The Alien Vessels (private Rpg with SRuiz)

The Trerat removed it's tongue and worked on grooming the third child before turning it's attention to the fourth. It smirked and licked at the fourth one. "You are enjoying this aren't you. Yes, you love giving birth to my children. Well don't worry human. I intend to fill your belly again with more eggs after my children are born." It chuckled and stroked the fourth child as it fell out of the human. It grabbed the human's head and forced him watch as the fifth child started to emerge. "Look at them aren't they beautiful and so strong as well."

Watching as the alien removed it's tongue from his belly button, the male groaned as the four struggling to get out at the same time had an apparent winner. The fourth one began to push himself out slowly as the Trerat continued to clean it off as it did with the others. Vector did not know how to react with the creature saying it would impregnate him double the size. His body began to squirm even further. He wanted to kill the creature so badly, but it was technically extinct. If anyone that followed rules to the book, he would be in violation for doing such a thing. He could not risk it going around and killing others though. As the fifth one began to emerge along with the sixth together, the alien grabbed his head, forcing him to watch. The male only nodded with an exhausted look in hope he would let his head go. He groaned as they both began to push out even further.

The trerat purred and licked at the two children fighting to push out. Which ended into a tie as they stretched out the belly button further causing the human to scream with pain. It purred and licked at the children. It turned to the human. "By the way even if you could escape. You don't have a chance and same goes for your friends on this ship. You should free honored to be the witness to such a wonder scene. "That's it little ones push yourselves out. Come on now you can do it." It purred loudly as the two children fell out of the human's body with a sickly popping sound.

Vector struggled with the next set as they caused him more pain than the others. Tears strolled down his eyes as his heart was racing. Instead of the hole tearing as he feared, it instead stretched further, making him whimper in pain. It was hard to try and focus on it's words as he struggled to push the two out. He tried to coach himself that there was only nine more, but those two made the pained feel worse. With a pop, the two babies wiggled out with liquid following after him, trailing down his belly. Not giving him a moment's rest, four more began to try and force their way out.

The trereat purred proudly as it lapped the spilled liquid and groomed the two newest creatures that emerged. It happily watched as four attempted to emerge as well. It licked at the four emerging children and held the human's up to watch. "Look four of them are attempting to come out now at the same time. That's it human, push harder I wish to see them now". It pressed on the human's stomach to assist the emerging children. As more fluid poured out of the hole and ran down the sides.

Vector heard the alien purring as his hole began to stretch even further. As with the last two, it forced him to sit and watch it. The male used every muscle in his body to try and force them all out in hopes the alien would leave him alone. When his efforts were not enough, it began to push on his belly even more. The male's belly button stretched out more to accommodate all four as more of the translucent liquid oozed out with a brownish color to it. When all four passed out, the male only calculated five were remaining. He hoped for a quick one as his body squirmed to push them out.

It leaned over and groomed the children as they fell out of the human's body. It purred pleased with the children and kissed the human gently and licked at the fluids that leaked from his body. "Yes, such a good carrier you are. I am pleased with you. Now get ready more are coming and then you can get started on carrying more in the next litter. While I hunt down your fellow crew members. It turned it's attention back to the hole and purred as the human belly button started rise again as more children fought to escape to join their siblings.

Vector shook his head in protest. The male did not want to carry anymore of the creatures. At the rate they were growing, they would take over the entire ship in a matter of mere hours. He could only imagine if the destination made it's way back to Earth. "No please!" he begged the alien. If it was anyone's will at the moment, he was certain no one wanted to carry this things children. Vector was physically exhausted and that was not counting the fact he had been awake for hours to get the entire crew to their destination. With a person who was in top shape and condition, his muscles cramped up as the last five began to make their way out. "I'm begging you, don..." he moaned as his hole began to stretch again as the remaining five pushed a large plug of the liquid out.

The trerat chuckled as it watched the last of it's children merging from the human's body. "Now, now don't worry you are almost done with this litter. It purred and lapped up the liquid as the children fell out the human's body one by one. "That's it just relax and allow the children merge from your body. Such a good carrier you are." It stroked the human's head and kissed it belly's button as it stuck it's tongue inside and started to suck out the remaining liquid from the birth. It pulled back and licked it's lips. " what do you say we start on the second litter?". It got onto the bed and moved it's tentacle cock towards the human's belly button.

