C A forgotten prince (Closed with bhdire8)

"OK. With washing my hair",Carlos answered he was slightly confused. He was done washing his face at the moment he cleaned though he cleaned his wound carefully. It was uncomfortable but he knew he had to or it would be infected. Carlos sneezed he rubbed his nose afterwards it was that had been unexpected at the moment. Carlos did as he was told when he was done cleaning his face he closed his eyes before he forgot to at the moment.

Dave looked at Carlos and chuckled. He tilted his head back so he could run water through his strands. He saw his eyelashes batted when he had warm water cleaning him, and then quickly he removed him from the tub to avoid him catchign a cold. Dressing him, he laid him on bed. "Get some sleep.. you needed that." He said and left the room. somehow, he felt a connection with this guy, and he wasn't sure how he should be dealing with him.

The next few weeks, the Lord would have brought carlos around as he worked. He visited his tenants, and brought Carlos with him. At night, he would clean his wounds and take a bath for him, put him in bed before he tend to his own routines. He was demonstrating such a level of patience that everyone was stunned.

Carlos relaxed a bit more the water felt nice going through his hair. He pushed his hair out of his face yawning he didn't make a sound when he was picked up out of the tub. Carlos nods though he was mostly asleep already. Curling up on his side he hadn't been tired when he didn't have any trouble falling asleep once he was laying. Though he was uncomfortable with the way he was being treated since it was something he wasn't use to.

For the next few weeks Carlos would go every where with Dave. He would stay close to him when they did leave the house. It was a nice change from his last master since most of the time he was forced to stay in his masters room. Carlos had grown a bit in the past few weeks he would try to help him clean his wounds even if he couldn't.

Dave was slightly impatient. Sometimes he felt like he was just bringing a doll with him. Carlos wouldnt initiate conversations, whether or not he paid him attention, he didnt seem to mind. He woukdnt say he was hungry, even when his stomach was gurgling. He knew it was because Carlos didnt feel safe with him yet, and it needed time for that to get better, but it didnt make the frustration feel any less.

Dave once again picked Carlos up , indeed he was small and light like a doll, as he finished the office work he had. He thought he would bring him to the garden as a change of environment. He had asked the servants to release a few small animals - puppies, kittens, and a few rabbits. He hoped th3 animals could bring some liveliness into Carlos.

Carlos was playing with his hair he liked it since he can play with it again. Though he only did so when he was nervous it was nice he didn't know what to say. He was kind of nervous about talking to him though he would eventually but until then he would be quiet. A lot of the time he was terrified to tell him him much of anything. Carlos knew he was worrying and making his new master annoyed with him but even after a few weeks he wasn't used to it.

Carlos his sight had returned a bit in his left eye though it was fuzzy. He rubbed his eyes letting go of his hair when he was picked up. Carlos was wandering where they were going now he had been almost everywhere in the house with the help of the servents when he was at house.

Dave didn't know whether to feel good about Carlos not rejecting his touch, or should he feel bitter for the lack of response. Probably Carlos thought he was a strnage owner - to him, he acted more like a travelling vehicle than really a master. He took him through teh corridors and tired to brief Carlos. "we are heading outside to the garden. Do you like nature? I always find it nice to spend some time under the Sun, getting surrounded by greens." He said and took the steps down while Carlos wouldn't even look him in the eye.

The servants bowed low at them, and dave made his way to the checkered picnic mat they had laid for them. He sat down and already saw a glimpse of a round bottom of a rabbit, with the ball-like tail wiggling behind it as that particular brown rabbit was very concentrated on chewing his carrot.

Carlos had gotten used to it by now after being carried around the past few weeks by Dave. Though he was a bit tense at the moment. A few times at the beginning he did react a but badly at he had been uncomfortable for awhile. His eyes sparkled at that he looked up at him "Really. I like nature it's been awhile",he said. Carlos was happy he wasn't aloud to go outside without him but it should be nice.

Carlos looked around once they were it was nice and so big. He smiled when he saw several kittens playing near the blanket.

(Hey.... hmm. Err, is there anything that you think.could progress their relationship a little?)

Dave let go of Carlos, letting him play around in the garden. He guessed the slave probably didnt have any chance of playing as a child, and he looekd surprised by everything. While the.other servants prepared their lunch, he just relaxed himself. It's not at all that much of a chance for him to relax and do nothing as a powerful man himself, and without noticing, he had fallen asleep himself while looking at Carlos trying to play with the kittens.

((I am not sure I do not have any ideas at the moment. What about you?))

Carlos wandered around near the blanket playing with some kittens. It was fun the garden had so many different things plus all of the baby animals. He felt like a child again picking up one of the pup's that allowed him to ands laid down on his back. Carlos sat the pup on his stomach playing with it like that watching the other pups try to climb up as well.

(I am trying... but, i don't know... it's, i don't feel like there's interaction between our characters.)

