The Test Subject (closed with Torn)

He wanted the breeder to have a taste of what was to come, but he wasn't about to fuck him. Not yet. He'd wait until Aki was truly desperate, perhaps during the birth itself, before he giving him what he truly desired.

For now, he'd let Aki wait. He wanted to see how terrified Aki would become during the gestation period. These wyrms were quite long, about ten feet, not counting their large heads, and only needed about a week to come to full size. The rapid growth cycles would become much more painful over the next few days as he was stretched beyond his limit. His stomach, already as round as a 3 month old pregnancy, made Norris wonder if he was in fact carrying twins.

Reaching down, he ran a feather-light hand across Aki's cheek. "I'm done with you today, breeder." He kicked him hard one last time, for good measure, before retrieving his clip board and leaving the room. Luckily, he had security cameras so he could still supervise his patient even when he wasn't in the room.

Aki groaned once more in discomfort, feeling his aching, throbbing ribcage being abused once more. He was sure he was to be pleasured but when he was rudely shooed away ever so rudely by the doctor he simply frowned, his body feeling so very very sadly cold, unloved and barren through it all.

He hated to wait, sighing as he was forced to indeed wait. He rubbed his stomach, feeling the unborn fragon offspring moving and getting into a much more comfortable spot for the approaching nightfall. He was so very hungry and starving for sexual attention but knew that he would gain no form of love or such attention. He whimpered like a neglected puppy, trying to fall asleep but failing miserably through it all..

He sighed one last, final time. He curled up on the floor, dreaming only of being in the doctor's arms and being kissed by him. He sighed one last, final time. Managing to fall into a light sleep he moaned softly in his slumber, tossing and turning on the hard, harsh, uncomfortable floor without sleep.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

In the morning, the door to Breeder 121's cell opened with a loud screech. Two custodians carried in an old mattress. They dropped it onto the floor without ceremony and left before the groggy breeder could even address them. Through the metal flap in the door, someone shoved in a plate with his breakfast: gruel made with protein powder, some soggy vegetables, and water mixed with vitamin paste.

Under the cup was a small note, folded in half and placed discretely. Norris had written it himself and given it to one of the assistants to place with Aki's next meal, and it said:

Breeder 121:

You are not allowed to masturbate or touch yourself in anyway to alleviate your urges. You may find that as your gestation period continues, your stomach and belly button will become sensitive to the touch. You are forbidden from these areas as well. I hope you know that I am watching and I'll know if you misbehave.

You should experience three growth spurts today, each more painful and nauseating than the last. You must eat your meal anyway. If you do not eat it, I will force it in you and it will be much less pleasant. Each of your meals contains the exact nutritional requirements needed for someone carrying these young.

At midday today, you will experience your first ultrasound. I will see you then, and no earlier.

Aki, Breeder 121 awoke gently to the sound of his cell door opening. He yawned softly, wanting to speak to the custodians but they left much too fast for him to simply speak. He simply sat on the mattress, the only new means of comfort in the room now. He felt so alone, he felt as though he would never experience true love or even sex in an affectionate way. He wanted to at least touch his slowly expanding, stomach but that was off of limits now and that was not fair. It truly was.

He looked at the strange food on his tray, stirring the gruel around with his spoon. He lifted the cup and gathered up the note, reading it. When he read it he frowned, wanting to do as the note had not told him go do but did as it told him. He felt as though he was in pure misery. He wanted to touch himself or be touched but it seemed as though he did not get to do any of that. He wanted love, he wanted the doctor to be affectionate in any way or form.

He ate the meal slowly, wanting to vomit but managed to keep it down. He groaned in agony, wanting to be starving instead of eating that crap. He was ill now, wanting nothing more than to starve. He wanted nothing more than to maaturbate but he heeded the doctor's warning.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

As Aki stomached the last of his meal, the muscles below his womb shuddered in preparation for the next growth spurt. His fetus’s many coils writhed and stretched against his skin beginning to expand. As the pregnancy hormones surged through his system, his cock became hard again of its own accord.

Norris watched from his security camera, since they had half an hour before the ultrasound was scheduled. He undid his pants and took out his huge cock. He had been up all night thinking about the way that Breeder 121 moaned in pain. He couldn’t wait to see how the Breeder handled this long, agonizing growth spurt. He shuddered at just the thought of his cries.

