Apron hate. (w/Bhdire8)

"The same."He replied simply, not knowing why he had to answer to the stranger, he had known Reese for a while now and despite not being in a serious relationship with him, he knew his friends. Or at least of them. The man had expected Reese to answer and to be able to instantly take advantage of him. His balls were aching with how hard he was on the way up here, gritting his teeth when the door was slammed in his face and banging on it again.
The man who had just finished giving birth, was barely awake when the other came back, lifting his head slightly,"What?"He yawned,"What guy?"He frowned some and looked down to the infant in his arms who had nuzzled up against his bloated pecs. Not knowing what to say aloud, he just wanted to rest, not worry about the father of his boy coming to fuck his brains out again. "Just come sit with me?"He asked,"Let him go away himself, I don't want a fight."

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Philipppe respected Rrese's privacy and.didnt.probe any further on the identity of the guy as Reese seemed to have a clear idea of who that was. He just gave the door another glance, then moved to sit on the floor next to the couch.. In truth Reese had been laying.in a pool of mess with his couch absolutely ruined. He could hear the banging on the door not seeming to stop at al. He didnt want the noise to frighten the infant who had finally settled down, with his mouth reaching.blindly against Reese's pecs. "How about we move to the bedroom. At least those sheets would be clean." He said standing up, offering his hand to lift Reese up.

Reese laid his head back, humming lightly and rubbing his thumb over the tiny baby's back, noticing that he was hungry. Though comfortable for now with must holding him as he nosed the top of his head,"God, he's so fragile."He murmured, his hands hovered over him as he laid on his chest, sure that if he would hold him too tight he might smush like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. "Yeah... I'd like that."He replied, looking up at the other man and moving to take his hand and cradle the baby in his other arm, struggling to stand as he hissed in pain. His ass felt like it had been pulled inside out, he groaned and laid his head against Philippe's shoulder when he made it to his feet. "Slow, pleass."He said and began moving forwards, one slow step after another.

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Philippe guided the man forward, holding his arm where the baby laid and also on his waist as they moved forward slowly. He could feel Reese tremble against him in exhaust and pain, grunts occassionally when the angle wasnt right and his bottom hurting him even more. At least that's philippe's guess. The baby also started fussing again, nudging his head blindly against reese's pecs, his tiny lips moving around searching for something. Reese was panting again now, his eyes rimmed red as he whimpered again moving another step forward, and Philippe could feel the weight on his arm increasing.

The other man almost collapsed a few times before they finally made it into his room and he sank onto the bed, hissing when the mattress pressed against his worn bottom. He laid down awkwardly on half his side and half his back as he held the baby in his arms, too exhausted to move for a long few moments. Until the writhing of the infant roused him from his light rest,"I don't have anything for you buddy... I'm sorry."He murmured and rubbed the side of his face with his knuckle, though he did move to pull up his shirt with his free hand carefully. His fingers rubbed the space around his nipple and he looked actually embarrassed even after all he had been through already, his face turned red again and he looked ready to cry. Though he was too tired and simply sniffled and wiped his eyes on the pillow beneath his head,"I'm not ready for this... I don't have anything for him, no blanlets... Food..."He scoffed sadly,"What type of father can I be?"

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Philippe attempted to help by stuffing pillows around the new father. He looked at the pair interact before offering. "Let's give him some water first. I would get some formula for newborns." He hesitated before adding. "This.... this isnt your fault, you know? No.one.would have expected something.like this to happen. Ya sure this is all a little crazy, but this is indeed a miracle baby. It looked quite good even.with the corset around him, growing up. He would become a tough and strong individual, I am sure." He gave Reese an encouraging smile before leaving to the kitchen for.some water. The banging had continurd but Philippe.chose to.ignore it for now.

Reese sniffled again lightly and settled against the pillows that were adjusted around him, he nodded at what he said as he kept an arm wrapped around the child against his chest. With a look up at the other man as he continued speaking, pressing his lips together and looking down at his son again with a sigh,"Thank you."He said finally and swallowed,"For everything, y'know...."He watched the chest of the infant rise and fall, brushing his hair behind his ear as he heard him leave. The exhausted man would have fallen asleep by the time he came back with the water, despite the baby's whimpering protests, he just couldn't keep his eyes open.

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Even in his sleep, Reese managed to hold his arm in place protectively around the baby. Philippe gave a heartfelt smile seeing the cozy moment. It took a bit of effort to remove the baby from Reese's arms, and he started feeding the baby with water. The banging had somehow died down while he tended to the infant, who suckled eagerly at the water, obviously mistaking it as real food.

Even though he knew Reese needed the rest, Philippe thought he couldnt leave them alone while he went for the formula. Luckily right at this time, there came another bang from the door. The paramedics had finally come.

As the paramedics were allowed inside and guided towards Reese, one of them stopped before Phillipe and looked over the infant in his arms, taking measurements and temperatures while the other helped Reese up and onto a gurney,"We're taking the service elevator, are you the father? A relative?"The woman pushed Reese out of the bedroom as he laid down comfortably on his side, gripping the handlebar,"Has he delivered the placenta fully? How far along was he?"The man who accompanied the woman took down the stranger's answers to his questions before they left.

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"Nope just an acquaintance. I have no idea how far along he was, but the placenta is in the kitchen, wrapped in a towel." He yelled the last sentence to the man who went off to the kitchen to retrieve the parcel of placenta. "I.think Reese could have better answers than me?" He asked following them out. "Do I have to accompany you guys? I had my own car so i could just drive after you." He said discreetly glancing at his watch checking out the time. He had been here for some time now and he could be missing more of his office hours than he intended to while he was busy helping delivering a baby.