Vector groaned as the last five took their time. Coming out one at a time, the male tried to rest as he pushed the last one out. The male began to giggle a little at the ticklish feel of his tongue sucking out the rest of the fluid, causing his belly button and stomach to return to it's natural state. When the alien proposed to start the second batch, the male interjected as it was planning to shove the monster tentacle of the form of a dick up his now regular sized belly button. "NO! no. Please no. Not right away. I gave you your first. Can I please just rest for now?"

The trerat paused and thought for a moment. "Very well then. I will go after you friend and come to use his form to fill you with even more children. But then again, you did such a good job with the first amount you deserve a treat." It re-glued him to the bed to enforce the human's restaints. "Attempt to escape I will kill you. Now be a good carrier and rest. Don't go anywhere. I will back shortly." It stoked the human's belly button and purred. "Yes, you did very well for me. By the way, I will know if you attempt to escape. If you do, then one of the children will take over impregnating you."

Vector looked at his stained belly. With a voice almost hoarse and an overworked body, he blacked out before the creature could say anything else. The male rested quietly as much as his body would allow him to. It was all he could do at that point to escape the nightmare he would have to wake up to eventually.
Dïlan sat in the Captain's Quarters. Looking at a screen, the male only sighed. "A.I.A. (Aýa). Set up initiative 8 for me." With a confirmed voice from the ship's A.I. the male began to disrobe for the night.

The trerat chuckled as it threw on a pair of sleep pants and sniffed the next crew member. He purred with pleasure as he found it and knocked on the male's door. He used the first human's voice. "Dilan? are you awake?"

Dīlan heard a knock on his door. He got out his bed, walking on the cold floor barefoot. Opening it up, he smiled staring at Vector. "Someone has trouble sleeping?" He teased with the other as he wondered why he was up late. "If you're worried about your little stunt earlier, don't worry about it. In fact come have a drink with me."

"Yeah, man I can't sleep. Sounds good". He entered the room and took any note of any way to that would pose a threat to it." He sat down on the bed and waited for Dilan to pour them each a drink.

Dïlan smiled as he looked at two glasses each with a dark brown liquid in them already. "I was planning to have these to myself, but I don't mind the company." He handed Vector a glass as he sat on the bed with him. "So is there something on your mind? " The male was rather concerned about why he would come to his room unless something was in fact bothering him.

"Thanks". It sipped the offered drink and pretended to be shy and nervous. It turned it's head away and blushed. "Well you see, I am having a problem. No....I shouldn't be bothering you with it. It's stupid and you will hate me most likely if I tell you?". It finished the drink in one gulp and got up to stand to act like it was going to leave the room.

Dïlan only nodded as Vector began to sip on the beverage. When he began to speak about having a problem, he did wonder what was bugging him. Vector however thought the other would hate him and turned to leave after finishing the drink. The Commander however grabbed him ny the waist, turning him around with a small amount, but strong enough force. It was obvious from the way he was acting by blushing and being nervous that it had something to do with him. "Oh come on and tell me" he said as he lifted the other's shirt up and began to tickle him around his belly in an effort to get him to talk. The real Vector had slowly stirred in his sleep. Not knowing where the other aliens were, his eyew remained shut as he began to plot.

The trerat chuckled and leaned in towards his ear and whispered. "I want you. Dilan". It nibbled on his ear and licked it. As it rubbed its cock through its sleep pants against Dilan's. "Please I am so horny. It hurts so bad, please make the pain go away". It gently moved the commander backwards toward the bed and locked lips with him.

Dilan had smiled at the other as he leaned against him. "Well, this is a sudden change from someone" he smiled as he locked lips with the other. Tossing him on the bed in a rather aggressive manner, he smiled as he nipped the other's ear in return, only harder. "I'm certain it does" he smiled as he pushed off the other, pulling his pants off slowly. He looked at the liquor for a few and smiled at the other. "Now did you drink all of that exactly?" The male just wanted to make sure he did not give Vector a strong dose. This behavior was different unless of course the male had always liked him.

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