Slave of the kidnapper. (Closed with 018Luxio.)

Chris listens to his slaves cries but doesn't return to free him of his bindings. Chris leaves Kade in the chair for the remainder of the night and most of the next day, eventually going into the room later the next evening with Kade's tray of food. He sets the tray down before moving to undo the bindings.

Kade was scared, becoming cold the remainder of the night as he was completely bare and naked of all clothing. He had whimpered, crying while he had tried to free himself. He had waited for his captor to release him, his tears being replaced by new ones upon his face. He had whimpered, getting up and trying not to scream at the man known as his captor. He did not want to be punished.

Chris watches as Kade moves over to the bed. Chris watching him eat.

Kade had laid down on one of his sides, eating a sandwich and sighing between bites. He had wanted to have the children and for Chris to leave him alone. He had soon fell asleep in the bed, a hand on his swollen stomach.

Chris keeps an eye on him as he sleeps, the children moving under his skin. Chris moving to sit down on the edge of the bed before reaching to move some stray strands of hair from the youngers face. When Kade wakes up Chris has him follow him down the halls to his own room, leading Kade into the large master bathroom giving him the choice of either the tub or the shower. Both being big enough for 6 or more people.

Kade had slumbered soundly, unaware that his captor was watching him. He was too busy in his dream like state of mind that night. Soon he had awoken by his captor and had gotten up to his feet slowly, holding his stomach which was weighing his small body down. He had chosen the tub because he needed to sit down always because of the babies keeping him from truly relaxing. ''I would like the tub.'' He had said softly.

Chris nods before going to start the water before coming over to once again strip Kade of his clothing, tossing the old pieces of clothing into the trash. He watches a Kade steps into the large tub before turning to leave. Leaving Kade to his own devices for the next 30 minutes or so, him bringing a fresh change of clothes when he returns, a pair of large sweat pants and a large t-shirt along with a pair of boxers.

Kade had wondered as to why his captor was being so nice to him. He had known about men like Chris but kept that though to himself. He had stepped into the tub and had sat down in the warm water, sighing with relief as the warm water had soothed his sore back and aching hips. He had felt as though he was finally relaxed after so many days without relief of the pains that he had felt but he did not complain. He had grabbed the soap and had begun to lather his body, rubbing the dirt from his body. He had rinsed off after making sure that his body was completely clean and rid of the dirt upon his body.

Chris returns with a change of clothes for him, Kade getting out as the water gets cold and drying off before slowly putting the clothes on, them actually fitting him unlike the previous attire he had on.

Kade had gotten up, holding the railing with one hand while the other had held the bottom of his massive stomach to put the weight off of his poor straining pelvis. He was slender and petite in body structure but his stomach was so much more difficult carry around and was hanging down. He had watched as Chris left the room and had returned with a few articles of clothing. He had dried himself off, putting on the clothes and had found that they were correctly fitting for him. ''Thank you.'' He had said softly to Chris.

Chris nods before motioning for Kade to follow him into the bedroom, Chris making his way over to sit down on the bed before glancing at the spot beside him. An invitation for the younger to come sit or lie down.

Kade had did as he was told to do to do by his captor whose name was Chris, walking over to the bed with a painful waddle and sat down. He was still intensely fearful about what would happen next. Would he be tortured or would he be lavished with attention .. only time would tell for him.

The bed was much softer than his own but still firm enough to hold both their weight. Chris let's his eyes travel over the youngers now clothed body, inhaling the fresh, clean scent of the soap that had replaced the smell of the cellar.

Kade had sat on the comfortable bed, looking down at the floor. He had let Chris do as he wished with him. Now he was much more submissive than dominant. He had wondered as to what the man had in store for him now.

"You'll soon reach full term, though don't think that when you do that this will all be over, the birth will not be easy. The babies are likely to be bigger than average, that and do to your size, could cause complications"

Kade had become scared at his captor's words, looking down at his now large and swollen stomach in fear. He had quivered in terror, wanting the babies to be out of him as easily as possible but now knew that the birth would be very difficult when he would bring each of the children into the world. He had felt a slight movement inside of his stomach and had winced slightly, feeling a sharp pain from a few minutes or so and then sighed in relief when it had disappeared.

"Because I don't want anything to happen to my children you will be moving rooms. I will have some things brought in that may help with the labor."

Kade had sighed with relief, knowing that he would not be in too much pain if the babies would come out. He had gotten up and had walked around with a unsteady waddle. He was so very tired and he had wanted to sleep for a while but knew that soon he would be awakened by the children who never seemed to calm down or rest. He had rubbed his back, rubbing his swollen stomach with a hand once again.

"You should rest, soon you will no longer be able to"

Kade had shivered at the words that his captor had said. He had walked over to his bed with a waddle, laying down upon his side because when he was on his back he could not breathe correctly. Within minutes he was asleep.

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