C Accidental encounter (w/mounee)

Name: Edmond Falton
Appearance: Tall and tanned with muscular build. Standing at 6"4 he towered over most people. He wasnt an easygoing kind of guy towards people, but for his loved ones he was fiercely protective and possessive. 
Others: CEO of his family business, he had taken over his father's company at 25. Now at 29, he had built his reputation being a ruthless businessmen. His parents had been distant, his father basically forced to pass the business to him due to an unexpected stroke. 

Edmond went through the door to the restaurant and took off his jacket to hand to the bell boy. This was one of his favourite restaurants, which was why he decided to become an owner. One of the owners holding 51% of shares for a permanent suite within the restaurant. He followed the lead waiter to his table. He had planned to have the meal quietly today, only having 45 minutes before his flight so he didnt bring any companion. Without his jacket, his well built body was clad well by the suit, showing.off his chest and biceps, turning heads as he moved along the crowded restaurant.  

With his orders taken, he had started scrolling on his phone before nature called and he went along the way he was familiar with for some relief. He didnt expect to be bumped into and got spilled with food that totally ruined his shirt. His face darkened with displease as he looked down at the waiter that had done such clumsiness.

Name: Mounee Dubois
Appearance: 20 years, medium height, slender but well formed. Very shy and embarrassing. He is a foreigner and does not speak or understand English well. He works in the restaurant both as a waiter and as a chef's assistant. Your boss is very strict and is on probation in this job. He leaves the kitchen with a plate and stumbles on a man and stains the whole shirt that is white
Note: He studies in his country History of art (third year) but after the unpleasant and traumatic break with his last Alpha, he decided to take a sabbatical year, to travel and to know other countries and another world. He has never known love since he was only a toy in the hands of other boys who have used him as a slave.

- Ufffff, nooooooooo ,, sorry sir! Forgive me I had not seen him. Please! Do not worry i will try to solve this Between, I beg you in the WC and I'll bring something to clean your shirt

What Edmond could see now was just a head. He was lucky the food wasnt steaming hot or he would be firing this clumsy git right at the spot. "Look up." He ordered the waiter, should have been a waiter with his all white uniform and apron around his thin wiaist. The young man was intriging with his thin waistline and nice butt that was clearly outlined by his slacks and shown nicely with him bending down now.

Mounee, do not know that this gentleman is one of the important partners of the restaurant. He has only been in this country for two months and is afraid of being kicked out of work. The lord is very attractive but Mounee is so nervous that his whole body shakes
- Sir, I bring water with soda to remove that stain and ... and ... also this special product. Do not worry, I'm so sorry. I assure you that I will find a solution. Let me do it to me.. Do you understand me when I talk to you? Excuse my English is not very good, I'm sorry

Edmond was quite stunned by the beautiful face. Perhaps not the most beautiful one he had ever seen, but how flustered he was, the blush and the rambling, and that perfect accent, especially the slight trill of his tongue. This young man had caught his attention. Tilting his face up with a slight tug on his chin, Edmond forced the young man to look up instead of continuing his frantic speech. "What's your name, you clumsy little git." He asked with a condescending tone. He caught the manager trying to get through the crowded kitchrn, no doubt finding.out about the accident and subtly shook his head, waving him off with a slight gesture of his hand. "You said something about going to the toilet? Let's do that." He dragged the young man up and pulled him forward into the gentleman's room.

- Let me do it to you, Lord.
Mounee wiped the cloth on his shirt and could see the man's well-formed torso, his well-formed abdominals, and the fact that he was taller than he liked but added to his submissive and timid nature.
- My hands are very cold, sir?
Mounee noticed that some stains had also fallen on the man's trousers, some right in the crotch.

The man only reached his shoulder and when he looked up, he felt like he was being worshipped. He clutchdd tight the hand moving along his shirt and asked again, this time more sternly. "I asked, what's your name? And, i dont think you should ruin this finne skil shirt with soda." He looked down at the stain on his trousers and frowned harder at the damage. He would need to order a full suit to be tailored once he made it on the plane.

- My name is Mounee Dubois, my father is French and my Spanish mother. Do not worry, sir, in case the stain on your shirt does not come out, I could provide you with a completely clean and polished white shirt. I'm sure it's his size. We have white shirts in the wardrobe department for emergencies of this type. About the stain on your pants I can apply talcum powder which will absorb the grease and brush it off. The stain will come out, I assure you.
As for his shirt ... I can take it to my house and wash it myself until it is perfect. Then I would send it to the address you tell me, Sir ..
Mounee was very nervous. He did not dare tell the man to undress his torso to see what size he wore.
- I can also buy you a new one, I can invite you to a lunch. Please do not pay your bill, I want to compensate you for this unfortunate accident, but do not say anything to my boss, he is very authoritarian and will fire me. Please Sir ...
Mounee could not help letting out a few tears.

