Different Kind of Magic (closed with C Wolf)

"Oh you want to play the role of the noble, brave soldier now?" Wyn chuckled once in the back of his throat. He would have to break this little human of that. He liked a challenge, and if this warrior thought he could make a demon blink, he had another thing coming.

"It's not the many arms or legs that you have to pleasure, little human," Wynon explained as he spread his legs revealing a large member. "You will have to please this." He smirked knowing that humans paled at the sight of a demon cock. Thick, long, pulsing veins, and nubs along the shaft, it was a rare event for a human. "You're my breeder. Of course I can do whatever I want to you. It's how we breed."

When the hammer dropped to the floor, Wynon flicked his wrist bringing the weapon to his palm. He looked over the handle then the thick head. "This has some magical properties of its own." An idea brewed in his mind and if the human acted up again, oh there would be a price to pay.

"You should be on your knees when you approach me."

"Call it whatever you want" he said to the figure. "I did what I had to. I'm not sure if you demons have the same concept of bleeding a little to keep those around them safe."

British Beast, he thought. He really hated the way the sight before him, from the way he revealed the large member to him toying around with his weapon.

"Of course it does. How else did you think I summoned you without learning a few things?"

Oh he would see about that. There was no way he was bowing. Getting on his knees was just as twice not to happen.

"You're getting what you want one way or another" he stated boldly, walking towards him without fear. "I don't think another beggar should be in any position to make such demands."

"Perhaps I wasn't clear enough," Wynon began as he pointed the hammer at the human, "you will be on your knees when you approach." He repeated then without another word, waved his hands at the warrior's lower legs. He used his magic to remove the human's legs at the knees and the calves appear at his feet. "Whether you want to be or not."

He didn't move from his seat just watched the human's reaction to this development. He would break this human's defiant will one way or another. "You think I am a beggar little human?" He placed one of his many hooves on them and bore down on the limbs. "I can crush them if I want or make you whole again. Do not test my mercy."

Before he knew it, he found no support he once had when he was walking. In fact, he fell down harshly in the stone floor, letting out a pained gasp from the collapse. He turned to look back, seeing the legs of his pants not forming around what should have been his calves and feet. In fact, the boots he wore were even empty. There was nothing there but clean nubs almost as if he lost his legs long ago and they were long healed. He attempted to get up, mostly, but just as the demon said, he was on his hands and knees.

Magic was done clearly. In front of him were his lightly hair covered legs, a large good pressing down on them, threatening to crush them.

"No, please!" If he was struggling to not have any legs now, what else would he do. Vaaris wanted to call him a sick bastard or find anything in his mind to reverse this, but did he know of such a spell? He rose one of his hands, using the other as support. For a Paladin, he sure felt useless against something he was trained to slay "Give them back. I'll..."

He swallowed hard. "Listen. I'll listen."

The demon, seeing that he made his point to his little human, pushed the lost limbs off to the side with one of his hooves. "I think you need to be without them for a bit. So you truly learn your lesson." He stood up with that a satisfied smirk on his face and walked toward the fallen human.

Around he went in a wide circle drinking in the sight of the pathetic creature. He kicked away the boots then tugged on the empty fabric of the pants. "I don't like these." He said before he pulled roughly and stripped the human of the offending garment. "Much better." He teased looking down at the nubs then let out a pleasant hum when he saw the bare, rounded bottom of his new pet. "No underwear. I thought you humans loved all your layers."

They were carelessly flung away, leaving him unable to stand or do much of anything to move. Wynon was far from done. In a few seconds, he was tugging on his leather pants. As much as he tried to resist the tearing, they were ripped clean off, along with his loins. He ignored what was said. Of course he wore undergarments. He was entirely naked and what was worse was that he now saw how helpless he was in this position. His heart practically sunk as he attempted to back away while slightly covering up his well framed body, mostly his private parts. He refused to sob. Anger was building over and it took every amount of energy in his body to not summon the hammer to lash out with. Anger was present on his face however, his eyes looking away from the demon.

Oh there it was, the anger humans were known for. A sweet, tasty emotion that Wynon drank from deeply. Let the little human stew in his anger for a moment.