Aki felt a huge urge to vomit, his stomach seeming to roll over and over like a round barrel. He whimpered sadly, miserably wanting very badly to pleasure himself even if the such warning would loom over his head with each passing minute by minute like a urgent sign flashing. He simply laid down on one of his sides, curling up as he resisted each wave of being aroused and in pain at the very same time. He gripped his stomach, trying not to touch.

He sighed heavily, his nerves not strong enough to be through it. He sighed once more, eager to be pinned down and dominated. He wanted to rub his stomach but knew that that was also against the rules. He could not distract his mind or himself from his urges. He gripped the covers of the bed, rocking his hips against nothing but the air. He was eager to be released from pain.

He tried hardest as he could, trying not to touch any part of his cock as if by accident or purpose. He was fine for a minute, managing to for a minute not to touch before he touched his cock He stroked it as he moaned softly, managing to release once from it, thinking in his head that he would be beaten for that. 'It was truly worth it' He thought to himself. 'It truly was' He continued in his head.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

Norris stroked his cock, waves of pleasure flooding his body as he watched Aki’s stomach writhe with his spawn. The fact that Aki was so desperate that he risked punishment to orgasm pushed Norris over the edge. He moaned as he came, eyes still fixed on the writhing body of Breeder 121. It didn’t matter if the boy orgasmed. His hormones were so wild that it would bring him to relief until he was fucked and in labor. Nevertheless, Norris could not wait to punish him later during the ultrasound.

The dragon fetus suddenly thrust up against Aki’s stomach, so hard that it formed a noticeable bulge in his skin. Norris couldn’t help but moan, getting hard again. The fetus continued its bombardment as it grew, biting and scratching and making painful bruises appear on the breeder’s skin. It was only a matter of time before the boy was screaming in pain.

Aki bit his lower lip, letting forth moans through his mouth. He thrusted his hips upward, meeting each stroke of his eager hand upon his own rock hard cock. He knew that he would be punished but he tried to be hopeful. He wanted to be on the edge that his orgasm would leave him weary and pleasured in such a wonderful way. He panted heavily, wanting this to never end.

He panted heavily, his eyes rolling back in his head as he rose and fell upon the waves of such pleasure. He was scared of when he would be beaten by Dr. Norris that he was constantly on edge with each sound he heard. He was suddenly in pain that his hand left his cock to hold the large bulge in in. He cried out, his back arching from the big, lumpy, dirty, old mattress.

He whined and whimpered, feeling the slowly growing, unborn fetus moving hard and stronger than before. He screamed, this time his outbursts were filled with such pure pain and agony that he could not think straight.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

Norris couldn’t take simply watching Aki any more. He stood and walked to his cell. He opened the door and let it shut behind him.

“Breeder 121,” he said, as he entered. Cum splattered the underside of Aki’s rolling, distended belly. “It seems you have been misbehaving. That is going to make this ultrasound much less pleasant.”

He grabbed Breeder 121 by his hair and pulled him up. The young man made a high pitched pained sound that made Norris moan. He had never met a Breeder who was so intoxicating.

“You are going to follow me to the examination room. You are not allowed to clean yourself up. Every one will see that my children have made you a hormone addled slut. Are you still lucid enough to hold an iota of shame, or will I have to humiliate you further?”

Aki had gotten up to his bare feet, feeling tired and weary. He followed the other man to the room.

He whined as his hair was gripped and yanked. He whimpered once again, feeling his body moving only when he was forced to by the doctor. "I can follow you." He said softly, fearful of what the doctor would do.

He was scared, feeling his body quivering in fear. He felt the offspring moving around, causing him to gasp as he stumbled from time to time to stay on both of his two unsteady feet. He felt so very sick.

He wanted to throw up, feeling as though he would never feel alright.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

Norris led Aki down the winding halls. The concrete walls of the institution rose to high vaulted cielings, as though they were deep within a cavern. White LED lights gave the entire building a cold, inhuman cast that was sure to leave anyone who lived here too long depressed and sun-starved. The smell of sterile alcohol could barely mask the metallic tang of blood. Even with the sound proofing, occasionally a scream rang out, echoing through the halls.Luckily for Aki, there were no windows that looked into the cells of other breeders. If he could see the carnage, Norris was sure he would lose his will. Already, his pregnancy was causing him to feel sick and stumble and it would only grow worse from here.

