C Angel Wings

Marshall's eyes were wide from the moment that Cael had stripped the rest of his clothes, somewhat surprised the angel even wore boxers. However, when the angel took for the skies, he was even more mesmerized by the beauty of the celestial being. He couldn't help but to admire that beauty, and when Cael entered the water with nothing more than a regular-sized splash, he was all the more impressed. "I think that was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen..." Marshall admitted as he moved closer to the angel, though wiped his face from the wet droplets.

Marshall was now stood toe-to-toe with Cael, and he slowly settled his hands on the other's upper biceps, gently rubbing that wet and warm skin, looking into his eyes "I find everything about you to be beautiful, Cael." Marshall whispered, swallowing thickly as he slowly moved to press his mouth against Cael's again, this time kissing him properly and with the love that was slowly building deep within his heart and gut.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


The sudden press of their lips, in a true and proper kiss, had a small sound of surprise escaping Cael before he found himself following along with the motions. As an Angel he wasn't quite sure what he was doing, but his body seemed to be able to understand perfectly as his arms came around Marshall's neck to pull himself up and closer-- easier to do in the water than it was on land. Wings shivering and fluffing in approval, Cael found himself pulling away to take in air that he really didn't need but found himself taking in sharply and quickly. It almost felt like he'd been struck by a surge of electricity as every part of his skin tingled with some unknown feeling.

Cael's own face reddened, something he wasn't even sure that he could do, as he looked up into those honey-brown eyes in front of him. "That was..." he paused, unable to find an English word that suited what he really felt. "Nice. I liked that." Arms still around Marshall's neck, he found his fingers playing with the short hair at the back of his neck.

[Image: UXpL7lx.png]

By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"


As things naturally progressed, Marshall slid his arms around Cael's waist and lifted the shorter man up so they were much closer together, half-naked bodies pressed closer together than they ever had been "That was definitely nice." He whispered, smiling as he pecked Cael's lips once more. The waves were rocking their bodies gently, pushing and pulling them, bringing their lower halves together and apart "I'm really glad you liked that, Cael... I'm really glad." Marshall whispered, resting his forehead against the Angel's forehead, their breaths just being shared in the small space between their separated lips.

After just gently swaying together in the ocean, the scent of cooking steak wafted across the breeze and hit their nostrils, Marshall pulled back reluctantly and looked toward the little house, sighing softly "We should probably get back to the house. I'm sure the steaks and potatoes are done by now." That was what he said, but he had no inclination of releasing Cael. Thoughts that this would be the first, and last, time that they got to share this moment were running through his head. And if it were the last time, he wanted to savor every second that he could, revel in the joyous feeling that was running through his body at just being in the angel's arms, and the angel being in his.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


At the mention of the food, Cael pulled his forehead from Marshall's to glance back towards the beach but made no other motion to move and neither did Marshall. They stayed like that for perhaps another thirty seconds before Cael made the first move of releasing Marshall. "We should head back then," he spoke, though one hand lingered on the taller man's shoulder. "It would be a shame if all your teachings ended in a failed meal." He offered a smile before letting his hand drop to take Marshall's hand in his and begin walking back towards the beach, perhaps not quite ready to let go of the human after getting a chance to be so close. It was a novel feeling, being so close to a human and wanting to stay close to them like that, but it felt like it made him warmer and lighter than usual and he liked that a lot.

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By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"


Marshall happily held onto that smaller hand, giving it a gentle squeeze as they headed back toward his house "I don't think it'll be all bad. The heat was pretty low when I finished and I moved the steaks out of the direct heat..." He had to release Cael's hand when they got there, though he did so reluctantly. The smell of the steak and potatoes cooking, being right up close to it, was even more mouthwatering than when they had been distanced from it "That smells good, doesn't it?"

