Apron hate. (w/Bhdire8)

The sex lasted well into the late night until Reese could barely keep his eyes open, even as Philippe pushed and pulled his still rock hard cock in and out of him. They hadn't even made it to the bedroom upstairs, they had just collapsed into the couch with Reese on top of the other's chest. His own cock was half limp after cumming so much and when he did orgasm only some type of thin fluid leaked out. It was almost soothing to have the now slow strokes of the other spreading his gaping, dripping hole again and again as he tried to sleep. "We have all the time in the world to do this, Phil... Let's sleep..."He murmured in exhaustion, though the stuffed feeling was helping him fall asleep, despite all the seed they had spread he'd never think he would become pregnant from any of it. Male pregnancy was still rarer than Bigfoot.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

(You wanna play the morning after? I kinda wanna see how Reese wince whenever he attempted to bend down and pick up Oliver ;) and some kind of showing off their intimacy in front of the babysitter?)

Philippe almost chuckled when he saw how Reese attempted to go to sleep when he wss still hilt deep in him. He thrusted his hips in a way that nudged right into his prostate, drawing a strangled yelp from reese who's too tired to even clench down on him.properly now. Some of his seeds were oozing out of his botttom, along his cock, as his anus seemed to have tried out as well. "Since you are so tired..... let's get up to the bedroom." He said that and heaved Reese up in his arms and started working towards the stairs, his cock still in Reese, thrusting as Reese bumped on him following his strides. The way up the staircase was the most challenging, and Reese basically became a whimpering mess without even the strength to hold his legs around Philippe.

((Sounds good to me. ))

Reese didn't care that Philippe's cock was still inside of him as his eyes drifted shut, a gasp came from him as the other thrusted inside of him. He whimpered as he laid his head against the other's shoulder and neck, though him being lifted up jostled him more than he wished it would. "I guess we're going to be sharing a lot now, huh?"he smiled as he looked up at him, licking his lips and letting out quiet cries of pleasure. Collapsing back against the bed when they made it finally to his room, now considering being extra quiet since Oliver's room was up there too. He sank his teeth into the skin of the others neck lightly in a playful manner,"I may be tired, but don't get things twisted."he laughed softly and sighed, his eyes closing again, clinching his ass as tight as it could go after such a pounding over the night.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Philippe had to suppress his moan hard as well, biting his lips as his cock was squeezed upon. He clasped down on Reese's hips and started slamming into him, starting a rhythm again as he pounded into him like he had no tomorrow. The bed started squeaking under them, but the couple wss too lost in the pleasure to care. "You teasing little git.... i am gonna fuck you so raw tomorrow everybidy would know what we did tonight." The sex was heated and before Philippe collapsed down onto the bed with his cock thoroughly spent, he was quite sure it was almost dawn with how the sky lit up behind the curtains.

Reese felt the thump beside him as Philippe fell beside him, a small smile was on his face as he relaxed on the bed for a few solid moments. Though he wasn't done with him, he rolled on top of and maneuvered himself so his ass was directed toward his mouth while his own hands wrapped around his cock. Straddling his torso as his hands lazily stroked his cock, his cheek resting against his upper thigh,"We have a mess to clean."he smiled as he closed his mouth around the salty, mushroom tip of Philippe's cock.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Philippe hissed but the surprise was a pleasant one when his limp cock get enveloped in Reese's talented mouth. He groaned and squeezed his eyes shut as he was cleaned by Reese. Returning the favor, he spread Reese's buttocks to get to his swollen hole. With a swipe of his tongue, he started eating him out as well. It wss such a mess but Philippe was finding this extraordinarily sexy. He never did this before to his lovers after sex, and this was such a nice change. He also took care of Reese's balls and later, his cock, even though it was too exhausted to get back up again, he still managed to cause a semi-ejaculation as he tongued the sensitive balls.

When the after care was over, it took everything out of him to roll onto his side and move himself to face the other on the pillow. His eyes closing quietly as he did so, an arm running over his chest and tucking his face into the space between Philippe's chest and arm. Breathing softly and not saying anything as he sank into a deep sleep, though they didn't have that much of a full nights rest. As there were footfalls coming towards the bedroom, Reese knew what was coming and quickly covered himself and Philippe with the blankets, though the footsteps passed the bedroom,"Daddy! Daddy!"Oliver giggled and Reese moved to sit up with a his when his ass burned,"Fuck."he groaned and collapsed again, looking to Philippe and covering his head with the blankets now,"You should go distract him."