As they passed the other nurses and breeders about their duties, some pointed at Aki. Others stifled laughs. A few were more bold with their speculations.

"Do you see how messy he is?" someone said. "Lord, even a cat knows how to clean up after itself."

"Well, if he can fit that monster in his stomach, I'm sure he's enough of a whore to have some practice," someone else replied.

When they arrived at the closest examination room, Norris grabbed Aki by the shoulder with an iron-like grip and forced him inside. The room had the same window-less concrete walls as the rest of the institution. A bed with white sheets and stirrups sat in the center of the room. Beside it, the ultrasound machine was hooked up and a cart of supplies was being prepared by one of the assistant nurses. When she saw Norris, all of the blood drained from her face. She finished preparing the supplies as quickly as she could and she left without a word. The heavy doors seemed to make the entire room shake as they closed.

"Strip and get onto the bed," Norris ordered.

Aki blushed, biting his lip when he was scared or nervous. He heard the sound of muted laughing, wanting to wipe tears that threatened to burn in his eyes, he was scared but he hid that from the doctor and himself. He kept himself from wiping the splatter of bone white colored cum from the bottom of his stonach where his stomach was sticking out. He had been halfway through with growing with the dragon like offspring.

When he heard the screams of unknown breeders he shuddered, feeling scared and fearful of what was to come. He felt a strong urge to throw up as his nose caught the strong scent of blood. He sighed, removing what he was told to, getting on the bed. He was sure to get himself comfortable. He was eager to be done.

He laid on the bed, hesitantly putting his legs in the stirrups. He was nervous once again, closing his eyes fearfully.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

Norris strapped Aki into the stirrups tightly. His eyes lingered on his bruised, distended belly and swollen cock, but he did not touch. He squirted the ultrasound gel onto Aki's stomach and pressed the censor against his sensitive skin. With the hard metal object digging into his bruises and over-stimulated skin, Norris was sure that Aki would be squirming and moaning in no time.

"Oh my word," Dr. Norris said, looking at the image on the ultrasound machine. "Looks like we're expecting twins." This was exceptionally uncommon. It was difficult to get inhuman creatures to become viable within a human carrier, so they often injected multiple ova at once to maximize the chances of conception.

"That would definitely explain why you are so large," Norris said. "But now we must concern ourselves with premature labor. These fetuses could easily die if you go into labor too soon. I'm going to inject you with a medicine I discovered a a year ago. It catalyzes the development of a fetus, making them grow twice as quickly while inhibiting labor. This will allow you to carry the creatures to term." What he didn't tell Aki is that the drug resulted in agonizing growth spurts and often incapacitated the carrier for hours at a time. He also didn't tell Aki that if he misjudged the dosage, he could become dangerously overdue with too-large twin babies.

Aki let the doctor do as his work, squirming around on the bed on his back. He cried out as the censor pressed against the fresh bruises on his stomach. He wanted the agony to stop as quickly as it could. He was miserable. He whined in pain as the censor caused great discomfort to his sensitive nerves. He felt a strong need to cry but he tried to remain strong and brave.

He felt as though the dull pain he felt was the beginning. He was tired and weary from the pains keeping him up that evening. He wanted to be freed from the two twin beasts, now knowing that he was in for double the trouble. He was in pain instead of being relaxed. He felt as if he would soon feel the pangs of labor spring up on him through the day that would soon be birth.

No amount of sweet talking or trying to forget would block the pain from dancing upon his nerves. He was eager to be over and done with the burden known as pregnancy.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

Dr. Norris didn't even try to hide his smile as the breeder burst into tears. The humiliation, the fear, and the dread was finally beginning to wear on the weak young man. I wouldn't be long before he was completely broken. But Norris still had plenty of time to have fun with him yet before he lost all hope or will to fight.

Norris injected the medication into Aki's arm. Almost immediately, the twin wyrm dragons began to writhe and bulge out from his stomach. They would be at full size in about a day, at this rate, but the medication would not wear off until two days. That meant that the infants would both be twice as large as they should be.

