O A Wolf's Special Star (first come first served since I need someone to play the star)

Plot: A werewolf and a star fall in love though their families don't approve of them datimg. Though they have no choice in the manner when one of the becomes pregnant. The star stays with his boyfriend during the full moons since they are a shifter.

Name: Ashton Knight
Age: 18
Description: Ash has shoulder length dark brown hair and green eyes that have a goldend brown ring around them. The ring around his eyes becomes darker when it gets closer to the full moon he has several scars on his face, back and stomach from his first full moons.
Role: Werewolf
Pregnant: Yes
How far along: 3 months with twins
- Ash was bitten when he was fifteen but had been dating him for a bit longer
- He has already set up a nursery but needs some help finishing it

Ash was sitting in his living room rubbing his stomach. He was nervous though he was glad that the full moon had been a few nights ago though his eye color hadn't changed back to their normal green color yet.

Name: Sherlock Vasier
Age: 24 years
Description: Sherlock has blonde hair that is wavy and stops at the center of his neck, fair white skin, and emerald green eyes. In his animal form, he takes on the appearance of a light brown wolf with his green eyes remaining. He has a well built build in both forms; though he's not overly muscular or anything like that.
Pregnant: Not currently
How far Along: N/A
Extra: He's a well known movie star.
He has a bright and bubbly personality, looking past what everyone is an paying attention to who they are instead.
His wolf ears an tail have a tendency of showing up in his human form.

"Imma HOME!" Sherlock called out happily as he entered the room, carrying two bags of baby things. "You would not believe how pricey everything in France is even baby stuff, but they are all so neat! And really soft too."

Even though these kids weren't planned, they were his and he was gonna do everything he can to make em happy. Even though he couldn't resist buying the a few things from France; mainly toys though. Digging into the bag, he held up a grey wolf plush and showed it to Ash.

"Look! Ain't it cute?!" Sherlock asked, not noticing Ash's eyes yet.

Ash was half asleep on the couch until he heard Sherlock. He smiled when he heard him and sat up again "Welcome back Sherlock",he said getting up to his feet stretching his back hurting from laying down on the couch. Ash shook his head since he had gone to France to buy to buy baby clothes not that he was complaining.

Ash rubbed his back knowing he should've gone to his bed if he was going to sleep. At the moment he was glad his boyfriend hadn't noticed the color of his eyes yet he rubbed them and yawned. He smiled it was cute "It is cute",he said going over to Sherlock to see what he also brought.

Well he had been sent there to film part of another movie but when that was over, he was able to roam about the town and he couldn't resist when he saw the things though. He wanted to help out and if that meant buying a few toys and clothes, so be it! Course he would be doing more than that, at the time it was all he could think of. His smile stayed really big though his tail had appeared and was wagging back an forth.

"I know? I figured at least one of the kids would like it." Sherlock answered though he noticed Ash yawn. "Have you gotten any sleep yet?"

Ash rubbed his eyes before answering "Not very well",he said. It had been a rough couple of days after the last full moon. He nodded since one of them probably like it. Ash looked through one of the bags he sat down on the floor since kneel was starting to hurt. He smiled a bit at what was in the bag he took them out so he could look at the mp them better.

"Maybe you should try to go to bed? I mean it wouldn't really hurt." Sherlock said, his voice showing concern an his once happily wagging tail went limp behind him.

You could always tell what this guy was feeling, he was just one of those really expressive people. Course with a tail and ears usually appearing, it made it even easier. It was hard to keep those two things contained for some reason Oh well. He was concerned for Ash, if they didn't sleep it wouldn't be good.

"Are the babies kicking? Or is there something else bothering you?" Sherlock asked.

Ash sighed he had tried that it didn't work out very well. "I've tried to I would sleep for a bit before waking up",he said Ash didn't like to worry him.

He hated this he ran his hand through his hair he took another stuffed animal out of the bag it was a white dog. Holding it close to himself he had seen that his tail had dropped because what he had said. Ash rubbed his eye with one hand he didn't know what to say at the moment. "The babies are kicking and moving around but it is not that", he said.

"So....what is it then?" Sherlock asked. "Did my parents call again? I told em to leave you be if they have nothing nice to say, I am so gonna snap at em next time I see em. What did they say? Were they really mean?"

Sherlock cared about Ash, it surprised him too when he fell for the werewolf but still. Ash was a great guy, he was really nice too and the fact that they were having pups together well, it made it even better. His parents should be happy that they are getting grand children cause in the original game plan, Sherlock wasn't going to have kids. He saw many stars break out and divorce an he didn't want that. With Ash, there seemed less likely of a chance that they would seperate like that.

Ash really didn't know what it was at the moment. "No your parents didn't call", he said looking up at him.

