C RP Character Drabbles w/h (chrome)

(This is a series of stories containing characters from RPs chrome and I have done. We've decided to expand on them a little, for all you readers who are curious. We may or may not post this to the fiction these later. It is stories, but were both playing several different characters, so it's considered an RP for now, but please enjoy)

The Start of a Family Life...

Fax practically bounced into the small two bedroom house he shared with his husband Shea and step-son Maverick.

They had been married for a year; give or take a few days, and today the raven haired omega had just had some wonderful news confirmed.

They were going to have a baby. A baby!

Okay, so it wasn't uncommon for an omega to have a baby, but two Omega's...Well there had been a lot of people warning them that it wasn't considered 'natural', or that two omegas couldn't have a baby easy, or that it'd be 'normal'.

Fax didn't care...Okay, he did cars about his baby's health but he was sure, he or she would be perfect.

After all, Shea was perfect, so their baby would be, and if it weren't, well they'd love it anyway.

Besides, what about two alpha like omegas was considered normal anyway? Fax figured all the haters could go screw themselves.

He shook the thoughts from his head, nothing was going to ruin this moment, and he stopped at the living room entrance and grinned at his husband who was sitting on the couch, staring at the TV.

"Something about this, seems vaguely familiar", Fax said as he moved across the faded carpet; they'd have to get rid of that soon, and plopped himself into his gorgeous blonde, omega husband's lap.

"All we need now, are cinnamon buns", he continued with a grin. "I also have some really awesome news!" He was now bouncing in the blondes lap, staring into green eyes and grinning so wide his mouth was starting to hurt.

"The doctor confirmed the test. WE'RE GONNA HAVE A BABY, SHEA-SHEA!!! I'm pregnant!"

The day had been relatively busy, at least Shea liked to try and keep himself that way. Fax had mentioned that he'd had something he needed to take care of this afternoon and so Shea had been left in their small home by himself with Maverick. Not that he minded.

Since they'd managed to get Maverick back, just over a year ago, Shea had been able to get used to being around his son. At first he'd been nervous about spending one on one time with Maverick, never having had that kind of responsibility when he was a baby. There had always been Diesel or Leon to tell him what to do and how to do it, and when they finally would leave him they took the baby with them.

It had been Fax to help him understand what he had to do, who coached him rather than forced him. Shea was where he was today because of his mate, now husband, and he couldn't be more pleased with that fact.

After assisting his now five-year-old son with bringing down his box of Legos, Shea left Maverick to his creativity and headed into the living room, leaving the young boy's door open so that he could peer inside every once in a while and listen for any noises. He sat himself on the couch, not bothering to turn the television on, he watched the dark screen as he let his eyes droop shut and relaxed into the soft cushions, letting himself relax to the sound of Maverick clicking the plastic pieces together in the other room.

It couldn't have been more than fifteen minutes since he'd sat down that he heard the voice behind him, a little surprised he hadn't heard the front door open first. A smile still turned his lips up as he suddenly found himself with a lap full of his raven haired husband, arms coming around the omega's slight alpha-like build to support him as Shea chuckled. "That's right," he muttered, remembering the first couple of weeks after he'd first met the other omega. "It's probably one of the only reasons I'd ever admit to miss having that red haired devil around, his cinnamon buns were delicious." He licked at Fax's exposed neck between long strands of dark hair. "Especially off you."

Shea cocked his head slightly when Fax mentioned having good news, immediately curious as he tightened his grip on the bouncing omega so he didn't fall off his lap in his excitement. Shea couldn't stop the grin that spread across his own face at the sight of his husband so happy, and once he heard the news he couldn't stop himself from getting excited himself. They'd been talking about having a child for a while, but since it was hard between two omegas it hadn't seemed like something they'd have been able to do right away.

Taking advantage of his tight hold on Fax, he couldn't stop himself from standing, lifting Fax up with him in his arms as he stole a kiss from his raven husband. "You're pregnant?" He repeated after the kiss, green eyes shining. There wasn't a thing in the world that could have smacked the smile off his face at that moment. "I can't believe it! You're amazing, you know that?"

[Image: UXpL7lx.png]

By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"


Fax moaned a bit as Shea teased him. His blonde haired hottie knew exactly where he was licking, and dam if he wasn't using his tongue ring.

He shivered and almost forgot anything other then what that teasing could lead too, but it seemed that it stopped almost as soon as it had started.

"That wedding cake he baked for us was delicious too", he reminded Shea with a playful poke. He knew just how fond the blonde was of their red haired friend, even if he was to stubborn to admit it.