Just then another pup decided he should brave the mountain that was Dave, and he attempted to climb up from his arm. The fluffy sensation startled the lord and he sat up quick, and had to laugh at himself when he saw that was just a doggie. He picked him up and raised him up high. "You are one naughty boy aren't you? Go play with your siblings..." He said placing him down, but strangely the pup quite liked the large man and continued with his attempt to climb up of him. The lord eventually gave in to the inssitence and held the puppy by his round and cute bump. "You are so different from ...." He said and glanced at Carlos, wishing his little slave would be as affectionate.

(( I am sorry lately I have way to many rps going on at once I'll try to have him interact with your character))

Carlos giggled when he notice that one of pups had gone over to Dave it was kind of cute. Smiling "Having fun with the pup?",he asked when he noticed that he was now holding it. He was feeling a bit more confident since this was something he always wanted to do.

(Right.. thanks :))

"yea... yea. they are cute." He said looking at Carlos who was also surrounded by pups, and turned to the one in his arms. "And you little cutie, you are adorable aren't you." He said scratching under his chin, getting the pup to squint its bead-like eyes as the animal enjoyed the touch. Just then another rabbit made its way to the basket of snacks placed next to Dave and just bumped head with Dave. The lord scooped up the rabbit and showed it to Carlos. "Wanna touch this?" He proposed, wanting to lure the smaller human to get closer to him.


Carlos picks up the pup that he set on his stomach. He sat up still holding the pup he watched the other pups try to climb up on his lap. Though he thought it was cute the way he was talking to the pup that he was holding in his arms. "I'll call you Athena little one",he kissed the top of the pups head she was so cute and so fluffy. He had a few rabbits around him that had joined the pups tilting his head he looked over to him again to see that he was now holding a rabbit. Getting up he walked over to being careful of the pups around him "Can I pet it?"

"Yea of course, on her back and maybe behind her ears, but never on her belly. Rabbits are easily frightened and you could never know which one's pregnant. If they were patted in the wrong way on their belly, it's easy to cause a miscarriage." The lord said gently, patting the ground beside him.inviting for Carlos to sit down. "Here.... they could kick.quite hard so be careful." He said and laid the rabbit.on Carlos, the fat little one almost occupied the whole of his lap.

Carlos sat down next to him and where he had patted sitting with his legs crossed. Setting the pup that he was holding next to him on the other side of himself. He was listening to what Dave was telling him nodding when he was done since he didn't want to hurt it. When the rabbit was set in his lap it was so big filling his whole lap. Carlos starts to pet the rabbits backs he smiles up at him "Thank you for this",he said

"thank you for this as well." Dave said gently referrign to his smile. He ruffled Carlos' now fluffy and soft hair, and once again relaxed, leaning back against the mat, resting his head on his elbow as he looked at Carlos finally relaxing and showign him a smile. Perhaps his methods had been wrong all along, he thought he could build up the sense of security being aournd him all the time, but maybe what Carlos needed was some time alone? He decided to test his theory.

He saw Carlos play with the animals for a little while longer, and offered the basket of food to him. "I would be away for a little while, do enjoy your time here.. there's sandwiches here, though be careful don't let the dogs get on teh chocolate, oh well, don't let any of the animals get the food here, you never know what could be harmful for them." He smiled and ruffled Carlos' hair one last time before leaving, letting the little slave had his own time.

Carlos nods he was starting to not mind what was happening. He moved closer to Dave being mindful of the rabbit that was still on his lap. It was comfortable letting the rabbit go carefully he set the rabbit on the ground and picked up the pup again. Rubbing the pups stomach he was thinking about asking him if he could keep this little one. Though he wasn't sure if he would be aloud to.

He would occasionally play with the other animals that would come over to him. Taking the basket that he was offered Carlos was confused why he was being given the basket. "OK I won't",he said smiling up at him he would probably wander around the garden once he had left.

Dave went on to deal with office matters. Occassionally he would look out the window. It wasn't facing the garden, so he had no way of seeing how his little slave had been, and defeatedly he found that he was the one thinking and worrying about the slave. He slumped down on his seat and closed his eyes. He really shouldn't have put too much heart into this slave, no matter how he looked peculiar and lovely. He had been falling for him much too fast, and the worst thing was, it was unlikely Carlos would return the feelings, not with their difference in status. It would only scare the slave if he ever let him known his feelings.

He forced himself to focus on the work in hand, but then he cuaght himself glancing at the corner where Carlos would usually be - more than once. The corner was of course empty, and he despised himself for growign so attached to the slave already.

Carlos sets the basket down next to himself before getting up. He decided to go and explore more of the garden before he ate. Carlos wanted to see how big the garden actually was at the moment most of the pups followed him. The garden had so many different things in it waving to some of the severnats that were working in there. He nearly ran into the wall that was farther in the garden "Well than that was unexpected",he said to himself.

Carlos looked up at the wall he was curios about why it was there. He wanted to see what was on the other side but that is what had gotten him into trouble with his last master. Moving away from it he went back to where the blanket went as at.

Just when Carlos was about to leavr, therr were some noises from.the other side of the wall. Someone - a woman's voice, muttered a string of curses. She then abruptly screamed, and there were noises like nails scratching againsy bricks. The clouds suddenly gathered, and the wind blew wild and strong. The whole atmosphere changed. It was like the serene garden had truned into a creepy haunted ground within a few seconds.

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