"Mounee..." Edmond muttered the name and liked how it rolled off his tongue. "You really have broken english. Or did you say that so you could get into my bed? So eager to undress me?" The businessman deliberately misinterpreted Mounee's words. "You better get your butt back in with a new shirt. You would be licking my trousers clean here, and for the shirt you would scrub it clean and take it to my place afterwards." He said commanded as he started unbuttoning his shirt. "Now go get that shirt you told me about, cheri."

Mounee was not really sure what Edmond had said. I hear something "bed" "ass" but could be a colloquial expression, a way of talking about this man. What he was very clear was that he was a dominant man and that Mounee as a boy of submissive nature excited him and aroused his interest. The stain on Edmond's pants gave him a chance to notice that he had a big bulge,(It is said like that?) even though he was so nervous that he dared not look at it in detail.
- Yes, sir ... thank you Sir ... I'll be right back.

As the young man scurried away, Edmond's eyes was following him retreating out of the bathroom as he continued to unbutton his shirt. He found the perky butt of Mounee to br quite attravtive. Recalling.how the young man spoke of his own name, he imagined the waiter wrapping his mouth on his cock that would surely choke his inexperienced lips. He pulled the shirt out of his stained trousers as he waited, showing off his muscular abs and chest. He noticed the submissive trait of Mounee and was quite pleased with the obedience he was showing.

- I'm back, Sir.
Mounee found Edmond with his torso naked and was forced to lower his head. Edmond was a very handsome and masculine man ... Mounee sensed the smell of that naked man in front of him and he liked the smell of his pheromones, that personal scent that some men have as "personal brand" the imprint with which they mark their Territory of male animals. Unlike Mounee who by nature had no hair on his body, Edmond had a little hair between his pecs and a thin dark line that ran from his trousers to the omblic.
"I would love to ask him to give me his underpants by my shirt to take them to my house, I could smell his clothes on my bed before washing them, maybe in his underpants there is a trace of semen ... Oh, my God, a Trail of his seed ... in on this was Mounne thinking when he dared to tell the man that waited naked waist up in front of him
- Sir, if you'll let me .. let me put the shirt on him and fasten his buttons. Is that all right, Sir? " I hope my hands are not cold. He blushed-
Mounee He put a hand to his cheek and found that it was burning
- No, luckily my hands are hot.
Mounee realized what he had said and blushed even more

"You realised you just said that out loud right? Your hands are hot? Are they as hot as your cheek?" Edmond caressed Mounee's cheek that''s flushed beet red. "Your face is soft... and lovely. I like that. Now dress me." He smiled knowing Mounee was imprinting his scent as he raised his arms, letting the smaller man help him.put the clean shirt on. He would have to raise his body up on tiptoe when he button up the upper buttons, and Edmond looked forward to the european to lean in close when he do that so he could scent his smell as well.

- Well, sir, I work in the kitchen and .. and .. idk, possibly that's why I'm always a little "hot" - mounee did not know what word to use - let me put the shirt on, Sir. .
Mounee was dressing him but inside he imagined just the opposite: undoing Edmond slowly until he was naked. For a long time he was not with a boy and having a man so close, breathing in his scent, feeling the warmth of that masculine skin, the look of Edmond .. all this was disturbing Mounee.
"Sirr, I've talked to my boss and I've managed to fix the incident. If you are so kind I would like to pay your lunch. And in relation to the shirt .. I will wash and leave it in perfect condition. Do you have a phone number to contact me or an address where I can send the shirt to you? I would be very displeased, Sir, to be dissatisfied with the restaurant. I assure you it was an unpleasant accident, but it will not happen again.
I dared to look into his eyes, and I could not help but give that man a shy smile. It was a smile from the respect, flirtation and excitement that the presence of this man produced. Yes, it had been "a chance encounter" but ... does there really exist coincidences or was it simply the hand of fate that enters our lives like a hand searching for a fish in a pond?
- Thank God, the shirt fits perfectly

