My new hometown

Language: German (would be preferred) or Englisch (but I'm still learning, so maybe my English isn't the best :D)

A few years ago, most of the woman on the World died. They got sick and even if they survive, they couldn't get pregnant anymore. So some scientist find a way man could bear a child. First it was new and most of the man were afraid. But today it's a totally normal thing. They build special towns for man who wants who wants to et pregnant. There war everything they need. Special doctors, shop, pools, big shopping mals and a lot more. Sex, is something totally normal here. If you find a guy who attracts on you, you could have sex with him when und where ever you want. Some of the guys liked it if there are watchers.
You could be pregnant und impregnated another guy, it's up on your own.
There are "birth party's" where some pregnant guys meet, have sex and give birth after all.
A male pregnancy is a way shorter than a normal female pregnancy. It's because of the medicaments they get. 3 months afters fertilize and a male is ready to give birth.

Tom loves to be pregnant. The first pregnancy was in his birthtown, but now he lives here his new hometown and couldn't await to be pregnant and give birth.
All the babies that are born here are giving up to adoption.

Du hattes grade deine 2 Wehe als ich reinkomme du siehst sofort ich bin auch hochschwanger

Ich verziehe kurz mein Gesicht als die wehe kam, streich mich über den prallen Bauch. "Hallo Doktor." entgegnete ich dann, sehe zu dir.
"Ist bei Ihnen wohl auch bald so weit, oder?" Stelle ich dann lächelnd fest.

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