O The Institute (open to anyone)

"I suppose so, dear," Alexis says. He has another nurse set up a water bath on the floor of the room. Then, he helps Mark stand so they can walk to the tub. As Mark stands, gravity brings his third child barreling down his birth canal and his sealed asshole begins to bulge. Blood gushes down between his legs and engorged cock.

Mark leans on Alex having a contraction "the third one coming and I haven't even had the second one yet

"Unfortunately, that appears to be a side effect of your penis birth," Alexis explained. "But I'm sure you of all people can deal with twice the contractions."

He helps lower Mark into the water and wheels over his IV drip and blood transfusion.

Mark sits up in the water he groans in pain seeing in the mirror the feet going back in my penis

"Oh you poor soul," Alexis purrs as he sees Mark lose all his progress and his third child straining against the sutures. "You'll have to cum again if you want to crown again. Would you like my assistance?"

Mark shook his head tears falling down his face "no I want a damn doctor not a guy who Is teasing me and making me in pain

For the first time, Alexis laughed. "Oh my Lord, you poor thing. I promise the doctor is much worse than me. I learned from the best. Now, push."

Mark's next contraction was so strong it made his entire body spasm. Alexis watched as both babies struggled against holes that were too small. The pressure must have been intense.

Mark pushes very hard gripping the ground seeing in the mirror big feet

The child's feet, thrusting it and out of Mark's cock, begin to make him shudder. He can feel agonizing pleasure flow down through his body with each contraction, made even better by the warm water lapping up against the head of his cock.

"Are you about to cum again?" Alexis asked, his fingers playing with Mark's bleeding asshole under the water. The third child was still attempting to crown, but it couldn't against the sutured flesh. Would Mark's asshole tear for a second time?

Mark trys to push Alex fingers away from him "get away from me you cause enough pain

Alexis takes Mark by the wrists and pins him down against the side of the tub. As soon as he does, Mark is wracked by another pair of intense contractions. "Now, now, now, dear. You need to focus on pushing out those children. Don't make me fuck you, again."

Mark grunts in pain pushing harder "dammit I'm not getting pregnant every again he screams in pain

"Don't be so sure," Alexis says. "If your asshole recovers well enough, you'd make such a pretty breeder."

With this next push, Mark's penis baby is pushed out to its hips. The muscles of his pelvis tremble as the anus baby is shoved against the closed hole. His tears begin to widen, ripping the skin of his thighs. He was about to start crowning two children at once.

Mark scream loudly in pain "I can't do it anymore

Alexis's hands travel up and down Mark's stomach. "Would you like me to cut them out of you?"

Mark nods his head weakly as he was tried

With a small sneer of a smile, Alexis takes his scalpel and begins at the base of Mark's cock. He slices upwards, slow and meticulous, and delights at the blood pouring down his hands. He has another nurse hold Mark's hips still so he can't buck or turn away.

Mark screams In pain "that hurts Alex

Alexis laughs. "What exactly did you expect, Mark?"

His slice reaches the head of Mark's cock as another contraction tears through his body. The contracting muscles pull at the wound, tearing Mark's cock apart. In a burst of cum and blood, the skin of his cock slides down the infant's torso. Mark spasms in the last orgasm of his life, but the pleasure and agonizing contraction never seem to end. The baby's head is still stuck in his pelvis, so Alexis has to tug at it with the long, intense contraction.

Mark passed out from the pain

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08-09-2019, 04:48 PM

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