But even if Aki died, it didn't affect Norris's research. He was just testing the newest genetic modifications to make sure that the wyrms could be birthed anally instead of through the penis. The children could break Aki's hips and tear through his organs for all Norris cared. Other breeders would not be forced to carry such large specimens, anyway.

As the growing baby dragons tortured the breeder, he ran his fingers over his cock. "I was going to give you a reward today," he said, teasing the rock hard cock. "But I think you have't been good enough for me to indulge you. Instead, you'll be in pain and sexual agony for this entire day. How does that sound, breeder?"

The miserable Aki looked down at his stomach, horrified at when he saw his stomach.  He rubbed his stomach,, not realizing that that was something that he was off limits to. He cried out as the two dragon twin offspring began moving and thrashing against his womb, he wanted the pangs of labor to stop as he arched his back up from the bed. He panted heavily in a few hours, clutching his sore aching stomach as the pains quickly increased.

Nothing seemed to distract his mind from the discomfort he felt, his mind and body were in constant pain. He looked up at Dr. Norris, pain and agony expressing themselves in the depths of his tearful eyes. He was eager to be over and done with the pregnancy. He wanted to be freed of his agony, even more he wanted to have time to be able to recover. Life was so unfair.

"It sounds awful." Aki said, pain straining his voice.

"How long till I birth these beasts." Aki said sharply, an expression of disgust on his face. He wanted to kill the twin dragons.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

"Not long at all," Dr. Norris said. He led Aki back to his room, forcing him to walk through the hallways naked. When they returned, there was a new meal and fresh blankets on his mattress. Norris couldn't wait to see Aki writhing in agony on the ratty bed, covered in his own cum and amniotic fluids. Already, the boy looked like a pregnant mother at full term, and his stomach would only continue to expand.

(Let me know if you wanna skip to the birth. I'm not sure what else I should have Norris do before Aki goes into labor)

Aki whimpered like so many times before, feeling weary from having to carry around the two now gigantic dragon offspring. He was scared and felt alone, getting up to his feed asche was forced to. He felt tired from what he was forced to do. Never did he feel such pain so awful, so deep and so horrible that it would take his next taken of breath away. He rubbed theround, mound of flesh that was his stomach in circles.

(Of course. I would love to skip to the birthing scene in the roleplay.)

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

Over the next few days, the fetuses within Breeder 121 grew without abandon. His stomach stretched out so large and wide that it seemed as large as the rest of his body, as if he contained a fully grown adult within the womb. The long, sinuous dragons were so developed that their muscles were strong and their scales sharp. Because of the medicine, Aki should have given birth days ago, but now the creatures were massively overdue. They moved constantly, their coiled bodies scraping the insides of Aki and making him bruise and bleed internally. Even before labor began, he was leaking blood from his asshole and when Norris so generously allowed him to cum, his dick oozed semen and blood.

Once a day, Norris examined Aki's belly until the breeder was crying out in sexual frustration. He just teased Aki's dick enough that he would cum, but never feel fully relieved. Within seconds, the constant stimulation and pregnancy hormones had Aki's dick hard and throbbing once again. But the only sexual contact Norris allowed him after that was feeling Norris's cum as he spurted it over Aki's distended belly.

One Aki's due date, Norris was watching the breeder through the security cameras. The first contraction made Aki's entire huge belly shrink around the fetuses and Norris watched as the breeder arched his back and cried out. Norris liked to see his breeders suffer through the contractions, alone and in pain and terrified, before he gave them medical attention. He would enter the room once Aki begged for help--or death, whichever happened first. He stroked his hard cock, ready to watch the show.

A young man known as Aki smiled. He was to marry his beloved today like he was dreaming up as he was dreaming of that. He walked dot night. In the depths of his dream he was walking down the ailse, dressed in a tuxedo. "Hello." He said softly, speaking to his beloved with a warm, friendly and loving smile. He looked up into his eyes with a stare that could melt even hard, cold and slippery ice. His look was more like a gaze. He looked around the church, noticing each person who was in his family was there. He was married to Dr. Norris and they were both happy to be in each other's company but it was a dream.

Before he could dream further he felt a strong pain that made gum gasp. The pain had threatened to take his next breath away. He gripped his stomach, curling up as much as he could. He was eager to be done. He was hsppy that soon the pains would soon be over with after a long struggle.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

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