A Holiday Weekend to Remember

Iggy didn't seem to care habout uthe popcorn at the moment, "Dad you're two weeks overdue," she pointed out, "You can't be pregnant forever... just tell me if anything feels off okay dad?"

"Trust me, Iggy, you'll be the first to know anything." David said with a smile on his face, knowing that she was probably right in her assumption "Now since you haven't been home, I thought that you should know that I've been reading to your sisters every night, and tonight seems like the perfect night to do so. David awkwardly got up and heaved himself over to the bookshelf and grabbed a few children's books. He waddled back to the couch and sat down just as awkwardly. "You might recognize a few of these books." he said to Iggy. He began to read them softly, while rubbing small circles on his belly. About halfway through the second book, David farted again started to feel funny. He couldn't put a finger on it, but it wasn't something he'd felt before. He didn't want to alarm Iggy so he just casually said. "What do you say, you take over for a bit, they need to hear your voice."

Iggy smiled and ended up reading Dr. Seuss books to her sisters, her hand rubbing her fathers belly happily, though she paused when it tensed up again, "Dad I swear you're going to go into labor soon," she said, not alarmed, but worried as any daughter would be.

"Well, soon isn't now, is it?" he said playfully. "Keep reading, they like the sound of your voice." said David, trying to change the subject. It wasn't long after Iggy started to read again that David was now getting very uncomfortable. He was shifting in his seat, and getting a bit gassy. Even the pressure on his prostate was getting worse. "Iggy, move over for a second, I'm just gonna stand up for a moment." he said struggling to get to a standing position.

Iggy helped her father up and felt around his belly gently, "Dad I think you're in the early stages of labor," she said calmly. Dr. Redbane had taught her well that panicking did no good and that it was best to stay calm.

"Don't be silly, I feel fine. We've just been sitting for over an hour. I needed a change." he said rubbing his belly. "Even if I am, we're stuck here. So how about a card game, I may be overdue, but I can still beat you in poker." he said hoping Iggy wouldn't take it any further. As David walked to get the deck of cards he needed to pee. "Be right back. Shuffle up and deal." he waddled over to the bathroom, but he couldn't relax himself enough to actually go. He flushed the toilet as to not arise any suspicion, washed his hands, and walked out of the bathroom. "So, five card stud, or texas hold'em?" he smiled at Iggy.

"Hold'em," she said, even uthough she still sucked at poker, and it showed. So they played in the dark, and Iggy couldn't help but be worried for her dad.

The two played for a little while longer, David was getting increasingly uncomfortable. He felt absolutely huge sitting on the couch pinned under his belly. He looked like he could explode at a minute. His enthusiasm in the game started to trail off, even though he was still winning, it was getting harder for him to keep focus. David started to get quiet.

Iggy noticed this and set her cards down, "I could rub your back if you want dad. It might help," she said, wanting him to be comfortable. She rubbed his belly a bit from where she hsat on the couch, and she realized she could only feel one of her sisters the other moving into her father's hips.

"Yea, I think that would be good." Iggy started to rub David's back, though it wasn't helping at all, not one bit. He started breathing a little deeper, with more of a pace to it. "Try lower down." he said. He was trying to concentrate on his back rub, when he started to feel an uncomfortable pulling low in his belly. It wasn't that painful, but it was enough to decide that it was his first real contraction. "Iggy, I think it's time."

Iggy nodded a bit, "Do you want to do this here or in your room? Or maybe somewhere else?" She asked, rubbing his belly gently, concern, but no worry, in her eyes. She was confident in her abilities as a midwife already.

"It doesn't matter to me, We can do it in my room if that's easier for you. Let me just get the ball." David waddled extremely slowly and rolled the ball beside him, just in case he wanted to sit on something that wasn't a chair. He kept one hand on his belly to keep it steady as he walked. He was so big at this point, that his belly would pull him from side to side if he didn't have a hand on it. "Actually, there's more room in here, plus there's more light than my bedroom. Is it alright if we stay in here for now?"

"Yeah we can stay here," she said, feeling around his belly gently, unknowingly making the pressure build intensely on his prostate and in his butt, "and I know its a bit soon... but when your water breaks hold it in for a bit... it kinda keeps things cleaner later after you let it out,"

"Iggy, can you stop for a second." he said gently taking her hands off his belly "My stomach hurts." with all the added pressure inside of him his pants were stretching to their limits to accommodate his very swollen penis. Even though Iggy was almost a certified midwife, she was still his daughter, and wanted to keep his pants and underwear on until he absolutely had to take them off. "Ok, I'll try to. Verna said that my fluid levels were running pretty high so I'll do my best to keep it in as long as I can, but I can't promise anything." he laughed.

Iggy nodded a bit and settled for rubbing his back, which helped some with the next contraction that tore through David with a vengance. She let him squeeze her hand, "You're going to do great dad," she said with a grin.

"Thanks to my great midwife, I wouldn't be able to do it without you." He said as stammering in pain. The contraction eased off and David started to waddle off the residual pain in his hips. Iggy went upstairs to her room to get her fetal doppler out of her bag. While she was away, David stuck his hands down the front of his pants to try and adjust himself, but he was so hard, no matter where he put it, it was uncomfortable.

Iggy returned after he gave up adjusting himself and sighed, "Well I mustve left the doppler in my appartment, but we can go on without it," she said.

"That's okay, Verna said that babies' heartbeats are within the normal range anyways." said David. There was definitely a little more added pressure in his butt as the first girl descended a tiny bit more into his hips. He could almost feel her head right behind his penis, like there was a bowling ball in between his legs. He began to pace around the room. "So, do you want to continue on with the card game until my next contraction?"

Iggy laughes, "Nah I suck anyway," she said, "I'm curious... what does it feel like right now?" She asked.

"I feel like I could explode at any moment. I don't know if I can put a finger on it, but I just feel really really really fat." David grabbed Iggy's hand and put it on his belly next to his belly button. "Right here, it's very firm." He move their hands to the side of his belly, "but it's soft here." he continued. "I'm also feeling some pressure low down, kind of in my butt." he said.

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