Some new stuff arriving today - excited!

So I finally got around to ordering some maternity clothing online and it's due today - here's hoping it comes early enough that I get a chance to play in it before the family get home...

So I ordered two cotton summer style maternity dresses, a black bra, a black and purple lace thong just for the heck of it! Most excitingly I discovered and ordered a maternity tummy bump band (google it) which I think will be awesome for enabling me to create a belly which it will hold in place. It sounds like I need to get hold of some water filled balloons to give the sloshing effect and to add weight to the belly. I'm really looking forward to seeing how convincing it all looks when I put it on!

I also have my inflatable butt plug and electric muscle stimulator with 4 pads at the ready to enable me to simulate contractions and the feeling of anal fullness/desire to expel when all dressed up.

Really looking forward to an awesome birth roleplay today. The only issue is I don't think there's any balloons in the house so I might struggle there and can't go out until the courier comes with the clothes!! Any suggestions for an alternative to balloons???

By the way George at Asda have a nice (cheap) selection of suitable clothing - the whole lot only cost me about £25 delivered. Not bad for two dresses, a tummy bump and whole underwear set.

It's a shame I haven't found any UK based ladies to help me give birth yet.


Well, I managed a quick hour and a half dressed up and in labour in my new outfit and also tried the balloon method for the first time today that so many of you recommend. So I half filled a balloon with water and put it inside another balloon filled with air. I found that shape too much like a football so padded around it a bit with some towels but I am not convinced the shape is quite right really, although from some angles it works quite well i.e. standing up but when I lay on my back it's a bit small and ball shaped I think. Perhaps the answer is bigger diameter balloons but not filled up too much - grateful for comments.

What did work incredibly well though was the bump band which was awesome and stopped the balloon sliding down without needing to wear a swimsuit or anything like that. So first I fitted my electric muscle stimulator pads - two on the lower belly fairly central near my belly button, then two more on the inside thighs. Next I put on my new black bra and padded the cups with some underwear - although if I had more time I think small balloons would work better. Next on went the bump band followed by my new lacy G string which was very sensual feeling even if it barely covered my tackle and my balls kept falling out of the sides!! Finally I put on my new maternity dress and then pushed my butt plug in around the strap of the G string and gave it a good 20 solid pumps.

The electro stimulator was good - especially with the balloons and water because it caused my stomach to contract and that caused the belly full of water to move too in a most convincing manner. It felt more realistic and sort of amplified the feeling of contraction. I walked about a bit just enjoying the feeling of the heavy belly in the dress, the bump band holding it tight against my tummy while I gradually dialled up the intensity of the contractions on the electric device and savoured the feeling of fullness and cramps from the butt plug. Sitting down with the butt plug in is very intense I found and also increased the pressure on the balloon belly.

The contractions were getting stronger, longer and closer together and causing my thighs to quiver and shake uncontrollably so I made my way to the bathroom to deliver, mindful that I didn't want the balloon belly to burst anywhere on the carpet etc or on the bed!! I'm also not sure whast might happen with the electric stimulator if that happened so there's the added tension of getting an electric shock wherever the weater might go i.e. across my genitals and legs etc.

I took a few pictures for you guys and also shot a short video but with a different camera this time which sadly doesn't have autofocus which made things more difficult. I need to get my autofocusing camera fixed. Same rules apply though - absolutely no filesharing or uploading elsewhere, these are strictly for the benefit of the community here and your personal pleasure. Hopefully some of you enjoy my moans and groans and also the sight of my hips shuddering with the contractions of the electrical stimulator. This short video is really just a test for now in response to some of you who asked me to provide video after the last birth. Anyway, it is what it is - short and sweet!

I would be interested to hear what people think. Here's the link and they're in the Oct 2015 folder, the video upload is still in progress as I write and it's about 160mb in total. The pics are compressed.

Hope you enjoy them:

By the way the video upload might not finish by the time the missus gets home so if I don't manage to get it up tonight I will try and do it discretely tomorrow or much later tonight when the family are in bed...

Josh x

omg this is so.exciting, nice work with the belly and the whole set up and i cant wait for the video!!


Nice to hear from you and glad you enjoyed the pics. To be honest I was a bit disappointed with the lack of interest or response from people on here so haven't put the video up yet after the missus got home before I managed to upload it last time. Many of you seem to be into dressing up and creating bellies but not so many of you seems to be into the electric stimulations and the butt plug stuff so maybe I'm unusual in trying to simulate more than just the look of pregnancy but the actual birthing sensations as well.

