Saving the humankind (close with Dots)

Waking up early actually never been Ray problem since all the training that he got make him a light sleeper, but after all the activity last night, no one even blame him to not realising that his partner already woke up and out of the bedroom. The thing that make ray woke up was the constant buzzing that come from his phone, "What?" He asked gruffly, answering the phone, only to be informed that their new supplement was already in the mail box and must be consumed immediately.

Ray lazily put on his clothes and walked outside, he was overwhelmed by tasty smell that come from the kitchen only to find Sam bussy cooking after decide to follow the source of the smell. "Morning love, its all smell heavenly."

(If I'm not wrong. Do they like the gods of this word or something? I think they also have the power to the government and things to control the world, right? Can they go outside?)

Sam smiled at his lover when Ray got to the kitchen. He laughed softly when his lover hugged him from the behind and teased his neck gently. "Good morning, Ray. I don't know if you would like this food, but I do all my best." Sam said as he continued cooking. It took more mins til it was done. He asked his lover to wait at the table while he was preparing the food. It was the simple food since Sam didn't know about Ray's favorite food, but he hoped that his lover would like it. "We need to no more and more about each other, Ray, and I don't feel bad telling everything about me," Sam said, smiling at his lover who was sitting on the chair and looking at him almost all the time. He could see Ray's perfect build under his gown. Ray was a man, trained for being the protective father.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(Yeahh, to all question but no, thy cant for awhile when the the gov still try to control both of them and confined them inside their own house)

''And nothing would pleased me more than to know everything about you love." Ray said, looking at Sam like a lion stalking his prey. Sam is just so fascinating to Ray, everything about him have that touch of feminity that Ray never have around him all his life. He will never get tired to just watch Sam all day, and he will definitely do that If he not remembering the reason why he woke up in the first place.

''I'll be right back." Ray said before heading to the mail box and find a package full of pills and multivitamins already stuffed there. A glance and he already know that this one actually milder than the usual pills and more baby friendly. He brought all of it back and put the one that designated to Sam on top of the kitchen counter. "Our daily pills love, they want us to keep drinking them"

(Maybe they can go outside later? I like going outside haha.)

Sam looked at his lover with the pills in his hand when he put down all their breakfast on the table. "What is that pills? I have never known about it before. Is that good for us?" Sam said as he got back to the kitchen again and brought coffee for his lover and nutrient milk for himself. It was quite sure that he was already pregnant now and Sam wanted to prepare his body from now on. Sam smiled softly when his lover didn't stop looking at his beautiful face. It was clear that they were attractive to each other.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(Of course)

"It just some multivitamin and i think i have some fertility booster for myself here." It was clear now that both of them are raised differently even when both of them are raised by the government, since Ray always have those pills since he could remember. "Lets talk more about us after we eat. I really am curious about how you grow up." Ray take Sam hands and kiss his knuckle. ''I also want to know what you think about this mission.'' Other people might feel burdened to have this kind of mission in this young age, even Ray have his own rebellious stage when he want to run away from his facility, but it must be harder for Sam, the one who will be pregnant and have the hard work.

(Maybe the government realizes that Reconciliation is better than controlling someone who has the power to next generation of the world.since Sam and Ray are the parents of the next generation, they have more power than they thought now. Is that sound good?)

"That's good for the baby. I've heard that pregnant people need more nutrient." Sam said, looking at his lover. He smiled widely and almost forgot eating while he was watching Ray ate his food. It was the best thing for chief when someone loved his food. "I'm glad that you love it, Ray. I'm not that good for cooking, but it'll make it better" He said, smiling when he started his own breakfast. It was a wonderful morning with a new lover couple talking about the changing world. Sam was raised in the shelter without taking any pills, but he had known his duty since he was young. It wasn't something easy for bearing the future of the world, but the best thing was Ray, his lover and his mate. He was so worried in the past, but everything was better when he met Ray.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

After they both finish eating, Ray decide to relax with his lover, a movie played in the background but none of them really mind the movie since they are busy with each other. ''I actually hoping to give you more time to adjust to this kind of life before we start a family." Ray pulled Sam closer that make him sat on top of Ray lap, and he quite enjoy feeling his little mate weight on top of him. "A baby probably already start forming here, our baby." He couldnt even hide the happines inside his voice while thinking about having a new family. "The first baby that will born after no birth for more than 15 years."

(Can we make twins? haha maybe it's surprising when Sam gets his first check up. What gender do you want? I like to have at least one male, and another one is up to you.)

Sam rubbed his flat belly gently as he heard that. He had never imagined about the feeling or things, but he wanted to feel it now. Sam leaned a bit on Ray's chest while he was sitting on his lap. He smiled when Ray also placed his hand on Sam's belly, imagining the first generation after 15 years. "Yeah, our baby may be there, inside my belly. I don't know how to feel with this, but I'm glad that you're here with me, Ray. We just met days ago, but It seems that we have known each other for a long time." Sam said as he looked at the movie. "This kind of life was something new for me, but it was fine if you were here with me. Thanks for accepting me, Ray." Sam whispered, rubbing his belly gently. It wasn't surprising when Ray bent down and kissed him softly.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(Yes, I actually also thinking of twins. Identical male babies maybe?)

Once Ray start he just cant stop tasting the sweet lips of his little mate. Sam might not know about it, but their mission was actually named Adam and Eve mission by some people out there, and just like Eve that made specificaly for Adam, he also think that this man was made specifically for him. "Gosh, you just taste so sweet love, I cant have enough of you" he said, trailing kisses on all his lovers skin that he could reach. "So pure" he kissed Sam forehead, "sweet" both of his eyes, "beautiful" his nose, "and all mine" he once again take Sam lips unto his.