"And I think we scarred poor Cherry that time we did make use of Cali's cinnamon buns", he laughed as he recalled the squeak of surprise the strawberry blonde had given when he caught them together, doing kinky things.

"But yes, were having a baby", he repeated happily, his own smile growing as he saw Shea's grin and the excitement on his face.

Suddenly he was being lifted and Fax gave a little squeak of his own, as his legs moved instinctively around the blondes waist and hips and arms squeezing around the broad shoulders.

As his lips were captured in a sheering kiss, Fax moaned, returning the kiss, then sighing in content as Shea repeated his earlier words as if to confirm and just say it out loud and the Fax nodded, laughing as he was praised.

'It was your seed that did most the work, ya know. That means you're just as amazing". He kissed Shea's lips once more, then his jaw, and trailed them to his throat, as he unhooked his legs and slid down the long, taunt body.

"I'll give a 'certain' part you the praise it deserves later", he whispered into an ear before pulling back and gazing at his lover, his husband lovingly. "Let's tell Maverick now! I think he'll be as excited as we are", he was then pulling the blonde to 'their' sons room.

Shea couldn't help the chuckle that escaped him at the noise that left Fax, knowing what that stud of metal in his tongue could do to the omega in his arms and feeling the shiver that ran through the raven when the warm metal dragged across his skin.

Another laugh and a light shake of his head. "He does do rather well in the kitchen, doesn't he?" Shea agreed, running a his fingers through his husband's long raven hair. "The wedding cake was amazing. His talent in sweets almost makes up for his sour personality." The blond omega was joking of course, though Caliban had his moments of being a brat, the two got along well. Better now that Shea had Maverick with him again and was working on putting the other ruby eyes behind him.

"I don't feel even a little bit sorry about that," Shea admitted with a wicked grin. "He should have known better than to come looking for you in my room without knocking. You'd think he would have heard you before he even made it to the doorway... Come to think about it, I'm starting to believe he knew exactly what he was walking in on."

Brimming with excitement and pride, Shea's bright green eyes practically glowed as they took in Fax's appearance, wanting to keep his expecting mate happy and healthy.

Pregnancy had not gone well for Shea back when he was expecting Maverick, but at the same time he'd not been in the best shape to begin with. This time, he wanted everything to go perfectly for Fax's sake. Shea was still frightened of going through it himself, so he vowed to do whatever he could to help Fax along. He wanted to be completely different from the way his alphas had been. Not that Maverick wasn't perfect now, but bringing him into this world had nearly destroyed the blond omega.

Letting his hands trail across the raven's sides as he slipped from his seat on Shea's hips, the blond allowed his hands to rest easily on the stomach where his child would grow. "Not even close," he purred to his mate. "Any fool can spread their seed and bear fruit, but it takes a special someone to grow it." He grinned, leaning down to nip lightly at Fax's lower lip. "You're amazing, darling. I can't wait to have a child with you," he admitted, grinning like a young boy himself.

Shea shivered at the promise that fell from Fax's lips, hands coming down to squeeze at the omega's rear in retaliation for the tease. "I'm holding you to that," he whispered back, chewing his lower lips slightly at the thought.

He wasn't able to linger on the thought for very long before Fax had a hold of his hand and was leading him back towards Maverick's bedroom where Shea had left him with the legos. Stepping into the doorway of the open room, the two watched for a moment as Maverick worked on a crooked tower that stood over the rest of his lego homes across his floor. The blond haired boy seemed very focused on his task, tongue sticking out between his lips as his eyebrows furrowed over crimson eyes.

As he clicked in one more blue piece, the ruby gaze finally caught Shea and Fax a the door, the two adults hesitating to call out to the young boy and cause him to startle and break the tower he seemed to work rather hard on. "Is something wrong, momma?" Maverick asked Shea before his eyes turned to Fax, catching sight of the light redness that had fallen on Fax's cheeks. "Are you okay, mama Fax? Do you have a cold?"

[Image: UXpL7lx.png]

By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"


"The best, we should call him and ask him to bake us something", Fax suggested as he leaned into Shea's chest enjoying the feel of his strong fingers carding through his hair.

He snickered as Shea spoke of Cherry. " Who knew, Cherry is apparently a sneaky little perv... And a good actor, he seemed surprised. Though I was being loud, but only because you made it so good".

Fax watched Shea as he looked him over, gazing at him as if he were something incredibley beautiful or rare. It made him feel all fuzzy inside and he flushed. The on-coming praise just made him that much redder, even more giddy, and he was sure he was grinning like a loon.

