The Alien Vessels (private Rpg with SRuiz)

The trerat chuckled and stroked his belly button. "That's right, I got the term from your mind. Also I don't have to worry about you telling them. Because it's already to late for them. After you are done giving birth. I will hunting each of them down and filling them up with eggs. who should I go after first?.It drummed it's fingers lightly against the human's swelling belly. "Maybe that captain of yours. Yes, the one you were dreaming of. If you are a good human for me. Maybe I will allow you watch him become pregnant with my eggs." He continued to prod and kiss the human's bellybutton checking it for tenderness. It was slowly getting there. Soon the eggs would start hatching and look for a escape route out the human's belly button.

"Great..." Vector thought. The Trerat not only invaded his body and impregnated him, but now it just revealed it had read his mind. He was not sure what it meant about the captain though. That part was just the dream. He only nodded at it speaking about how he was not a threat. "Yea...there's no need to keep me pinned down..." He wondered how he was going to talk himself out. He did have a way witg that at times. "You know. Maybe there isn't a need to infect the entire crew..."

The trerat noticed the human was was attempting to talk his way out. It smirked at him and prodded his bellybutton. "Nice try human. But I am not stupid and no you can't talk you way out. Besides the entire crew won't be impreganated. That female will be used as food for the babies when they hatch along with those I have no use for."

Vector smiled nervously as his teeth were shown. The male however insisted he was not trying to trick. The words that he would kill off whoever it did not need made him panic further. The male would feel really guilty about a creature masquerading as him with no way of being able to get out at all as it went around breeding and killing others for it's children. "No, nonono..." he gave a pleading look. With a tingling sensation building up around his waist, the male let out a rather louder moan as another growth spurt hit him. The way the Trerat was poking made him feel really sensitive as he started to get erect from his hormones working overtime in an effort to support the creatures growing inside him. "I mean if I tried to get away, I'd be too big and you'd catch me easily...besides..." He gave the alien posing as him a rather seductive glare along with a lick of his lips. "I bet it's been a while, waiting on that planet and all..." The male felt so weird. It was as if he was hitting on himself not to mention hitting on a stranger as well. "I promise I won't try anything dumb..." His yellow eyes remained the same with the glare, but also in the form of a rather innocent look.

The trerat chuckled and continued to mess with the human's belly button. It was getting more tender and softer. "How sweet you think you can seduce me. Well don't worry I intend to keep you alive so I can get lots of my race from you including your friends on this ship." He paused and kissed the human's bellybutton as it swelled out further along with his belly. "Wonderful news, the next growth spurt you have will be your last one. After it happens you are going to go into labor after the eggs hatch. Yes, I was lucky to find such a strong creature to bear me such strong and healthy babies. For that you deserve a little treat before you go into labor.". He licked his lips and kissed a trail down the human's belly to his cock and flicked his tongue against it. Before sucking completely in his mouth as he continued to prod the human's belly button to keep track of it's tenderness.

Vector watched as the alien obviously was fixated on his belly button. The button had swelled up completely almost like a flower bud waiting to open or in his perspective, the size of a baseball. He thought about the word 'open' for a few as his eyes widened. With a realization that his entrance was sealed, the aliens had to get out of him some way. The male had thought about his own genitals, watching as the tip peaked over his large belly slightly. At least it grew more from the recent growth in his body. He could not wait to try it out on whomever was...The male shook his head as he got out of his weird fantasy. Announcing that he would go in labor immediately after his next growth was not news the male wanted to hear. He started to panic immediately after the creature's face, his very attractive and handsome face at that, slipped down to suck him off. That was a form of sex he enjoyed on occasions, something the alien obviously knew from reading his mind. The male cursed as the need to place his hand on the head below was blocked as his right hand was pinned down by the liquid glue. His head plopped on the pillow softly as he turned to look at the mirror on the dresser near them. "Great...I get to look at what it's doing to me..." The pressure building up in his cock however gave his face a different look other than a would be frown. His yellow eyes lit up the second he saw a glimmer on his face, particularly his ears. He would give himself a facepalm for the neglected habit, but he wasted no time turning his head to face the pillow as his right ear pressed against it. A clicking sound was heard as it began to beep with a silver light before turning off quickly. He may have forgotten to take them off after a busy day, but it could come in handy to warn the crew. A smile came across his face as he probably could enjoy the oral sex now. He moaned as his belly began to stretch upwards, probably putting itself in position before the final spurt.