Now that Wynon had his breeder nude, he found himself smirking at all the possibilities. How long had it been since he tasted a human? An eon or was it two? No matter, he had this littler one now and it would do. He glanced up at the hammer that he left. He opened his hand and it came to him. Funny how magic items worked. The stronger the practitioner the easier it was to control and conquer.

He rubbed the handle with one of his hands then lifted a hoof and placed it on the center of the human's back. "Have you ever seen true defilement, little human?" He asked.

He did his best to keep from glaring at the figure before him as he walked in circles around him before stopping behind Vaaris again. He could feel the magic emanating off the hammer, but he couldn't pull on it nor cause it to vanish. This demon was too strong in his own source of magic. Instead, he felt the large hoof against his back. His body wouldn't move for any reason, probably because there was no way out of it. He could crush him with it if he wanted. True defilement? What was he going to do!? He turned his head as much as he could, his light brown eyes glancing up at the larger figure with a look of fear in his eyes.

"W...what do you mean?" He literally had no idea what this figure was planning, but with a hoof on his back and his own hammer in the beast's hand, he could only guess something was about to happen and it wasn't in any of his favor. "You don't...have to do this...please, I didn't mean to trouble you..."

Of course he didn't. He was trying to summon help, not get put in a position where he was without legs and forced to be this thing's slave. His body shook from muscles tensing.

"Defilement," Wynon repeated the word with a wide smirk. "It's a rarity in this world. Or perhaps just this kingdom. It means to make dirty or filthy. Pollute," he added as he stroked the handle of the hammer. "The last time I witnessed a human's complete and total defilement, I couldn't participate. I watched as some worthless demon took a mage's staff then shoved the power bulb right up their ass. It was beauty, the screams that man made as he was sodomized his own staff." He laughed happily at the memory wishing he could have been a part of the depravity.

"You're tense, little human," Wynon purred as he rubbed the head of the hammer over the very breakable shoulder blades. "Why are you so very tense?" So maybe he was playing with this food a bit. He needed some entertainment while in the realm.

Oh, trust him, things didn't get dirtier than this. Hearing the story of how some other demon ruined a human Mage was just as worse. What were they to them? Toys they could just play around with and do as they desired? Of course he was no fool. The fact this beast before him said he enjoyed the dreams meant he wanted Vaaris to do the same. That was around the time he felt the large cold square of steel rest on his shoulder. Was he really asking why he was tense right now.

"Oh, let's see" he said sarcastically. "There's a large hoof on my back with my hammer on my shoulder. I just heard a story about how a man was forced to take his own stick up his ass and did I mention that I don't have any legs?"

"I remember how some great warriors merged their essence with their weapons," Wynon didn't bother with the human's words. He wanted to play a bit now that he cracked the warrior. "Do you know that entails?" He let the steel drifted up the back of the human's head then settle between the shoulder blades once more. "Do you want to guess maybe? Or would you rather me to show you?"

He laid the hammer flat before he eased up the pressure on the human's back. He wanted to see how his toy reacted. Would he struggle like a worm on a hook? Or would be fight?

He didn't understand what the demon was implying. Heck, he understood any of his motives thus far, but he was getting fed up with being abused by this figure. When the hammer was left in a resting position, Vaaris played it smart. Clearly using it to attack with would only cause the figure to retaliate possibly worse. No, his eyes glowed faintly and just as the hammer appeared before, it was gone instantly, away to a place even this beast couldn't find.

"I'm not giving you the satisfaction of torturing me with my own weapon."

He didn't squirm like a worm. He was used to training with heavier things in case his arms didn't make that clear, but he didn't fight either. He just merely stood there, well standing was an overstatement as he was at the mercy of his hands to move around unless the figure decided he wanted to do away with those as well.

Wynon rolled his eyes as he ran his fingers through the human's hair. "Who said it would be torture? I could have brought you so much pleasure but now you'll never know." He traced his fingers over the span of his toy's arms. "What do you fear the most, little human? Or maybe I should ask what you fear from me?"

He really should remove the human's arms at the elbow make him crawl around without hope. It would make it easier for him to breed. Just a torso that Wynon could use when he wanted. It was a possibility.

Vaaris smirked a little. He couldn't trust his words, not when he had no legs.