Then the way his voice lowered, went husky and hungry. Fax shivered again. "I'll keep my promise, darling, don't you worry," he swore and he really, really intended to keep that promise. He would've made good on it now, but he really couldn't wait to tell Maverick their news.

He bit his lip to keep from squeaking when the hand gave a squeeze.

Fax was sure his face was on fire, and then when Maverick had inquired of his health and in such an innocent fashion he lost the battle and giggled.

"I'm fine, sweety", he assured as he dropped to the floor on his knees to survey the little colorful city. "Thank you for asking, though. Wow this city is awesome. You gonna be an architect when you're older?", he reached out and ruffled the soft blonde hair and looked at Shea, grabbing his hand and pulling him down.

"Mav, me and your momma have some really great news to tell you. Would you like to hear it?" He ask after a short moment of waiting for the little bly to finish his project.

The grin never left his lips, Shea offering a slight chuckle. "We could call and tell him the good news later?" He suggested. "I have no doubt as soon as he finds out he'll be baking us something special to celebrate." The feeling of Fax pressing himself against Shea brought a warmth to his chest that made him feel needed and wanted. He couldn't get over the feelings he felt with Fax, like he was more than just an omega to be used whenever one pleased and discarded just as easily.

"He spent enough time with Caliban," he pointed out. "It's not too hard to believe that some of the red head's crazy rubbed off on the poor thing." He chuckled lightly at his own joke and then pressed his lips to Fax's temple. "I can't help it, you're just so cute when you're writhing on the bed under me." His voice dropped to a deep husky tone as he teased the raven in his arms.

Shea was pleased at Fax's reaction, seeing the redness in his husband's cheeks at the attention.

Once in Maverick's room, Shea smiled happily as he watched the interactions between his son and his husband. At first he'd been worried about Maverick's reaction to the other omega, not knowing what kind of garbage Diesel or Leon filled his head with before he and Fax had been able to get him back. However the young boy seemed to have taken quite well to Fax, and of course Fax was amazing with Maverick as well. Shea could not have put together a better life himself than the one he'd managed with Fax within the last year.

Feeling Fax's hand in his own, he followed the pull down to kneel on the floor beside his husband, around the city his son had built in the few minutes he'd been alone with the legos. Maverick seemed proud of his city as Fax complimented him, small face beaming with happiness as he sat back and looked over his handiwork with a smile.

"Thank you," Maverick replied, moving forward to sit between his mother and Fax, pressed against them both with a little bit of a sigh. "Maybe, it's hard work." He leaned back on his palms and gave a sigh, kicking his feet back and forth. "Uncle Cali said I could bake cakes with him if I wanted to, he makes it look easy. Easier than cities!"

Pushing himself up, Maverick moved over to Fax in order to wrap his arms around the omega that had adopted him in a tight hug. "Momma and I missed you today! Did your thing go okay? Is that what we're talking about?"

Shea smiled at the sight, bringing his hand up to run through his son's blond hair in affection. "That's right, baby," Shea confirmed, pleased to see his son showing affection to his mate. "Mama Fax had a doctors appointment for a check-up," he continued, using his son's adorable nickname for his husband. "Do you want to know what we found out?"

Large red eyes stared at Shea in surprise before returning to Fax's grey-blue eyes. "You saw a doctor?" he asked surprised, eyes wide. "Did you get a sticker?" Shea laughed at that, shaking his head at his son's immediate reaction to the mention of doctors. The promise of stickers being the only way Shea had ever been able to coax the young boy to appointments.

[Image: UXpL7lx.png]

By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"


"Ooh, I didn't think of that...I mean of course I thought we'd tell them, but it never crossed my mind that Cali might...will make sometimes to celebrate", he thought of all the creations the red head could make and his mouth watered. "We'll call them tonight!"

He snickered at the thought of Cali and Cherry and what they got up to when they thought noone was aware. The two were the best of friends, and with Cali's deviously playful nature, and Cherry's quiet sneakiness, who knew what those two could get into...

Maybe they could open a bakery', Fax pondered as he thought of the two. Cali could of course bake, and Cherry could lure in consumers and run the register. It could be a grand venture and of course, they'd get free sweets for suggesting the idea and being friends.

His thoughts were once again, shifted back to his husband, as he was teasing again, this time with words.

"You, your making me all hot bothered and bother, Shea...", he started as he bit his lip again to stifle a moan, but then he smirked, his blue eyes boring into green. "I really like it", he passed by Shea and swatted his amazing behind on the way to Maverick's room, his cheeks red from a variety of emotion.