The trerat moaned as it swallowed the human's cock. It knew about the head set and decided to continue to play along for now. It would make it easier to have the crew come to him instead. It sucked the human's cock harder until he climaxed. It swallowed the human's cum with ease and licked it lips. " was that human?." He purred loudly and stroked the human's belly button. "Yes, it's almost time." He leaned over and started to lick the human's belly button to help make it more tender. He smirked and nipped at the human's belly button. He reached over and removed the ear pieces and broke them. It smirked at the human's panic expression. "By the way, thank you sending out that signal to your friends. Now I don't have to hunt them down." He purred softly as he watched the human's belly swell up and show movements under his skin. "Yes, wonderful news they are about to hatch."

The male moaned lowly as the creature continued to suck him off. Staring at his own bloated form, he could only hope some form of emergency was triggered. As the pressure continued to build up, the male felt the climax coming soon. In a few more seconds, he released the load inside of the alien's mouth as it sucked it all up. He only chuckled at the creature's question. "Ehh, not bad...probably a five" out of ten. The male did not want to finish that or else he would upset it. It was best to be ambiguous at the moment. The creature went back to licking his belly button before reaching forward to grab the male's earrings. Before he could say anything, the alien took them off, almost tearing the holes in the process. Hearing the cause for doing so made the male freeze up a little. The male's usual nervous grin spreaded across his face. "They may think it's a false alarm really..." he would know about that as it was not the first time the male fell asleep with his earrings on. After that statement, the male's belly began to tremble. This was probably the final growth and after that, the male would be going into labor. Seeing a translucent liquid seep out his belly button made him panic as a knock on the metal door was heard.

The trerat purred and licked at the fluid. "It's time." He looked up and smirked at the human. "Oh good, we have company it seems one of your friends has came to experience your birth. And in return you will be able to watch I am impregnate them. He kissed him and licked at his belly button one last time before getting up and throwing on a pair of his sleep pants and his earrings. "Don't go anywhere and don't think about making a sound either or I will harm your friend at the door." It covered the human up with a second blanket and answered the door using the human's voice and acted sleepy. "Yeah, what's up?"

Vector winced slightly, the aliens inside him beginning to convulse wildly. The male began to beg the other not to leave as it kissed him. Tossing a blanket over him, he began to panic fast. Waves of pain began to build up in his belly, starting off small, but increasing after every five seconds. For whoever was at the door, he tried his best not to let out a sound, but it was evident that the things inside him wanted out. He wondered how he would even explain the large lump under the cover. A male with medium length honey brown hair stood at the door. With a small peach fuzz and green eyes, he stared at "Vector", chuckling as it appeared the male did just what they thought he did. "Sleeping with your rings on again, eh?" he pulled out a communicator. He turned the signal off after pressing a few buttons on the electronic board in his hands. "Just take it easy, man" he said as he got ready to turn back, his attire in a black combat vest, the title insignia "Commander" visible on his chest. Since he was near the other's room at the time, it only made since it was him to check in on his friend.

The trerat chuckled and smiled sheepishly at him. "Yeah sorry about that. I forgot they were on again. Thanks for the help. Have a nice night!". He waved at him and closed the door locking it again. As he chuckled and stripped back down again and threw the earrings off to the side. It decided to go after him next when his guard was down next. It made it's way back slowly over to the human and threw the cover off of him. "Now where we were?". It licked the human's belly button. As the human screamed in pain and attempted to thrash around on the bed as his belly moved around like it had a life of it's own. It licked at the the human's belly button as more fluid leaked out. "Good, the eggs are almost done hatching. Aren't you excited?. You are about to see the miracle of life yourself as you play the role of birthing."

Hearing the Commander's voice made the male worry. Not being able to see anything under the cover, he panicked. Once the situation apparently resolved itself, the male let out a pained groan. He really wanted out of the liquid the kept him in place. The position he was in made the matter worse as his belly lurched upwards, his belly visibly showing things moving around him with bumps and occasional deflations. "Some people aren't enjoying this as others are" the male was not psyched about trying to force the little critters out his body. "Look, you got what you wanted. Is there a reason to keep me pinned..." before he could finish, a sharp pain prompted his back to arch upwards as his belly ceased around as if it had a life of it's own.

