O The Institute (open to anyone)

"Thanks for being so understanding,  doctor Sargasso" Florian said with a naive smile as he followed her through the long hall. He was genuinely believing that she was being sincere about caring for him and was really glad to have found that hospital. Little did he know that soon he would change his mind.

When they arrived in the room, Florian was in the middle of a contraction, biting his lips to avoid letting out a low groan of pain. He was walking with some difficulty now due to the pain, and was using a hand to support his lower belly.

When the doctor asked if he needed any pain medication, Florian shook his head "No, thanks, Dr. Sargasso, I'm just having some weak contractions yet. Thanks for your kindness" he said, climbing up the bed and lying on it quietly.

When the doctor was gone, he lifted his shirt and started to hum a little tune to his unborn babies, wanting to calm down both the kids and himself. He rubbed his belly softly as he hummed, and slowly began to feel more relaxed.

Mark was his in his room moving his hips around his huge stomach showing through his shirt he felt his triplets kicking him he is a week overdue and his stomach continue to grow he didn't want surgery so he has to have them naturally.
He push the button for the doctor to come in as he was having really bad contractions "it's okay my kids I'm here he rubs his stomach

A nurse walks into the room, clip board in hand. "Mark?" he asks, after scribbling something down with a pen. He walks over to Mark and puts his pen behind his ear. His green eyes are bright against his tawny skin and he keeps his wavy black hair bound behind his head. "Hello, I'm Alexis and I'll be taking care of you today. I'm sorry the doctor is busy at the moment. You've been induced already, yes?"

Mark looks at Alex he groans in pain leaning on the bed having a contraction "Alex my water hasn't broke yet the contractions are about 4 minutes apart no one check me yet moving his hips around his blonde hair started to get wet from sweat

Alexis nods and sets his clipboard down on the table. "Let me just close this door so we have some more privacy, does that sound alright?" As he closes the door, the lock sets with a soft click. He walks back to Mark's bed side.

"Four minutes apart? It sounds like you're pretty close to delivery. I'm sorry you're in so much pain. This medication should help with that." Alexis draws up a medication in a large syringe and injects it into Mark's IV drop. It's not pain medication, but a chemical specially formulated by the doctor to make patient's painful aroused. All for their own good, of course.

Alexis walks to the end of Mark's bed and rubs the man's thighs as he pushes his legs apart. He inserts his fingers into the man's opening to check his cervical dilation. "You're about 5cm dilated. Not bad. Have you considered how you'd like us to break your water? We can do so chemically, but we nurses are specially trained in natural methods."

Mark groans in pain as Alex puts his fingers in my cervix "that really hurts Alex he trys to stand but his water broke on the bed he gets on his hands and kness "how do I push ten pounds triplets out of my anus?

As soon as Nerine stepped out of the room, the door automatically bolted behind her. Poor Florian wasn't getting out of there anytime soon. She procured a tablet from her coat pocket, on which a live feed of said patient was shown. She smirked as she watched him rub his swollen belly, completely unaware of what she was planning to do with him. Checking her notes, she saw she had two more patients to tend to. Her nurses were already doing the prep work on each, so she would wait until one of them called her in to finish the job. In the meantime, she watched Florian and brainstormed ways to make him suffer. She could force him into early labor, then impregnate him as soon as he gave birth. Or maybe she could prolong his contractions, letting the babies grow bigger and bigger to ensure unbearable pain. The possibilities were endless, really. But one thing was for sure; she was going to have a lot of fun making his life miserable.

(( @Fayariea ; It doesn't matter to me either, I just wanted to make sure I didn't just snatch a character from you lol ))

"How?" Alexis echoed. "With my help, of course." He was disappointed that the patient's water broke so soon, since he had been planning on fucking the poor boy until.it broke. No matter, there were plenty if other ways to get what he wanted.

"I'm sorry I'm hurting you, Mark," Alexis said, fingers still deep in his anus. Alexis shoved his hand deeper and delighted in Mark's deep groans. Despite his rough thrusts, he hoped to see Mark's cock begin to engorge due to the medication he had just received. "Pushing a child down this canal will hurt even more, so in simply stretching you. Would you like me to help you dilate more quickly?"

