They came from the stars (closed with BubbleBelly321)

''i dont know....shit....i wasn't expecting my weekend to becoming pregnant by aliens....'' scan the list on the screen and spotted a species of hooved alien's from a planet ravaged by a virus who killed most males.

''well.....i guess i'll jump first'' prepares to press the select button ''wish me luck dude'' said Duke to Aidan, trying to be reassurant of the situation.

Aidan reached out to try and stop his friend, but it seemed as though he was already too late to do anything. Looking away, the young man gave a quick nod of his head, and took a deep breath to try and steel his nerves.

He glanced at an amphibian looking alien race that appeared on the screen. They seemed to be comprised of a single sex, though they all looked rather female. Hesitantly he pressed his own select button, and waited to see what would happen next.

"Hey, we're in this together, alright?" Aidan reassured Duke as well, as he took a breath and shut his eyes.

'' yup bud....lets be mommy'' said duke a bit uncertain but resolved said before pressing the button and selecting the hooved bovine species. At first it was silence for a few unnerving second but a low rumble came from below their feet and a part of the alien goo began pulsating again. ''oh dear...her---GAAHH !'' said Duke while being cut off as something cling in between his leg and began 'entering' his inside through the natural port.

The alien substance starter to take effect as Duke abdomen began to swell and so did his hips under the restraining alien material.

"Duke!?" Aidan called to his friend. "What's going on?"

His thoughts were interrupted though as Aidan let out a small grunt and shut his eyes tightly. The strange goo surrounding him also began to pulse, making its way inside his body. This caused Aidan to squirm uncomfortably, but he stayed in place, unable to stop the unusual substance.

''i-i-i think im...'' tried to said Duke among the flow of emotion and in shock and the changes he was feeling. on the holographic display a small pop up with the message 'body adjustment done, insemination successful ' followed by the number 5.

The goo slowly retracted exposing Duke now swollen abdomen. ''i-i-i think they put quintuplet in me....holy shit they shoved 5 alien inside me ?!?!'' said duke in shock at how many the put inside him.

Aidan's eyes continued to stay closed, and he bit his lip tightly, struggling not to cry out. He felt the strange goo pulsing lightly, and several rather smooth objects forcing their way inside his body. It wasn't long though until it was finished, and left the young man gasping for breath.

Finally opening his eyes, as the goo retreated, Aidan looked up at his own display, now flashing the words. 'Body adjustment complete.' These words were followed by a few other words, unlike Duke's. '8 eggs successfully implanted. Approx. 4-5 fertilized.' It seemed all that Aidan could do was look on in stunned silence, as he stared at the screen in shock.

The door on their right opened, a four armed alien with purple hair and deep red eyes entered smiling '' oh all done i see ? congratulation on your first litter, Ill be your doctor for the duration of pregnancy, you can call me Aya''

she and gently inspect Aidan abdomen with her four hands ''hmmm, the eggs seemed to have safely attached and will grow nicely although be mindful of body changes as you go along kay ? ''

Aidan continued to look on in stunned silence. It was only once Aya began to touch him that the shocked young man finally spoke, willing himself to snap out of his stupor.

"Doctor? here for both of us?" He looked over at Duke, concerned for his friend as well. "And...what kind of body changes?"

''yes, i was assign to be you and Duke to make sure that your pregnancy goes well.'' said the alien doctor as she continued her examination of Aiden ''The changes will occur at varying degrees due to the presence of foreign DNA... *tap a few button on her tablet like computer and show a picture of the aquatic race aiden choose* your case you could gain special gland that allow you to breath under water or fin to allow easier movement under water for example'' Aya walks toward Duke for his examination ''as for you....every thing is in order as well but due to the bovine nature of your dont be suprised if you see a tail popping out or ...erm...and increase in milk production''

Duke was beyond timid, he was blushing and embarass and the though of having to freaking milk himself infront of his friend ''t-t-t-hanks doc.....''