I'm kind of mulling over whether to bother uploading anymore stuff, especially if people aren't into it. The good news is that the family are going out tonight for the whole night so I will actually have quite a long time to dress up and play. I've also ordered some huge punch balloons which should arrive tomorrow although I won't actually be able to try them out tomorrow because the family will be around this week.

Anyway, I am looking forward to tonight and am going to try that hypnosis for birth video link someone posted too while in costume, we'll see if it works!

Take care,


Very nice pictures. :)

Don't get discouraged. Sometimes members can't get on right away to comment. If you are happy to and are proud of the video, post it if you want. It doesn't matter if other people like it. You like it. :)

Those are great pictures and look forward to more. I for one enjoy videos more than pictures. It is very difficult to keep up with this site especially when you have to hide.

Thanks folks. I had a bit of time last night alone so dressed up in my maternity dress, G string, bra and belly shaper/band. I used some small balloons for the tits and then a balloon filled with water padded out with towels for the belly shape. I didn't bother with the butt plug as I find it very uncomfortable indeed and to be honest it is so uncomfortable it stops me climaxing and I really needed to climax last night. I did however use my muscle exerciser with 4 pads on my belly and gradually ramped up the intensity of the contractions - they were 30 seconds long and coming at 30 second intervals. It was very erotic feeling those waves of pain across my hugely pregnant belly as I lay there in my maternity dress. I sipped a glass of wine - not strictly accurate but it got me in the mood!

I closed the curtains and waddled around the house stopping when I had a contraction to rub my belly and look at myself in the full length mirror I had set up. Eventually I went down into the lounge and sat in one of the powered recliners and reclined it so my knees and legs were visible over my engorged belly and breasts. I lay there like a beached whale feeling the surges of contractions washing over me while I watched some genuine and fake birth videos. I was gently masturbating and leaking pre-cum everywhere which I took great delight in tasting on my fingertips. Eventually I came spraying my seed all over the G string and the front of my maternity dress - superb.

I didn't take any pictures and was just savouring the moment. The very large punch balloons have just arrived this morning and I just crept into the bathroom to blow one up with air and put it on under my maternity dress. It provided me with a wonderful huge round belly much bigger than the normal balloons I have made do with until now. This requires no padding with towels to simulate full term in fact it's almost so big it looks like twins! The only thing is that you couldn't possibly fill it with water - it would be way too heavy and unstable to mount so I think I'm going to inflate it with air and put a smaller normal balloon full of water inside it. Can't wait to try it but suspect it's going to be a few days until I am alone in the house again. When I next am I think I am going to go the whole hog and include the butt plug again to get that explosive anally full feeling. I was reading some stuff on the web last night about what labour actally feels like and one of the common things that is mentioned is a feeling of anal/rectal pressure which is exactly what the butt plug gives you. Having never indulged in any anal sex before I find it pretty overwhelming actually and as I said before while I love the sensation I find it impossible to get hard when it's up there. The other thing that is mentioned is waves of pain radiating down the belly and into the thighs. I have always enjoyed attaching some of the electro pads to my belly and others to the thighs so it looks like I am right to do so.

Anyway, that's my update from last night! Sorry no pics but will and try and take some next time when I get a chance.


I love your photo so much,Too want to see your video

Want to hear your voice

Those pictures are awesome, and your latest update was super hot. Waiting patiently for some pics with the larger belly.

Great to hear from you guys - curious if there are any girls on here enjoying my stuff too but will hopefully keep the material coming for you all. Might have an opportunity later today to go into labour...


That would be great, looking g forward to more pics and a vid. You are awesome.

I love the photos, but would love to see a video too.

So third birth of pics currently uploading - 26 in all. I did shoot video but need to edit out my face in a few of the frames and also try to compress the 1.5GB size somehow! They're in the 'third labour' sub folder

Same drive as before, it was a difficult birth for sure with a very big and heavy punch balloon belly, the butt plug, the muscle ems machine and lots of long and hard contractions and quite a lot of breathing, panting, blowing and pushing on the soundtrack... Sadly the video camera stopped just before I actually pushed the butt plug out. I was actually having involuntary anal contractions at that point and to be honest it came out (big though it was) by a combination of my pushing and the involuntary expulsive contractions which were really powerful and uncontrollable. My belly was huge and very heavy - in fact it was so huge that my maternity dress which normally extends to lower thighs was quite short and came down only as far as the upper hips!!

Definitely think that more of you should try the electro stimulation and butt plug method because all the panting and blowing noises are actually for real - you can't help yourself because the feelings are so intense. It's much more real than just waddling around in a big false belly.

Anyway enjoy the photos and please don't share elsewhere...


Need the video <3

I would love to see the video.

And nice job with the labor simulation! I've been meaning to get some electro stuff for a while, but I haven't taken the plunge yet.

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