Marshall pulled the grill lid up slowly and groaned when the scent of it really hit "Damn..." He hummed and licked his lips before grabbing a platter to put the items on there "What do you think, Cael?" He closed the grill lid again and then turned to the Angel, smiling softly down at him "Looks good enough to eat, huh?" He nodded toward the house again and followed Cael inside "Would you rather sit inside and eat or outside on the porch?"

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Cael nodded as he took a deep breath from his nose to take in the smell Marshall was talking about. It did smell good, even if it didn't bring him the same mouthwatering reaction that it did humans as he didn't need to eat. He'd seen a lot of food made by humans throughout his years and this dish was certainly one of the more appealing to look at as well. "It looks and smells very good," he complimented honestly before looking up at the sky in thought. He recognized some of the clouds in the distance, ones that brought rain with them, and though he assumed they would have plenty of time to eat before it reached them they had just been in the water and the wind coming soon might make the man cold.

"Let's sit inside," Cael told him, pointing to the clouds he was seeing. Though he wasn't sure if the human's eyes could see as far as he could he believed they were just close enough for Marshall to see. "It'll rain in an hour."

[Image: UXpL7lx.png]

By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"


He looked at those rolling rain clouds and sighed softly "Doesn't surprise me." He admitted, shrugging as they headed into the house. Marshall put the platter down and then went about grabbing two plates, knives, forks, and glasses for their drinks. Steak and potato was placed on a plate each, the tinfoil removed "It always rains around this time of day... That's the life you expect to live, when living on a coastal town." He placed the plates and utensils down on the table and then grabbed two drinks, sweet tea this time, and poured their glasses.

He pulled out Cael's seat and smiled over at the angel "After you," once Cael was seated, Marshall moved to sit down himself. He said a quick, quiet prayer and exhaled slowly before looking over at Cael again "I hope you enjoy... It's my grandfather's marinade recipe, lifelong family secret." He started cutting up his own steak and potato into more bite-sized and manageable pieces before taking a bite, humming and nodding softly.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


A small smile graced Cael's lips as the man said a prayer over his meal, for some reason the feeling that he did the right thing by ignoring his duty warming his chest. He waited a moment as he watched Marshall's actions, picking up his knife and fork in the same hands and following the man's motions by cutting into the food. He took a bite of the meat first and let the flavor of it sit in his mouth for a moment as he chewed before swallowing it. Normally Cael preferred sweet things, his sweater pocket full of candy he would let sit in his mouth, but for some reason found himself pleased with this meal's flavor as well. This time he took a bite of the cut up potato and did the same thing.

"It's very good," Cael spoke when his mouth was empty, giving Marshall a happy grin. He was honored that the man would indulge him in a family meal that had been through at least a couple generations. "It doesn't even need any sugar."

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By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"


Marshall had to laugh at that "We're gonna have to put you on a no-sugar diet, Cael." He teased, spontaneously leaning over and kissing those soft angel lips, though lingering maybe a little longer than necessary "I'm glad you like the meal. It's not the only thing I have up my sleeve, but it's one of the best." He leaned back and continued eating his own meal, eyes flitting to Ceal "So, where do you live? I mean... When you're here? Do you have a home? A place to sleep or recharge when you're feeling drained?" He was curious about Cael, curious about his life and what he did.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Cael leaned forward into the kiss without thought, the smile returning to his lips as soon as Marshall pulled away. "I'm not quite sure how many things you can fit up your sleeve but you can show me if you'd like." Icy blue eyes traveled up Marshall's arms, appreciating the muscles there but doubting he could fit many things in his shirt sleeves. "Well I also don't need sleep," Cael explained, taking a drink of the sweet tea happy to have something with sugar even if the meat and potatoes were delicious. "Until recently I spent most of the day or night doing my duty, when there's no trouble or need for me I either return to Heaven or wander the Earth. I've seen some amazing things. Waterfalls are my favorites, the falling water feels good on my wings."