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Philippe chuckled at the failed attempt of Reese from getting up. He kneaded his back a few times and said. "Oh well you hider should hide yourself better under the blanket while i go find the seeker. Sneak back into your room to get changed? Our boy's much too sensitive and clever. He would notice. All we have to do is cover this up until he went off to school." He said getting up himself, stretching and pulling his muscles. He's tired as well, everybody would after such a night long of exercise, but he felt quite afreshed.

Getting out of the room, he caught oliver by his waist as he ran around like a headless chicken in serach of his daddy. "Hey buddy, what are you doing so early? Can't wait to meet with your friend?"

Reese nodded as he wrapped the sheets around his body, watching as Philippe got up to his feet and looking at him with some jealousy as he laid back in bed, his hands ran through his hair and he moved slowly to push himself up. A deep burn in his lower back from where he had been stuffed and fucked and made to do acrobatics on the other man's cock, and he did mean cock, it wasn't just some normal penis, Philippe had to be half god or something. He groaned as he made it to his feet, hunched over slightly as he shuffled slowly over to the door and out of it, making sure he heard Oliver downstairs before he moved towards his room down the hall, going to at least put on a robe. The could take a shower together later, when the boy was picked up by his friend's mom for a carpool, he looked over the balcony at them as they stood in the living room foyer, the little boy giggling as he was picked up. "I hungry!"

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

(HAHA. why, i am feeling very flattered by the "compliment" on that monster cock xD)

"So you want breakfast! Let me see.... what do we have here." Philippe said as he glanced back subtly to catch the shadow that's Reese sneaking back into his own room. His smile widened just that bit more seeing his obvious hinderance, almost like walking with a limp. He then bumped Oliver who's on his arm and tickled on his little tummy as he entered the kitchen, in search of possible breakfast choices.

When Philippe saw Reese joining them in the kitchen, he and Oliver had been in a struggle between scrambled eggs and hard boiled one. The one-year-old had such a serious look on his face choosing between the 2 ways of egg that he almost looked like Reese at work. Philippe had to chuckle seeing the larger version coming in. He moved forward to hold his waist as they came closer to Oliver. Just before Reese was about to sit down on the stool, Philippe slipped a cushion just in time before his lovely little butt could get in contact with the hard surface.

The little boy was wide awake, despite it being so early in the morning, or early for Reese at least, he almost wanted to go back upstairs and fall asleep, curled up in bed again. If he was honest, his ass hurt and he hated walking so carefully though he couldn't help it. His son was so curious, he could barely sleep in for a morning before he was in his room jumping on him, he kissed his son's head softly then collected him into his arms as he took a seat. Blushing at Philippe's way of taking care of him when he made contact with the cushion, looking up at him and thanking him, before saying,"How about boiled eggs? We had scrambled so many times before,"he explained and the little boy seemed to think about it further, before grinning and nodding his head,"Yeah!"

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"Great. Coz really I know only how to boil an egg. Scrambled is always your father's strength." Philippe grinned. "Smart choice, you don't get to have my cooking that often!" He praised the little boy and started his preparation. Philippe wasn't too good a cook, no match with Reese who'd had a passion in culinary arts, hence his choice of profession previously. breakfast was made quick and while they were happily chatting and sharing breakfast, the doorbell rang. The sound startled them all, and it took a moment for Philippe to react. "That must be Fiona. Gosh I had forgotten to inform her we wouldn't need her today. I would get the door." He said minding Reese's condition. Besides, Oliver had been on his knees anyway, making him somewhat immobile.