It was quite surprising for Sam with his Ray teased his body that much. Since Sam was innocent, he had never met this sensation before. Rey liked a beast which was hunting a little rabbit "Sam" It was strange at the first time, but Sam quite liked it. He eventually let the soft moans during their hot and sweet activity. He was breathing heavily when Rey released him from his long kiss. Although Ray like a beast, San could still feel his protective scent. "You're so good, Ray. I don't know much how to make you feel happy, so you can teach me and tell me what I need to do." Sam said, looking at his lover.

(Yeah that's good. hehe)

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

Ray laughing at what his mate told him, "you are perfect love, here" he take his mate hand and put it on his erect member, "this is all your doing love" he once again laugh when he saw his lover face become so red just because that little contact. His little mate just so pure and innocent. "You will learn with time how to make me happy love, but just being you right now is enough for me." Ray said kissing Sam neck and giving him a hickey on where everyone could see.

Sam,s face blushed so bad when he could feel Ray's cock by his own hand. Although Sam was innocent, he could understand it. He let more the soft moans when Ray started kissing his neck again. Sam loved having a hickey since it was a mark of love for him and it showed that he was Ray's. They took more an hour for teasing each other. It was almost lunch when the movie ended. "The lunch should be ready soon. They said that the chief will cook for us if I don't ask for cooking by myself" He said as Ray was helping Sam to sit beside him. Although they weren't allowed going outside, their house was full with many facilities and they could ask anything they wanted. "What do you want to do after the lunch? I think reading some books is good for me."

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

"That sounds good, I haven't check the library yet, so we could check it together." Ray quickly agreed on Sam suggestion. He always an outdoor type of man so he dont even know how to entertain Sam when they have to stay inside. Lunch time come and when both of them back to the dining room the lunch was already prepared in the table. Ray just smiled when Sam instinctively start filling his plate first before his own plate. He could see that Sam would be a great mother one day just from that small gesture.

(Want to skip?)

(Yeah, maybe three months? I love to play morning sickness haha. Idk if we need to do a married scene, but everything is fine for me. If you don't mind I love when the seeder calls his carrier as wife and mother. As you wrote at last sentence is wonderful :))

It was tree months after that day. They had learned so much about each other and tried to adapt to each other. Sam learned many things about the world resulting less innocent manner, but cuter and prettier. Ray also learned how to treat his lover and stayed inside. Everything went well, but there was only one thing that was bothering Sam so much. It was his morning sickness. Although Sam hadn't got the first check up yet, he could feel his pregnancy. It was the morning that Sam woke up early, rushing to the toilet and threw up all his dinner. Sam's face was pale since his morning sickness was bad. It jus happened days ago, and Sam didn't want to bother his lover that much, so he didn't wake him up.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

When you start living with someone, you will start to realise even a tiny change in your partner. And so did Ray. Its not like he didn't realise how pale his lover was these few days. Ray actually want to wait for Sam to come for him but he decide to ask him about it today since Sam look like he could faint any moment. ''Love, would you want me to call your mom to take a look at you?" The woman who Sam called mum was his physician during his training time, and maybe the only doctor in this world he trust with his lover.

(What do you think of outdoor wedding when Sam already showing? That will be after the gov stop trying to controlig them)

(It's good haha, maybe 6 months pregnancy?)

Sam was walking out of the toilet when he saw his lover stood beside the door and asked him the questions. He smiled as he walked closer and hugged his lover gently. "I'm glad that you always notice it, Ray. Yeah, my mom should tell what happen now although I can guess it." Sam said, rubbing his belly. He also placed Ray's hand on his belly when they get closer. His belly swelled a bit since 3 months had passed. "Can he you me back to the room, now? We still have a little time before the breakfast." He asked as Sam didn't know if he could walk by himself now. The sky was still dark since they woke up early, so Sam could talk more rest that he could get more energy.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

Ray look at his lover face before he look at the hand that placed on his lover belly, "you mean you're..." of course he is pregnant, ts actually much more impossible for Sam to not get pregnant yet wih how fertile both of them are, but Ray was not even realise that its already 3 months since both of them start living together. "More reason to called your mother then, I want to make sure both you and our baby are healty" he said before hauling Sam out of his feet, carry him back to their bed and cuddle him close. He waited for Sam to fall asleep before send message to his mother asked her to come.

It was almost 10 p.m. that Sam had woken up. It was quite late, but Sam was tired and needed more rest from this morning sickness. He wasn't surprised when Ray wasnt here beside him. He walked slowly outside, looking for his lover. Sam smiled at Ray who was in the living room, watching the tv. show. "Good morning, Ray. Have you already had that breakfast?" He asked as he knew that Rey usually waited for him. He didn't have any appetite att all and Sam wasn't sure if he could eat anything since his morning sick was bad. He sat beside his lover, resting his head on Rey's shoulder. It would be something really big if Sam's pregnancy was confirmed. It was the first pregnancy after 15 years and the next generation who could control the future of the world was inside his belly.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

Ray nodded, put his arms around his lover smaller body, "I have, i asked the chef to make some light soup and salty crackers. Do you think you can eat some?" Ray may never be around pregnant people before, but theoretically he know how to take care of one. Even though the practice may have a lot of differences withthe theory, at least he have the confidence to take care of his lover during his pregnancy. Ray just gonna kiss Sam when he heard the doorbell rang, "it must be your mother. Wait here when I let her in okay?" He quickly open the door and let her in.

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