''but dont worry once your given birth we can revert the changes if you wish, now ...*tap another buttom on her tablet which in turn made the restraining liquid peel off* shall we go for a walk ? ''

Aidan tumbled out of the liquid, then shakily rose to his feet. He was still overwhelmed by the information he'd been given, but glanced over at Duke to make sure he was alright. Unsure of what else he could do, Aidan simply nodded his head in response to Aya's suggestion.

"Where are we going now?"

''i'll be showing you your room where you will rest, we want both of you to rest after the insemination'' said the four armed alien. The door behind her opened and the sound of various alien speaking and odd noises could be heard from a distance.

''How many other people you took to get pregnant ?'' ask duke, intimated by what he is hearing.

''oohhh...a few'' said aya,cryptically

Aidan glanced around, not sure where all of the other voices were exactly coming from. The pair followed Aya closely as several other strange beings seemed to ignore them all. Soon the halls turned into some narrower hallways with several solid looking doors along the walls, each one with a small circular window to peer inside of.

''in these room are other newly arrived patient'' explain aya as the trio walk past the rooms, at the end of the hallway was what appeared to be a alien equivalent to a mess hall, with what appear to be hundred of various aliens, all of which sported various sized pregnant belly. ''here you can get a healthy meal for you and the little one'' continued until they reach a more quiet section infront of a door ''here we are '' said the alien doctor before opening the door and reveal a surprisingly large and roomy living quarter.
''here you will be able to rest after your routine check and after exercise sessions.

Duke jaw dropped, the comfy looking couch and bed caught him by surprise, much better than his own he hated to admit ''holy cow...''

Aidan let out a small whistle at the sight of the room. It was very clean, and minimalist, but still looked comfortable and very spacious. The young man continued to glance between the space, and the alien doctor with mild curiosity and confusion.

"So...we're both staying here in these...quarters...and you're letting us roam around outside this ship or station, or wherever the hell this is?" He frowned a bit. "Aren't you worried we'll try to escape or anything?"

'' we are in orbit around a sun as we speak, so escaping isnt in your advantage and im sure medical authorities will have a lot to say about your pregnancy'' said aya, still calm but a slight more serious.

Duke didn't though of it, what would people on earth would do to them once the word got out they were both pregnant with aliens. ''erm...aidan, i think we should accept their offer ...were not in a condition to decline i think. ''

Aidan sighed, looking frustrated by their current circumstances. He knew they had no choice in the matter, but he didn't have to be happy about it. Still, staying did seem preferable to being poked and prodded, and dissected by curious earth doctors and scientists.

"Fine. long are you planning on keeping us here?"

'' with your hormones and amount of embryo.....*count on her four arms silently*..4 month would be my estimate for your gestation...mayyybe 5 for Duke'' said the alien doctor, trying to be reassuring '' but im sure you will both make it out fine and have healthy youngs, well i shall leave you two alone, dont forget to visit the mess hall when you hungry. tomorrow we shall show you the other accommodation'' Said the doctor before leaving the room.

Duke look worried at his gut '' scared''

"Yeah. I'm pretty worried too." Aidan nodded his head in response to Duke's concerns, as the alien left, closing the door behind her. "This is all just...way too crazy." The young man moved to sit on a nearby couch, pressing his hands to his eyes as though he were getting a headache. After letting out a sigh, he patted the spot next to him, encouraging Duke to join him.

Duke sat next to Aidan, trying to digest their new situation but couldnt wrap his head around the aliens and being impregnated. involuntarily Duke rest on of his hand on his tummy. ''ever planned to have kids ?''

Aidan simply shook his head in response to his friend's questioning. "No way. I have a hard enough time taking care of myself a lot of the time, let alone a kid." He sighed, smiling weakly. "I also definitely never thought I'd be the one getting knocked up even if I were to have a kid. What about you?"

Glancing over at Duke, Aidan was still really shocked at how fast his friend had grown. He couldn't help but wonder if he'd start growing soon too, or if things would be a bit slower given that he was carrying a different type of alien.

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