moment and slid her hand into his, smiling "I'm not evil, skin is not as pretty as other elves," she said knowing she wasn't astoundingly beautiful as elves usually were her truths and lies twisting as one even making it hard for her to tell exactly what the lie was exactly.

"You're very beautiful Elisha. Don't doubt it." Ryne said as he gave a warm smile to Elisha.

Her honey eyes stared at him in disbelief but managed to smile back, "and you are quite handsome for a human and a kid..." she whispered.

Koji smiled at Jeremy enjoying the feeling of their hearts beating in sync with each other. He decided to make the dark elf feel comfortable with him to help keep a better eye on her. He would give her a chance but if she decided she still wanted to go through her plans with hurting Ryne or the unborn child. He would kill her himself face to face.

He walked to the edge of the makeshift camp leaning back against a tall pine tree, looking up blissfully through the branches as Koji played his music. The stars shined brightly tonight but he couldn't shake the feeling of dread he had lodged in the pit of his stomach that something bad was going to happen. He gazed once more at the others, he noticed how close Elisha was to ryne and picked up bita of there conversation on the wind smiling at the words and couldn't help but feel himself like Elisha a little and believed for now she wasn't that bad of a person, Koji and Jeremy were still close like before but this time he noticed a new figure he had yet to talk to.
'what was his name?...' Shiloh thought to himself looking over at the lone figure,' oh yes that's right, aster'

~Help me I'm human~

Aster paid the singing nor the words of th Dark Elf any mind, the male far too caught up into his own business to truly pay attention to them. Even then, it was nothing he had not heard from before. The trained human could sing their songs in thee language if they so desired. He took a ladle to pull a lentil out, testing to see if the small beans were truly ready for eating. He applied some smaller leaves to add a bit more kick to the soup before announcing it was ready.

"Care to help me, sleepy head?" He merely mused to the now awakening Phoekin. With a wave of his hand, the ground beneath them began to sprout leaves and twigs together, crafting makeshift bowls to which they would decompose into the ground naturally when they were done.

He was surprised when he was spoke to and gave a small smile nodding towards aster.
" Of course." he answered crossing over to him And grabbing a couple bowls from the ground bringing them to him to fill before distributing them around the group. He decided to return by aster once everyone had there share but stood a couple feet away from him.
" how long have you been with everyone here?" he asked him trying to make small talk with someone so he could know everyone better.

~Help me I'm human~

Koji smiled at Jeremy. He wanted this war over with so he could start his new life with Jeremy. "Thank you, Shiloh". He told him and accepted the bowl of soup. He pulled out some dried meat and passed it around to everyone who wanted some. "Tastes good". He grunted at the light elf to tell him thanks. He still didn't like the light elf very much but at least he wasn't as much a pain in the ass as when they first met.

Ryne smiled and ate some soup. "It's really good. You are quite the cook Aster."

(12-11-2014, 04:32 AM)Monkeypaws19 Wrote:  Koji smiled at Jeremy. He wanted this war over with so he could start his new life with Jeremy. "Thank you, Shiloh". He told him and accepted the bowl of soup. He pulled out some dried meat and passed it around to everyone who wanted some. "Tastes good". He grunted at the light elf to tell him thanks. He still didn't like the light elf very much but at least he wasn't as much a pain in the ass as when they first met.

Jeremy smiled back at Koji. "Yes, thanks Shiloh and Aster. And thank you, Koji" He said, kissing him in his cheek. He started to eat and said. "This taste wonderful"

(12-11-2014, 04:40 AM)DragonKnight Wrote:  Ryne smiled and ate some soup. "It's really good. You are quite the cook Aster."

Elisha smiled at Ryne silently as she took out her bread, deciding it was perhaps better for her to consume her own food.

"Elisha? Could you share some bread? I enjoy your bread." Ryne said with a blush.

"Yeah, Aster it's not bad". Koji told him with a chuckle. He always enjoyed having someone to argue with in a playful manner. It was Koji's way showing Aster that he accepted him.

(12-11-2014, 04:55 AM)DragonKnight Wrote:  "Elisha? Could you share some bread? I enjoy your bread." Ryne said with a blush.

"Of course," she said smiling breaking her current loaf on half to give Ryne the other "try it with the berries, it should be more tasteful that way, but donĀ“t each much, or you will feel too full," she warned.

Koji offered the berries around to the group including Aster after Ryne and Elisha was finished with picking some for himself.

"Since their journey from the tavern." He had made every detail to follow them through, even with the human male's irritable habit of wanting to butt in with him wanting to reveal certain figures locations. "Better than the wild boars you hunt..." He said lowly while walking past Koji as he sat down near a tree. The male was not sure how to fully comprehend gratitude from a few others however. It made him feel bizarre inside.

"I was out while you were rescued, Phoekin. What had trapped you?" It was better than sitting quietly in the trees, though he preferred it every now and then. Besides, he needed something better to do than to ignore some words and throw a few insults here and there. The energy that took was quite ridiculous.

Koji chuckled at his remark and smirked at him in return. Before finishing off his stew and shared some berries with Jeremy. "Want some berries?". He asked and brought the rest over him. He was starting to like the light elf. He actually fought back when Koji messed with him. He was a good cook even though the soup didn't have any meat. He gave thanks to the great spirit quietly for the blessing them with the meal and watched the bowls vanish back into the earth.

"Please, call me Shiloh." he said smiling again at the light elf taking a bit of food and savoring the flavor before continuing.
" I was being chased by some soliders out in the woods, I was out if magic thanks to a staged fight the day before, when I called for help they came. If it would of been just seconds later I would of been killed." as he recounted his story he twisted at the three bands of metal, one on his thumb, pointer, and ring fingers that he used to help conjure his magic.
Slowly but surely he could feel his strength returning to him.
" I should of been more careful but to be honest I hardly knew about the war going on, I've been a shut in thanks to my parents until today."

~Help me I'm human~

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