The trerat purred and stroked the human's belly. "No, besides I can't have you fighting me. Also, don't worry you won't be lonely for long. Your dear commander is going to be joining you shortly." It was pleased with the progress and watched at the human's belly started thrash around more. It kissed the human's belly button and stroked it. "How wonderful they are about ready to come into this world as they merge from your body." It smiled and licked at the human's belly happily and pressed down on the human's stomach forcing more fluid out of it's belly button.

"You fucking sick bastard!" the male began to put an effort if not most of his energy in trying to get loose. He was quite tired of being held up by the creature. Irregardless of if he bit his tongue with the last statement, the male could not take it anymore as his belly thrashed around violently. The alien so far had an interest in it's own children as it continued to lick his belly, playing around with it before pressing down on it harshly as more of the liquid oozed out the swollen bellybutton. This was certainly how he did not want to spend his night. "Get 'em out of me!" the tone was rather commanding than in pleading.

The trerat chuckled and continued to lick at the human's belly button. "Don't worry they will on their way soon enough." As he said that the human screamed louder as his belly button started to pulse up and down as the first child pressed against it. "That's it little one keep pushing. Come on now you can do it. Look human the first one is already on it's way. Aren't you excited?". It purred and nipped at the human's belly button to encourage the child to emerge.

Vector continued to try and wiggle himself loose from the bindings. It was not like he was intentionally planning to do so as the pain was becoming unbearable in his body. Like any normal person, he was merely trying to soothe the pain which the crazy alien was preventing him from doing, bent on thinking he was trying to attack him. The male was taking staggered breaths as he looked exhausted. With sweat beginning to form on his face and mostly his belly, Vector gritted his teeth as something began to press against his belly button. With the Trerat already pressing on his belly, holding him in place to an extent, he could only try to hold still. With wet pop, the large belly button, swelling and thrusting around itself with life, busted open causing the male to shriek with deafening screams.

"Yes, that's it little one. Come on out, that's it come out to your papa. It's safe." The trerat purred as it groom the baby that look a like a smaller version of his true form. He watched it proudly as it slide out the human's belly button fell down next to the human's belly. He gently picked it held up to the human's face to show it. "Look at it, isn't it beautiful and only the first to come." It kissed the small creature and set it down as it turned it attention to torn belly button as the second one started to force it's way out. It licked at the entrance and cleaned the creature as it emerged.

The male's waist rocked around in an effort to get the first alien out. Hearing his impersonator coach the baby to come out, the first one eventually made it's way out, though that one was no longer a problem. It was the others still inside his womb that fought to get out. Not being able to take the time to realize the alien slid down his gravid form, he only tried to concentrate on the same pressure he felt as another one tried to make it's way out. If he could, the male would have shoved the hands out his way. With the second one emerging out, the Trerat wasted no time in cleaning it up. As with the first one, it came out in a rather quick but easier manner. No doubt the first made it that way for the second. The pain stirring within his womb did not cease or ease up however. He still had thirteen more to deliver.

The trerat was pleased with the human. "Such a good carrier. Brace yourself the third one is on the way." It pressed down on the human's stomach to help the third one out as it slowly pushed up at the entrance and it's tip emerged slowly wiggling around on the human's stomach. "That's it little ones, keep coming out." It purred and stuck it's tongue inside the hole and wiggled it around to encourage the others towards the hole. As the third pushed it's way out pass the tongue.

Vector moaned from the force being applied to his belly. Before he could tell the alien to stop, the third one began to wiggle it's way out. It appeared as if the Trerat demanded more from them. His body began to squirm as it pushed it's tongue down the hole. It was not a pleasant feel as he was ticklish around that area and currently he was in pain. As if responding to their father's voice, the life within him stirred even more as they began to scramble for the exit. Vector was taken aback by the random spring of energy after the third one made it's way out. His belly button stretched even further as four appeared, trying to make their way out, but otherwise stuck even with the effort of the tongue still being in his hole.

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