Mark groans in pain as Alex went deeper "please that's hurts so much he trys to stand up from the bed but he couldn't stand up "what did you do to me I can't feel my legs

Reyes read the medication's ticket with a grave expression. He had heard about that drug during his practices. The controversty of letting the children grow at the cost of the parent's body was a debate in every medicine and nursing lecture. He was surpised that a doctor prescipted this.

"I see... I know about this medicine. We'll have to wait for half an hour before you can get the anhestesia. But don't worry, I'll be here during al the process and get you anything you need" he assured his patient. "For themoment we'll continue to monitorize these children every five minutes, allright? Tell me, do you want water? Need a pillow? Do you want to change your possition? Or preffer to walk a little?"

He was no fool, those spams would be painful, and the process would be eternal for his patient. But he couldn't let him die. "I'm sorry, Mr. Greene, but if we put you on anesthesia, I'm afraid it will hurt your body. That drugs were oxytocin blockers, the hormone which causes labor. But don't worry, I'll be here. Hold my hand"

He couldn't make the pain go, or accelerate the process. But he would make sure his patient would never feel alone. Never.

Alexis frowned. He hadn't done anything to the patient's legs. Perhaps it was a side effect of the new medication? Whatever it was, he didn't let his confusion show on his face. He had to be in total control.

"It's just a precaution," he lied in his most honeyed voice. "It'll help us get you into stirrups later on. Does that sound okay to you?"

He twisted his hand, his fingers massaging the man's prostate. Perhaps some more stimulation would help the arousal drug work its magic. There was nothing more Alexis loved than forcing agonizing orgasms on his clients. Whether they loved it too, however, wasn't of his concern.

Mark trys to stand up from the bed as he was in pain "my anus hurts I feel like i gotta push right now Alex he started to panting fast

"Half an hour?" David asked Nurse Reyes, aghast. "Oh god, I'm not sure I can last that long." The pains seemed to be getting worse, changing from the typical sharp pains to a deep, rolling pressure driving against his pelvis. He gasped for air as another struck him, arching his back and squeezing Reyes' hand so hard he could feel the small bones in the nurse's wrist.

"Something's wrong, something's wrong," he chanted. He'd felt pains similar to this a month ago, when he took his pill three hours late. But these were coming too fast and too strong and the babies were twice as large, now. Fear brought tears to his eyes. As the pain faded, he went limp on the desk and writhed as he tried to get comfortable. "I think... I may need a doctor..." he managed a whisper. "But please don't leave me alone, please."

Mark stood up from the bed and moving his hips around having a contraction leaning on the wall "Alex what if one of the babies gets stuck?he started to have a panic attack

"You're fully dilated," Alexis said, removing his hand. It was smeared with blood up to his wrist. "They won't get stuck, I promise. Push as hard as you can for me. I'll give you more pain medication."

He stroked this patient's head, hoping to calm him. This time, he injected Mark directly with the arousal medication, hoping it would work more quickly this time. They were at the maximum dose, so if this didn't work, Alexis would have to devise a new plan to pleasure his patient.

Mark squatting down he groans in pain "Alex I don't know how to push I never had kids before his legs almost give out on him from the weight of his stomach

"Here," Alexis said, letting Mark lean on his shoulders. "Lets get you into the stirrups so you don't have to stand."

He led Mark back to the bed and set up stirrups. He strapped Mark's legs up and open wide, so his tortured asshole was displayed clearly. Alexis massaged the bottom of Mark's stomach, feeling the head of his first child engaged in his birth canal.

"Your child is very large, Mark, but as long as you listen to your body, you'll be fine. You can trust me."

Mark trys to push but couldn't "Ow that freaking hurts like hell he trys to move from the bed

"Mark, you can barely stand," Alexis says. "If you stand up, you may fall and harm the children." He pulls the straps around Mark's legs tighter. He pulls on a pair of gloves and inspects the man's opening. It was beginning to bulge with the first baby, but it wasn't quite close to crowning. He could see the tight skin already straining around the huge infant. Above his opening, his cock was hard and painfully overstimulated from all of the contractions.

"This will help with the pain," Alexis promised, stroking Mark's cock.

Mark moans in pain and Alex touches his cock "gotta push Alex there coming now he pants fast

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