"I don't fear you" he said boldly. "If I did, I would have ran the moment you first arrived nor grab and plead with you to help. Tense, maybe. Annoyed, sure. Afraid? Not really."

He felt the hand running through his hair. Of course he was actually afraid of something being capable of taking his limbs and doing who knows what else. Would he even be able to fight again? He hated the upper nobles for not having the grace to fight, even the king. They mostly just sat there and grew fat. This figure before him had many ways to break his pride as a soldier with that, but what if he found out? His body shivered from the feel of the hand running against his arm.

"I fear not fighting if you're insistent to know. This was just the worst of it, but you...you're making it clear I won't again. You intend to keep breeding me, don't you?" He exhaled deeply. "Whether you intended to use it for torture or pleasure, there's no way I'm letting something like you taint it."

Mouthy little bug and just when they might be getting somewhere. At least the human understood his purpose - to be bred over and over. Wynon could twist and mold the body below him into whatever shape he wanted. He proved that already by taking the legs. But apparently the human still had some fight and wanted to fight.

"I might have enjoyed seeing you standing in the middle of the arena with a huge round belly full of my whelps fighting some other combatants." As he spoke he wrapped his fingers around the arm just above the elbow. "In fact, I do think that would have been a sight that would have brought a smile to my face." He pinched his fingers together and with a pop, severed the arm. He took the limb in his hand then curled the fingers into a fist. "Never assume with me, little human. You'll learn that only causes problems."

All of this talk was confusing him. If this figure before him could do whatever he pleased, then why toy around with him? Vaaris didn't quite get that, though maybe it was because he was completely agitated at having lost his legs. With a tug that he felt, the male clenching his teeth a bit, his arm was gone, leaving Vaaris down to just one. The male had a hard time keeping himself held up with just one arm and as much as he tried, he fell.

"Just do whatever you want with me" there were the sound of tears. Vaaris couldn't do anything to defend himself if he wanted to and whether he liked it or not, this was a part of some twisted deal. He was broken to say the least.

"That's what I wanted to hear," Wynon admitted as he finally removed his hoof from the human's back. He reached under and turned his breeder onto his back.

"So that so difficult to say?" He asked as he traced a long finger down the center of the toy watching the array of emotions wash over the human's face. He smiled when his fingers rested on the elbow. "But since you're not even now, I'll have to fix it." He purred before he pinched the arm and again the pop. He pulled the forearm away and laid both over the human's chest. He had plans for the breeder that involved him having all four limbs. He wouldn't tell the human that of course, just let him believe that he would be nothing more than the four stumps, head, chest, and torso.

Vaaris hated giving this thing control. It was only natural; nobody wanted their freedom taken away from them. He had that and his pride ripped away paired with the fact that his other arm was now gone and he was forced to lay on his back. It was like he was being taunted with his limbs as the demon placed the arms over his broad chest. He couldn't move; he had no limbs to that were connected which would allow him to do so. It was over the moment he lost his legs. What was this figure going to do to him?

Wynon picked up the human's forearms before he finally sat down in front of his breeder's leg stumps. He used one set of his arms to spread the thighs apart. "No human would be able to take me without some prep," he explained as he balled the hands into fists. He traced over the knuckles with his thumb before he kissed each one. "You should be honored, little human. I'm willing to let you prep yourself and let you feel it. Most demons would not give you that."

He ran the detached forearms over the stumps of the human's legs and smirked as the hair on the arms stood up. "See how good you make yourself feel?" He teased before he lined up one fist with the exposed hole.

This demon was certainly sadistic. Vaaris's thighs were parted, spaced away for easy access while he watched as his own hand was being formed into a fist. Of course the figure didn't have to say much. He knew where this was going, but he didn't have anything to defend himself with. He could call his hammer again, but that would only make things worse. In the strangest way, while he had no control of his lost limbs, he could still when the figure ran his hands along them. When Vaaris was tense, every single part of his body, whether it was separate or not, stood in panic. He could feel his hands and that meant he was going to feel what was going to come next, his own hand, well fist in this case, being the object to enter inside his hole. There was resistance clearly, a look of panic written over his face as he shook his head defiantly with a little hesitance. This was just torture, making his own hand do this against himself.

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