Reese had his arms wrapped around Oliver as he smiled at Philippe, the three having fun laughing and talking about nothing, he looked up at the same time as his partner and rose his brows before understanding what had happened,"I feel bad sending her back off again after the trip here."he mentioned,"Maybe we could plan to go somewhere? She could still work today, maybe they could go to the park?"he offered and watched as he left the kitchen, going to put Oliver down on his feet and then shuffle his way over to out some toast in the toaster before going toward the fridge. While the young woman rocked back and forth on her feet as she waited downstairs at the entrance to the apartment building after buzzing up to their address.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Philippe hummed his agreement as he went to the door and greeted the young babysitter, noting her new lipstick. "Hey Fiona, thanks for coming. Both Reese and I are here. Come on in, we are thinking if you could be so nice and bring Oliver to the park or somewhere. Reese err, he's not really feeling too well today." Philippe scratched his head and opened the door wide. "They are in the kitchen, we are just having breakfast. Do you want anything? Coffee?" He asked politely, leading the way into the kitchen and smirked when all he saw was Reese's butt raised high, bending down in frton of the fridge.

Reese almost hit his head, trying to stand up straight again as he felt a bit exposed in the shorts he wore and one of Philippe's teeshirts. He scratched the back of his head and smiled at the young woman lightly, who glanced between the two men then nodded some,"Coffee would be nice."she looked down as Oliver clung to her legs and she smiled brightly,"Hey, little guy."she picked him up and gave him a hug before placing the squirming toddler back down on his feet as he happily and messily spread jam onto his bread. Reese stroked his hair away from his face,"Wanna go to the park with your friend downstairs, Ollie?"he asked his son and the little boy thought about it before nodding, taking a bite of the bread, while the college student was hoping for the older man to make a comment on her new makeup but it never came.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Philippe.hovered over Oliver to.stop.him from waving the spreading knife any more and splash any more of the jam onto the desk, and pulled his thumb out from the jar to save whatever was left. He knew the boy would stuck his finger into his mouth if he got the chance, preferring just jam than jam and bread. "Hey buddy, stop messing around with it. You know daddy and I still hadnt had any right?" He flicked his nose as the toddler scrunched his face. "Reese, what time do you think we should be ready to have Ollie back?" He smirked hinting on more than their normal schedule, all the time not.even giving.Fiona another look.

Oliver pouted some and then began licking the thick spread of jam he put on his bread and leaving the pastry behind. Reese thought about it and shrugged some as he came over to Philippe and wrapped his arms around his waist,"Around the time we get back from work I assume, we just really want the place to ourselves."he explained quietly, glancing back at their son from Fiona then meeting her eyes again with a smile.
The young woman's brows furrowed,"Are you two going to be doing business at home today?"she asked innocently, though in the back of her mind she knew what was happening.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"We would be around the house, yes. Reese needs some rest right?" Philippe smiled meaningfully as he met eyes with Reese, his hand sneaked down to his waist and kneaded, not at all surprised when he heard a hiss than a content sigh. "It's so nice to have you around. We would be grateful if you could take care of Ollie til... 6? I think it would be a nice time. Thank you so much Fiona." He said even though his eyes didnt quite leave Reese, just pulling away reluctantly when he addresses the babysitter. He turned to the toddler. "Ollie? You okay with going to the playground with Fiona? Meet with your friends? Promise me buddy that you wouldnt force your way to the ice cream cart. We have something far better for you when you're back home."

Reese laughed some as his cheeks darkened, noding simply and leaning into his chest more as he knead his back and side so comfortably. The young woman nodded some as she then moved to, collect the little boy into her arms,"Let's get you cleaned up huh?"she said and then added,"You can pick out the toys you want to bring too."
The little boy nodded as he ate the rest of his toast,"Mmhm, I be good, Pa!"he bounced in her arms and Reese came to give him a kiss to his head softly,"Good boy, we'll see you later, have fun, baby."

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Philippe bumped fists with Oliver to seal their deal, before nodding to Fiona. He missed the girl biting her lips, shifting slightly uncomfortably as she saw the marks on Reese's neck and how closely the 2 men were standing together. It was quite apparently what had happened between them.

The girl pouted slightly before adjutsing to a more neutral face and smiled at the baby. She was quite genuinely loving to the toddler, who was such a sweetheart. As they disappeared upstairs, Philippe grabbed Reeae's waist and forced him to sit on his lap. "So, it's just you and me here..... liking my rubs?"

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06-21-2018, 03:48 AM

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