"I hardly know either."Reese said in complaint as he was rolled past Philippe, he gripped the paramedic's arm to get him to stop for a moment while the third man handed him his son. "Do you want to come with me? I mean...all the action is done with, the baby is here because of you."The young man smiled lightly at him and laid his head down, arm wrapping around the infant,"I think your job is done, thank you. I... I owe you."His eyes closed slightly and he sighed, looking down at the boy again, being pushed away down the hall further.

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"Well, if you want me there, i would." Philipper quirked up his brow at the quiet request. He could imagine the need for some company. Reese no less being a surprised new parent. "Like I said, i will see you in the hospital. Get all the paperwork done. Just off you go to the hazzle of doctors and nurses fussing over you, i would be meeting you when you settle on a nice comfy bed." He said with a gentleless that surprised even himself. They werent even really acquaintance but he felt connected. Perhaps that's because they just shared an incredibly intimate moment in life.

Reese nodded,"I do."He said, knowing he didn't have any one else to sit with him at the hospital, even the baby's father didn't know that he was alive. The man smiled back at Philippe and relaxed as he was pushed down to the ambulance at the ground floor, it didn't take long to get to the hospital. No one was really in a rush for him or the baby, all the excitement was done and little Oliver was sleeping again after being woken up for another check up. Reese had fallen in love with the little boy, he tried finding the features of his relatives in his face and made it a game as he laid in the hospital bed with the boy in his arms suckling from a warm bottle. By the time everything settled down, it was late and he was exhausted, though he asked the nurses to allow just one visitor if Philippe actually came.

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Philippe settled the check in details as best as he could, even though a lot of info were missing, at least his crednetials helped with chrcking Reese into a private room where the baby could be there as well. He asked with the nurse and smiled brightly hearing him confirming he could enter, and was a little proud for he added he was the only one allowed. Entering quietly, he smiled even brighter seeing the cozy scene.

"So, how are you? And the baby? I see he's finally having his first meal. Must have been starving, little one. Have you eaten anything yourself?" He asked sitting down on the chair beside, rubbing.over the baby's few hair.

Reese knew he wouldn't have been able to afford all of this himself, this room with this view and all by himself too, no other patients to worry about. It was almost a dream, he had never thought that he would be in this situation, his eyebrows rose as Philippe's voice brought him out of his thoughts. "I'm...tired, but good... They put me on pain meds and something to get me lactating, but they said it would be a few days until they kick in."His eyes drifted shut for a moment, laying back with his son against his chest, he felt heavy but Oliver wasn't done with his bottle yet. "Yeah, he was starving... But they gave me food for him."He turned his head to look at the other man with a exhausted smile,"His names Oliver, I named him that."He shook his head some when he asked him about eating,"No, but they promised me a big breakfast."His arms sagged a bit as he drifted off for a moment, though caught himself as he gripped the bottle and baby again gently,"Sorry..."He murmured and looked down towards his son,"Dad's sleepy..."

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Reese looked like crap, pale and tired on the pristinely white bedsheets. Philippe nodded and started "hello Oliver... nice to meet you..." he shoot forward and was about to catch the baby when Reese's eyes drooped and nearly dropped the baby. "Gosh you scared the shit out of me just now..." he said with wide eyes, looking at Reese with some residue panic. "How about I sit with you for a bit.... like.... behind you so i could support the baby as well?" He asked still in shock. "Just treat me as a tailored cushion that would.support your arms and the baby.... you could drift off however you like then. You would have to wake up at night a lot later, if you really decide to breastfeed."

The exhausted man shook the sleep from his mind,"Sorry, sorry."He yawned widely and gripped Oliver against his chest with a sigh,"Yeah... I don't mind."He smiled lightly and looked to Philippe,"I wouldn't drop him, don't worry."Reese said as the other man came over once he said that and climbed into bed behind him, he laid his head against the crook of his neck and shoulder and sank into the warmth of his arms around him. The pain was numb and so he didn't hiss as loudly as he was adjusted, he didn't say anything to the other but he was so damn grateful of him he couldn't put it into words and so he simply closed his eyes and fell asleep comfortably while feeding his new son.

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It was soon that he heard soft snoring of Reese. It sounded more like a heavier breathing sound and it was adorable. Despite his promise, Reese's arm soon went limp and he almost dropped the bottle, but Phliippe was quick to hold his arm and held it up for the baby to suckle from. Philippe had never fed a baby, but Oliver seemed to be able to do that alright. The baby soon fell asleep as wel, even though his little mouth continued the sucking in his sleep. He lowered the bottle gently, and the nurse came just in time to take over the baby for the burping, exchanging a sweet smile with him, pointing at Reese than put her finger on her lips. Phlipped nodded his thanks as the nurse went away. He looked down at Reese and found himself quite trapped, even though he couldn't say he minded.

It wasn't a surprise that Reese slept into the night and well into the morning, though the nurse showed up again early in the morning, pushing Oliver's crib into the room with her and obviously having some paperwork under her arm as she stopped beside the bed. Her voice was quiet as she handed him the folder,"This is Oliver's birth certificate, I've taken his prints and everything, so you're all set so far. You really just need to feed him now, do you think you can do that, Dad?"She must've been mistaken, thinking that Philippe was Oliver's father as she removed a bottle from her pocket and placed it down on the stand beside the hospital bed the two were laying on, then went to lift up the wide awake baby boy.

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It was a bit confusing for philippe at first, he didnt realise he had fallen asleep some point at night. His eyes were still bleary when the nurse started firing off her speech, and he looked at the bottle, yawning. It came as a second thought to realise who the baby was, as rhe event from the day before came back to him. He just smiled naturally seeing Oliver. "Morning young man. Had a greatnight of sleep?" He said removing.his arm from under Reese, wanting to take over the baby, only ended up wincing as his arm felt like it had fallen off from him, being under the stocky man for the whole night.

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