Edmond was finding the naive young man to be very cute. He didnt aware he was one of the bosses and ultimately it would be his decision to make whether or not this would become a serious incident for the restaurant. Your smile finally broke my calm and I pulled you forward with my strong arm around your waist, pressing you down on my chest. I.chuckled and the deep rumble past from my chest to you. "Little thing, you still didnt know who I am dont you? " i took your phone out from your back.pocket and called my own number. "There. Boy, you would be getting a phone call within this week and a car would come to pick you up. You better wash this shirt right thsi night and get prepared to be summoned by me. I will see you very soon." He tilted his head up and kissed him so deep he could hear Mounee whimpered and his knees weakened as he almost hang himself on Edmond, getting quite lost in the kiss. When he was still obviously dazed, Edmon released him and took off, needing the catch the plane. He would be meeting this little guy very soon.

That reaction on the part of Edmond surprised me enough. How was it possible that I had taken my phone from my pocket and obtained my number? He was certainly a quick and skilled man. I liked that. And then ... that sudden kiss made my body vibrate like a bow after an arrow shot. Tense, elastic, but absolutely alive ... I did not know how to respond to Edmond, I brought my hand to my lips to make sure that kiss was real. Yes, I still had the delicious taste of his lips on mine ... Am I not dreaming?
_ Yes, sir ... it's fine, as you order. You have a good day, sir, and I apologize for any inconvenience.

Edmond wasnt aware of how Mounee responded to his actions as he quickly got into his car waiting.for him outside. Taking the spare set of clothes from his driver and assistant, he ripped off the cheap shirt that Mounee had just put.on for him. The cute little guy didnt need to know he had the whole set of spare clothes readily available in his car. He went on to change, though he made sure the new shirt was getting kept nicely. He normally wouldnt take another glance at such a mundane shirt, but with this, he decided to keep it. Perhaps it would mean a lot to them afterwards if they develop something together.

It was almost a week later that he ordered his assistant to call the waiter. He would send his car to pick up Mounee at the restaurant then go straight back to his home - with his shirt - for the first real encounter with this little interesting guy.

When they rang the bell of my modest apartment and the guy who showed up at my door said he was the driver of one of the owners of the restaurant where I worked, I thought it was a joke. It could not be true. The driver told me about a shirt and then I knew he was not lying to me ...
- Ah, yes ... wait a second please. The shirt is already clean and ironed, I have it preparda and ready to deliver it to his boss.
"You must accompany me," said the driver.
- Sorry?
"My boss told me you should give him the shirt" in hand. "He insisted on it.
- It's okay. If you do not mind, I'll change my clothes. It takes only a minute.
The heart was about to come out of my mouth. What did all this mean? Where was I going? Who was this man? It was only half an hour ago that I had showered but I was so nervous that I put on clean clothes, immaculate underpants and a few drops of perfume on the wrists and neck.
During the trip I did not stop thinking about what was happening to me .... What if that man is a dangerous psychopath? What if he only wanted to take revenge and humiliate me? why why? What if I get out of the car at the next traffic light and I'm running?
When we got to Edmond's house, I was hallucinating ... Is it here?
- Yes, this is my boss's house. Said the driver.
Oh my God, it was a real mansion ... huge and very beautiful. Mounee, "breathe, breathe, and calm down"

When Mounee arrived at the mansion, he was greeted by the butler first who then took him into the house that's like a maze. He past through the entrance hall, through the round staris into another wing of the mansion, past through some more corridors and some impressive rooms of different purposes, when they finally arrived at Edmond's.office. this was where he usually work, with a hidden doorway leading to a smaller bedroom.

Edmond was working when he heard the knock, where Mounee was presented. He finished off his last email before announcing his consent to let them both come in. Pouring himself a glass, he swirled the cup while looking.out of the window facing the garden with a huge fountain in the middle. He didnt turn around until he could hear his butler leaving, shutting the door quietly after him. "So, Mounee, i guess you know now who i am? I believe you usually address me as Mr Falton, your... boss's boss's boss?" He said with a smile, taking a sip from the cup.

- Yes, Mr Falton. I could not know who you were because I had only been working in the restaurant for a month and a half, and although I had never seen you in person, I had heard your name. I knew you must be a powerful man but I did not imagine you were so ... (at that moment I did not know how to continue) that you were so young. Sorry.
Ah .. Sir, I have brought your shirt. Thank God it was perfect.
I was having a hard time breathing. To see that man with his back against the light of that huge window, His broad and strong shoulders, his height and that body so well formed and composed ... I felt a little fear and excitement at the same time. What could a man as rich and as handsome as Edmond want from me?

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