They came from the stars (closed with BubbleBelly321)

''same here ...not with walking bisons for sure'' Duke notices the small bulge but at this point he simply sight and rub it gently but also notice something something off about aidan

''eeehhh aidan...not to make you panic but you seemed to have gained weight around you waist...'' tried to tell Duke without sounding worried but couldnt help but smile a bit at the sight of his friend also showing sign of his growth

Aidan paused and looked down to see that his own belly had taken on a small, but definitive curve to it that hadn't been there before. Placing a hand on it, the young man winced at the strange sensation, before letting his head fall back on his shoulders with a sigh.

"Great...As if this couldn't get any weirder."

'' wellllll...atleast the weird changes haven't occur yet, so far we are just swelling up like a balloon'' said Duke, readjusting his seating to be more comfortable but also revealing his bulging stomach is somewhat bigger than it was in the incubation chamber. '' should we get food before we cant get off the couch anymore ?''

Aidan moved to open his mouth, but his stomach let out a loud growl before he could speak. Soon the young man simply nodded his head awkwardly, feeling embarrassed. "Yeah...I mean I am really hungry." He then rose to his feet, and wandered over to the kitchen section of their makeshift home. "Let's see what these things eat!"

'' id go for a steak....but im not sure the little one will enjoy it'' said duke before walking out the room, on the right a sign in alien symbol adapt to english reading *food court*. it look like a giant cafeteria but alien of all kind were also there talking to each other at various stage of pregnancy, some in very unusual ways as some give duke and aidan friendly look, being the newest addition to their weird experiment.

Aidan tensed up at seeing all of the aliens. They all seemed friendly enough, but it was still an odd sight. Many were humanoid, but others looked like things that anyone would have a hard time describing. Trying to stay calm, Aidan glanced at Duke, and the pair followed what appeared to be a line of the aliens, holding trays to try and decide what to eat.

In the end, both humans were assisted, the servers happily telling them what the foods they didn't recognize were, and offering an idea of what it tasted like based on what they were likely used to having. His tray full, Aidan looked around to find a place for him and Duke to sit and dig in.

despite the urban myth to the saying eating for two, eating for multiple alien cattle is not a myth as Duke emptied his third plate ''oohh that his thee spot, i have no clue what i just ate but it hit the spot'' now rubbing his tummy, cheering up '' how your meal ? ''

Aidan nodded his head, his mouth full of food. Soon he finished chewing, and cleared his throat before swallowing his bite. "Really good." He answered with a smirk. "Guess these aliens hire some pretty good cooks." He took a few more bites, soon clearing his plate,before moving onto another.

''amen to alien cook'' chuckle Duke leaning back rubbing his tummy to help the digestion, now sporting a rounder tummy. Behind them an alien also wearing similar garbs than their 'doctor' aya but she has a most humanoid body closer to a human plus size except her forehead being devoided of hair and being three time the normal size, giving her a martian look plus her deep green skin . she approaches both aidan and duke and said with calm tone '' Aya will be please to hear both of her patient are doing well''

Aidan jumped at the sudden presence of this alien. He hadn't expected anyone to approach the pair, as it seemed most could tell they were new and wanted a bit of space. He noticed the clothes similar to their 'doctor though' and calmed himself, nodding at this new person.

"Um...yeah. sorry. Who are you?" He asked the newcomer.

''i am Oogia, im a nurse and one of the watcher of the center, i hope everything is going to your liking Aidan'' said the alien in a almost motherly tone.

Aidan blushed and shifted nervously in his seat. He couldn't help but continue to think about just how strange this whole situation was. Still, he gave a small nod and tried to smile for Oogia.

"Um...yes. Thank you. Sorry...this is all just really overwhelming."

Duke give you a small nudge on aidan shoulder and whisper '' i think she likes you hehe'' jokingly. Oogia ignores the comment and continues '' It is quite a shock when people are taken in, but believe me we do the best to make you feel comfortable despite the oddness of it all''

Aidan nodded his head to Oogia. Breathing a small sigh, he chuckled and tried to compose himself.

"Sorry again. I appreciate you checking in on things. I there anything specific you need to know or anything?"

'just be aware of sudden growth spur or mutation, my colleage forgot to mention earlier since the food are mean to help you babies grow big and healthily. if you feel pains or abnormal discharged just swing by the clinic' Said the alien doctor before leaving the two.

''damn.....this is scary '' Duke said being nervous after realizing how much of that meal he took and what it can do.

Aidan sighed, glancing off to the side.

"Seriously, these people really need to let us know things beforehand. We've only been here a few hours at most, and I'm already having second thoughts about everything!"

Aidan then pushed his tray away, and stood up to storm off. Not before he looked at Duke with a weak smile. "I just...need some time to process, okay? I'll be in my room if you need me." He then walked away.

'' alright Aidan, and dont worry well get through this some how'' said Duke trying to be reassuring despite having no clue what to expect himself from all this.

Duke decide to finish his tray, since it was the encourage thing despite the potential side effect. Which tasted good but after a few minute caused some odd bubbly feeling.

'' ooh boy...toilet toilet !!'' Muttered Duke to himself and he began running to the closest bathroom

Aidan himself went and laid down in his room with a sigh. As his head hit the pillows though, his stomach gurgled slightly which forced him to look up. Continuing to sigh, he just patted his middle, and turned on his side to try and sleep.

Unfortunately for Aidan, he soon found his skin feeling uncomfortably dry and itchy. He shifted his position several times, and scratched his hands all over his body, but nothing seemed to soothe the strange sensations.

Duke took the first cabin available, having to wait for a insect thing with a bouncy egg sack to come out. The odd cramp got more intense, almost like a nasty stomach ache. He decides to rub it to attempt to smooth the pain and discomfort.

The discomfort continued despite the meal passing but Duke notice his stomach becoming somewhat harder than before.

Aidan squirmed and shifted, but continued to feel uncomfortable. His skin felt extremely dry, and itchy, and nothing he did seemed to help. Frustrated, he got up and wandered into the bathroom to fetch himself something to drink.

Once he was inside the bathroom however, Aidan glanced over at the nearby bathtub. In an instant he'd managed to shed whatever clothing he had on, and was running warm water out of the taps, before switching it to the showered and stepping inside. Immediately he felt relief, but grunted as his belly slowly continued to swell.

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