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By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"


He wanted to correct Cael, tell him that it was just a figure of speech, but it was just so adorable. He loved that Cael was so lost on things, and yet so knowledgeable in others. There was just something about Cael's cluelessness that sparked something deep within Marshall, urging that protective nature out and to the forefront. He listened as Cael explained how he spent his days, nodding his head "I love waterfalls, too. They are beautiful and majestic. One of God's finest creations-" he paused and winked at Cael "Angels aside." he whispered and grinned.

Finally their food had been eaten and Marshall collected the plates and took them to the sink so he could wash them up. It took next to no time and he returned to Cael, taking the Angel by the hand and leading him back over to the couch so they could sit comfortably "Are you allowed to tell me what Heaven is like? I mean... I've seen pictures, of course, but those are just of people's imaginations... Unless they aren't."

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Cael shifted slightly at the question, not because it was uncomfortable or that he wasn't allowed to tell but simply because he was slightly embarrassed that he didn't know. "I can't really tell you because I've never really seen it myself. I lead people from Earth to Heaven and there are other angels who take them from there. I was a guardian of people who are living or passing on, not a guardian of those who have already passed." He paused for a moment in thought. "Maybe that's why I didn't want you to go. I would never have gotten a chance to see you again."

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By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"


He listened and frowned a little at that. Having a picture was all that either of them would have, it seemed, though he couldn't blame anyone for it. Heaven was a majestic location, a place no one but those that were meant to see it, saw it. He reached over and gently squeezed Cael's hand "As much as I would have loved to have seen Heaven... I'm glad that you kept me here on Earth. I wasn't ready to walk away yet either. I have so much I want to do with my life... So much that I need to do..." he leaned over and kissed Cael again, lingering just as long as he always did "I could never repay you for the life you saved for me... But I hope, I pray, that I can show you every day, just how much I appreciate being alive. Because of you, I am alive." He kissed Cael again, this time stronger, with more conviction and love. One hand even came up to hold the side of Cael's neck, holding their lips to that kiss for as long as possible.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


A small sound of surprise left Cael at the sudden change in kiss, not that he minded at all. In fact his body seemed to react on it's own, as if searching for more, as he reached up and brought a hand to the side of Marshall's neck. When they pulled apart, not very far mind you as their foreheads pressed together, Cael looked deeply into those honey-brown eyes that were so close now. "I'm happy that I saved you," he spoke quietly. "I want to spend as much time with you as you'll allow me. I've never been more interested in a human as I am with you, Marshall."

[Image: UXpL7lx.png]

By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"


Interested wasn't the word he would have used, but he knew Cael was still learning things. He had a feeling that interest was very far from the truth, as he knew his feelings weren't that of interest, but something much stronger, though he reciprocated in kind "I've never been interested in anyone, as much as I'm interested in you, Cael. Human or otherwise." Marshall whispered, kissing those soft lips again and sighing quietly "Do you-" he paused and went a little red at the swirling thoughts in his mind.

Maybe it was too soon, maybe they weren't ready for that step, maybe they should slow down and wait. Maybe Cael didn't know how to do that, which was probably true. Maybe Cael wasn't interested in *that*. "Do you want to lay down with me, Cael?" He looked toward the master bedroom, the bed the most visible thing in the open doorway "It is late, and I am quite tired after the excitement of today..." He wanted to do so much more, he wanted to be with Cael, as anyone would in this sort of situation, but Marshall knew he had to tread lightly, take things slower than he would with anyone else, because Cael was not just *anyone else*. Cael was special to Marshall.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Cael's head cocked slightly when Marshall started to ask him something and then stopped, his face darkening with red pigment. When he finally found it in himself to finish and mentioned the bedroom, Cael's gaze followed to the open room and the bed inside. Turning back towards Marshall, Cael kissed his lips again with a smile and nod. "Okay," he agreed easily enough. Even though he was an angel he was no fool to the way humans lived, maybe there were somethings he was still learning, but the act of sex had been around as long as Cael's memory went back. The act of procreating...not that they could he didn't believe. He may have been an angel but he was given the male shape.