Sherlock's parents scare him they didn't like very much. His own parents were a bit better they were happy to become grandparents though it shocked them. "My parents called though",he said though he didn't remember what they had said. It was slightly worries since his brothers had done something.

Sherlock's displeasure to his parents faded when Ash mentioned their own parents. Now his parents were better than the shifter's so...oh no!

"Are they okay? Did something happen to em?! Do we need to go visit em an check up on em?!" Sherlock asked, back to his worried self.

They were good people, granted he was always unsure on how they felt about him. Did they actually like him or were they merely putting up a show to keep their son happy? The star couldn't really tell he was bad at reading other people's emotions when they were trying to hide what they actually felt.

Ash rubs his arms it was a bit strange at the moment. Though he was glad that his parents hadn't called him.

"They are OK. My brothers not so much since they seem to have gotten themselves to some type of trouble",he said his older brother Damon & Daniel had gone and done something stupid.

His parents had been against the two of them dating at first but in the end they accepted it. Ash was happy that his parents didn't mind though it took them awhile to since on top of that he had been bitten by a werewolf at fifteen.

"Oh....well that's not good." Sherlock said. "Want to go visit anyway? I can understand why you wouldn't want to but still..."

Sherlock was a only child so he never really experienced the issues of having siblings, younger or older than him. So really he knew that Ash should keep some sort of bond to em, even if they did get in trouble. Having siblings was a good thing to some or at least the actor had heard.

Ash nods in agreement though there was something else that was bothering him. "Yes I would like to go and visit them",he said standing up carefully at the moment so he didn't hurt himself.

When he was standing up again he stretched thinking. His was restless it felt like something had happened or something was going to happen. Stretching as he stood there he shook his head to get rid of the those thoughts at the moment.

"Alright, I'll go back some bags and I'll drive. I think I remember how to get there from last time." Sherlock said.

It took a while to get everything ready though once it was, they set out in the care. Course Ash had to keep giving instructions so the star wouldn't get em last. He had a poor sense of memory in terms of how to get to places. Rather odd since he could memorize all his movie lines easily. Oh well.

Ash nods he wandered what his older had done this time. Though he was guessing it had something to do with the wolf that had bitten him a few years ago. Which explained why his wolf was so it rated at the moment but that did not explain why he was having a hard time staying asleep at night. Though he knew he was going to have to tell him the directions since he probably did remember where to go. Picking up the bags that had baby clothes in them but keeping the white stuffed wolf in his hand.

Ash took the bags upstairs to the nursery and puts them in the room. Before going back downstairs to wait for Sherlock at the moment. Rubbing his stomach he groaned biting his lip he wanted to go and see his family.

Returning down the stairs, they were soon in the car and driving. It was a fairly quite ride until Ash had to tell Sherlock where to go. He felt a tad silly he still didn't have this route memorized. Oh well, he always did try to memorize it, it just failed. It took a couple of hours to get there though once arriving. Sherlock bounced out an went to the other side to open Ash's door for em and help em out.

"Your destination, Sir." Sherlock said in a fake french accent.

Mainly trying to add humor to the situation.

Ash got in the car after he had come back down the stairs. He gave him directions when he needed them which wasn't that often this time. Looking out the window as the scenery passed by since there was nothing else to do and it kept his mind off of somethings. Ash sighed he couldn't wait to see his family again he hadn't told them that they were  coming since he wanted to surprise them.

Picking up the animal from his lap he accepted Sherlock's help getting out of the car. "Thank you",he said smiling at him. His eyes still hadn't returned to normal yet and was surprised that Sherlock still hadn't noticed it though his parents would.

"You're welcome." Sherlock said happily.

WIth Ash out of the car, he went to get whatever bags they packed. Allowing for Ash to knock on the door and summon the parents pretty much. With bags in tow, Sherlock followed along as quickly as he could. Giving a kind smile to the two that were the parents of his lover.

Ash smiled and walked up to the floor to the house.

Knocking on the door he waited for hobs patents to come to the door. He hugged his dad James happy to see him. Ash went inside when he moved away from the door going upstairs he went to see what his older brothers had done now. Though knowing those two they either got their selves hurt or did something else at the moment.

Sherlock gave a kind smile to Mr. James, though the shifter stayed downstairs as Ash went to check on their siblings. He merely set the bags down an glanced about the room. It seemed rather normal for the most part, at least to what he could tell this was a normal looking house. Nothing too fancy and all that. He didn't really care, he was just trying to occupy his time as he wasn't too sure on what to say to Ash's father. Deep down the man was still afraid that Ash's family still had some...dislikes towards him. A nervous glance was given to Mr. James before he finally spoke to em.

"S...So....other than what...has happened...um...how is....everything?" Sherlock asked em.

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