C A Merc and the Target. ((Luxio018 and Lovebite))

"If you weren't, you wouldn't have came back."he said, stepping into the shower and sighing as he watched John leave, he leaned against the wall. Quiet as he did so, letting the water run over his hair and body, it took a while for him to come back out and when he did the baby was whimpering quietly.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

He expected to find John gone though actually found him in an armchair over by the window. "I would have fed him but...."

The man didn't respond to him as he simply gathered the boy into his arms, a bit more comfortable with him as he sank onto the mattress with him beginning to suckle from his already exposed chest. He closed his eyes and laid on his side, using the pillow to hold the child up so he could rest his limbs and still have him to be fed. "I can't keep him."he said after a moment, his eyes opening again with a shake of his head,"I have to find someone better for him to be with."

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

John had been watching him as he laid down on the bed though he had looked away afterward. "And you think someone is just going to readily take in an infant they find on their front doorstep? It is hard enough to make a living as it is for most folks."

Baxter kept a hand on the back of the baby boy's head as he suckled quietly, he watched silently as he listened to what Johnathan said to him,"I have to hope so... I know there's people better than me... I'm no father."he adjusted his son and sighed heavily,"We both shouldn't be able to raise a kid, not with who we are, you gotta see me eye to eye on that."he looked to the other man.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

John hums lightly at Baxters words before nodding slowly. "You should get some rest." While Baxter was sleeping he planned to go have a look around town, see if any of the people here would be suitable to raise his boy.

It was a fitful sleep, he slept and dreamt of nightmares and all sorts of terrors, though he was used to it. When he woke up, the baby was there against his chest, sleeping with his stiff nipple in his mouth and he grimaced at the drool. Though found it only slightly endearing as he wiped the white substance from his mouth, he was silent as he stared at the boy, stroking his hair now. In the sunlight, despite it being dim, he could see his features a bit more clearly and realized how his entire body hurt. Wondering if it was worth it to him, to not just drink his sorrows away in a sort of forced abortion, his lips pressed together as he watched the baby.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Baxter was also slightly surprised when John came out of the bathroom after a fresh shower. He finishes combing out his hair as he makes his way over to the small table by the window where a brown paper bag was sitting. He opened it up only for Baxter to immediately smell fresh baked bread and a few other things.

He felt that the other could almost hear his thoughts, but he knew that was impossible and was glad about it as he looked toward the larger blonde. He frowned slightly as he resented his own brown hair for a moment, wishing that his son had inherited more of his own traits. He sighed and took in a deep whiff of the scent, his stomach murmuring beneath the sheets and he turned away slightly,"Any thing for me in there?"

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"It is all for you." John slowly brings out a fresh loaf of bread off the top before also bringing out some more, smaller containers with green beans, mashed potatoes, a small tub of gravy, and a plate of baked chicken. "These should be easy for you to eat and digest, enough that they don't overwork your internal plumbing."

Baxter was surprised by that as he smiled lightly,"Good way to get on my good side."he said as his stomach growled at the sight of the food being placed out and he moved to lay the baby down gently beside him on the bed. Though at what else he said, a frown came to his face as he shook his head,"Mind if we don't talk about my...'internal plumbing?'"he asked as he moved slowly, as a man who had just given birth a few hours ago should, grimacing as he moved to his feet carefully.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

John nods as he shrugs. "Fair enough." He does go fold a blanket up before sitting it down in the chair at the table. While Baxter eats he goes to see about finishing up in the bathroom.

The man watched as the other left again and slowly went to tske a seat, though didn't as it began hurting and so he stood up and ate instead. He all but inhaled the food that was on the table, his eyes closing as he bit through the chicken breast and almost moaned at how delicious everything was. The man finished quickly though, not eating it all as he got full easily, he wanted to complain, but couldn't do anything about it as he sighed. Despite wanting to eat more, he couldn't force it down and so he let it go, moving to sit on the bed again.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"It will still be there in an hour or so." John had finished up in the bathroom and made his way out to sit down at the table.

"It won't be fresh then."he said and sighed, his hands skimming over his empty stomach, before leaning against the pillows of the bed as he looked over him,"Where are you planning on going?"he asked, though looked to the baby boy as he squirmed on his back with quiet whines, reaching to gather him into his arms again,"What?"he tilted his head at him and tried shushing him, he had just fed him, what else would he want?

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"He might need changing, there is a bag of diapers and wipes." John nods toward another paper bag that was sitting beside the bed.

God, he really was going all out for this kid, he pressed his lips together as he watched the bag as if it would move towards him and sighed as he laid the boy back down. Moving carefully to shuffle over and bend down to pick it up, moving back over to the bed where the boy was whining and squirming,"I know, kid... Calm down."he murmured and unwrapped his shirt from around him to see what the damage was, then collected the supplies into his arms as he laid them all out around the boy,"Okay..."he muttered and did what he had to do.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

John watches him for a moment before turning his attention to something else in the room while Baxter changes his diaper.

It didn't take long to change the boy, not fast either, but he did it in a timely manner before gathering him back up into his arms, the flabby newborn,"Where else did you go?"he asked after a moment, still standing as he rocked slowly with the baby in his arms, walking slowly from the door to the bed again and again at his own pace, He checked the clock and wondered how many days he had bought for this room.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"I went looking for somewhere to take him, but I ain't leaving no newborn on the doorsteps of a church to be sent to an orphanage when he's got the two people that made him still livin and able to care for him."

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