Was he interested in doing that with Marshall though? He had never done anything like this with a human before but part of him thought if he were to ever have sex with a human Marshall would be the one. What he wasn't sure of is if it were the right time to do it or how Marshall would feel about it. Was he uncomfortable with the thought of having sex with him? Cael wasn't sure.

[Image: UXpL7lx.png]

By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"


When given that soft 'Okay', Marshall smiled and lightly kissed Cael again before moving to stand up. He took the other's hands and helped him to his feet, but before he could move them along, he looked down at Cael with a very serious expression "We do not have to do anything you're uncomfortable with. I won't take advantage of you, I promise..." He pressed a reassuring kiss to Cael's forehead before taking one of his hands again and leading him into the bedroom.

Once they were there, Marshall released Cael and worked off his still slightly damp shorts, leaving himself in boxers. Honestly, he had no shame about his body, so after that, he pulled the boxers off too, walking nakedly to the bathroom to hang the items up "If you want, you can hang the rest of your wet clothes in here... I'm sure I have something to wear that'll fit you." Marshall went to the little closet in the bathroom and found two pairs of clean boxers before returning, smiling as he held a pair out to Cael and then slid into another clean pair himself, covering his lower regions up yet again before heading to turn the comforter back and slip onto the bed, waiting for Cael to figure out what he wanted to do.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Icy blue eyes watched as Marshall took off his clothes, seeing the man's naked form for the first time. It wasn't the first time he'd seen someone naked but for some reason, perhaps because it was Marshall, Cael found he didn't want to look away. The man seemed to have the picturesque version of the human male form and Cael had to appreciate every line and curve of the man's body as he moved, only meeting Marshall's eyes again when he was given a pair of boxers to wear. Feeling a little embarrassed to have been staring so much, he busied himself with removing his slightly damp clothes and hanging them next to Marshall's. Being an angel he had very little need for modesty as he stood there naked, even if it was for a brief moment before slipping into the clean pair of boxers that were slightly too big for him though not enough to fall off.

Moving towards the bed, Cael crawled his way on top before laying on his stomach beside Marshall. His wings made it rather uncomfortable to lay on his back, one wing hanging lazily off the edge of the bed while the other rested just slightly on top of Marshall. He laughed lightly and offered an apologetic smile. "Sorry, they take up a lot of room."

[Image: UXpL7lx.png]

By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"


He smiled when that large wing settled over him "It's okay..." He whispered, reaching to lightly stroke over the appendage "It's like a blanket, soft and warm against my skin. I could get used to this." He scooted closer to Cael, close enough that their faces were mere inches away and he was settled under that large wing more fully. He leaned in and kissed Cael softly on the lips "You can take up as much space on my bed as you want, Cael. I do not mind in the slightest." He turned a little and managed to wrap an arm around Cael's waist, rubbing the other's warm skin lightly "Winters with you will be a blessing. You will be able to keep me warm all through the night." His fingers itched to explore that skin, to learn every inch and every curve, every scar and every divot, but he couldn't. "I like that you're comfortable with me..."

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Pleased to hear that Marshall didn't mind the space his wings took up, Cael allowed a bit of their weight to lay more firmly on the man as he cuddled up to him, leaning up to take a kiss for himself. He was pleased with the attention to his wings, enjoying the feeling of fingers between his feathers. It was another new feeling to have fingers aside from his own there and it was one he found himself enjoying very much. Winter was still months away and the thought of still being here when it happened with Marshall made the angel feel even warmer as he pressed his smaller body against him. "That won't be a problem, I promise to keep you as warm as you like." It didn't bother him to allow Marshall to lay with him as he slept, Cael didn't sleep and though staying in one spot for an extended period of time may be daunting on a human it wouldn't be a bother at all for the angel. "I'm happy that you're comfortable with me as well."

[Image: UXpL7lx.png]

By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"


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