Fax laughed at Mavericks answer, it was just too cute. " Maybe you could be both. First you can build a bakery, then you can help uncle Cali make all the cakes and sweets to sale".

As the little boy hugged him, Fax hugged back and listened as he spoke and Shea answered. He laughed softly again as Shea explained why he'd gone to the doctor, then ask a question of his own, but the little blonde seemed much more interested in hearing about what the doctor had done.

"I didn't get a sticker", Fax said lowering his voice and making it sound like his trip to the doctor had been some big adventure. "See, once the doctor got done with his check up, he didn't want to give me a sticker, instead he said I had to have a shoot!" He widened his eyes and gave a mock shudder.

"But I told him, no", he continued, gripping Mavericks shoulders gently and grinning. "I told him that if he gave me a shot, then I'd have to send my brave little Maverick after him!" He glanced over at Shea and gave a wink before turning his attention back to the little blonde. "Anyway, that doctor, he looked so scared, that he offered me a dozen stickers! But I told him that he'd have to do better then that and then, do you know what he said?" He ask, his own eyes bright with excitement. "He said that he was gonna give us a baby. A new little brother or sister for you to play with. But you have to wait a while. Can you do that?" Fax was still grinning and bouncing around so much that he nearly bumped the Lego tower.

Shea laughed lightly at Fax's reaction to the idea of Caliban making them something special for their great news, no doubt something the redhead knew Fax would just love... Not that Fax didn't love all of Caliban's treats. "Of course he would bake us something to celebrate," Shea shook his head with a chuckle at the thought. "Don't you remember Maverick's first birthday with all of us? Caliban prepared that cake taller than he was, I don't believe I'd ever seen his eyes go so wide. I think he liked the cake more than he liked the presents."

A coy look overtook his face as he regarded the slightly shorter omega with his luminescent green eyes. "Is that so?" he teased his husband, "Well then it's a good thing you like it, because I don't plan on stopping any time soon." He gave a wink of his own and a light yelp when his own behind was swatted at, biting his lower lip with a playful growl. "I'll make it up to you later," Shea promised.

"As thanks for carrying our child," he whispered in Fax's ear, giving the lobe a light nip and lick.

Maverick snickered behind his hand, looking very much like his mother with that little motion. "Maybe, but it'll need to be big!" He waved his arms around the air to express something huge in size. Uncle Cali usually gives me sweets for free as we make them, he says not to tell any of the customers but that I am his secret taste tester." He sighed happily. "I can't wait until baby Van gets bigger and can help his mom and I. Babies are cute, but I'm excited to play games with him."

He snuggled into Fax's arms as his adoptive parent returned his hug, inhaling the other omegas scent. It didn't really bother him that both his 'parents' were now omegas rather than the stereotypical alpha and omega pair, they seemed to love each other more than his mother could ever love his fathers and he knew that. He was young but he wasn't blind, and he knew the cruelty his fathers had shown his mother. No, things were better this way...everyone seemed happy.

Of course he pulled back sharply in surprise when Fax mentioned the doctor wanting to give him a shot, red eyes wide in fear for his Mama Fax. "You don't need a shot! We use the good hand-soap to fight off germs!" His small fists gripped at Fax's shirt with dramatic emphasis as he turned to his mother. "You should have been there, momma! No one ever says no to you, or tells you what to do!"

As his shoulders were gripped lightly, his wide-eyed attention turned back to Fax, clinging to the words of the dramatic story with child-like enthusiasm. "You did, Mama Fax?" He asked, cheeks warming slightly at the praise, lips splitting into a wide grin. Shea on the other hand could only shake his head in amusement, neon green eyes watching Fax with a pleased shine to them. There was nothing that could make him happier than seeing his mate and his child getting along so well.

For a moment, Maverick's grip on Fax's shirt loosened as his eyes got impossibly wider. "A baby?" He repeated, trying to wrap his mind around those words. He'd heard his parents talk about having a baby before, and recently they'd started including him in these conversations too...he was excited but never believed it would happen so quickly. Almost immediately he jumped up and down, almost identical to the way Fax was in his crouched position. "I'm gonna be a big brother?!" He asked, as if needing another confirmation of this good news.

Stopping his jumping motions for a moment, Maverick backed up and away from Fax with a suddenly serious expression on his face. "Just, can you tell the doctor not to give me an omega sibling?" He kicked at the tower of legos with his toe, the colorful monument wobbling slightly before tumbling down to the floor in a spray of assorted colors and sizes. "I'm not a good fighter and I don't think I could protect them like a big brother should."

[Image: UXpL7lx.png]

By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"


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