C Angel Wings

[One Month Later:]

It seemed like no time at all had passed, but a lot of time had passed all the same.  Marshall and Cael had been living together for a month now, and they had spent a lot of time learning about each other and Cael just learning about life as a human in general.  In that month, Marshall had sold his place in the city and moved all of his belongings -scarce as they were- to the two bedroom home on the beach, now a permanent resident of the home that had been in his family for generations.  He had also gone back to work, but had requested that he only patrol around the beach and surrounding small communities, not wanting to patrol the inner city after the shootout.  His boss understood and agreed, changing where Marshall worked permanently as well.

Marshall was happy to be at work again.  Honestly, it made coming home to Cael - who he knew followed him on occasion - all the better.  

And come home to Cael he did, every night.  Just like tonight.  Marshall yawned and stretched as he came in through the front door "Cael, I'm home!  Where are you beautiful angel?" Marshall called out, smiling as he set his work bag and his keys, wallet, and duty belt on the table by the door.  The past month had been filled with a lot of affection, too.  They cuddled, a lot, and they were kissing, a lot, and getting better at kissing every day.  They still had not had sex yet, and Marshall, as patient as he was, felt that he was going to explode internally if things didn't happen.  He had no plans of rushing Cael into it, but he was hoping that it would happen soon.  They had discussed it, and he understood Cael's hesitations, because Marshall had his own.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


When Cael heard Marshall come through the door and call out his name he smiled, happy to have the man home. He hadn't followed him today like he did occasionally, though the amount of times were much less than when he'd first been staying with Marshall. "Outside at the grill," he called through an open window. Cael had picked up a thing or two in the month he'd been with Marshall and cooking simple things like hamburgers were now simple for him. He was happy to let Marshall cook most of the time, but when the cop was out a little later than normal like tonight he was happy to put his skills to the test. "How did work go?" he asked, genuinely curious considering he hadn't been following and capable of seeing it for himself.

Flipping the couple of burgers on the grill, he looked through the window at Marshall. "When you come out can you bring some buns with you? These are almost finished."

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By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"


Marshall couldn't stop the grin that bloomed across his face when he heard where Cael was. It was heartwarming, and, if he had to admit it, very attractive - not having Cael cooking for him, no... He found it attractive that Cael was learning and doing things, picking up on the basic daily necessities that every human needed to do in order to survive. "Yeah, sure." He grabbed the buns, the cheese and a plate before coming out to join his little angel.

He set the items down before bending to kiss Cael softly "Work was fine. Nothing exciting happens in the beaching town, which I am perfectly happy with. Just your run-o-the-mill traffic stops and other minor violations." He took a step back and looked over the burgers, nodding his head in approval "Those look absolutely mouthwatering. You've gotten so good at this, I'm almost afraid you've gotten better than I have." He teased, kissing the back of Cael's head before gently running his fingers through those soft wings, as had become his custom these days "How was your day, today? What have you done?"

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Cael returned the kiss softly when Marshall finally met him outside, quickly turning his attention back to the meal. Grabbing the cheese that Marshall had set down he opened it up and started placing them on the round patties of meat while they were still hot to melt just lightly. "I'm glad to hear you weren't too busy," Cael spoke, preening at the compliment towards the food he was making mostly for Marshall's sake. It was always a good thing when a cop had a boring day, especially if it was his cop. The fingers threading towards his wings had them spreading beneath Marshal's hands and causing a shiver to run through Cael at the attention. "I swam for a little while and then came in read some of your books. By the time I looked at the clock I knew you would be home soon so I started making your something to eat." Cael didn't have much to do around the house, they kept it clean and there was very little to make a mess of, which is probably why he found himself following after Marshall at times.

Placing the burgers onto the buns that Marshall brought out on a plate, Cael kissed Marshall again as he walked past and back towards the kitchen and dining room area. "Come and eat," he beckoned with a smile, setting the plate down on the table before getting some of the condiments from the fridge for Marshall to put on his burgers to his liking.

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By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"


Marshall happily followed Cael into the house, closing the screen door but leaving the heavy wooden door open to let the breeze continue flowing through the house "Is there anything I can get you, Cael? You know, so you aren't bored when you stay at the house... I know you aren't used to just sitting idle, and I don't want you to grow bored..." He looked over toward his laptop and then went and retrieved it, setting it in the empty space where another plate would have gone "You can use my computer... Look things up and learn new stuff on it." He hadn't known why it took until now to think about it. He lifted the laptop lid and clicked around to get it up and running, internet pulled up. "Just go ahead and play with it, you can't break it." Marshall settled in his chair finally and assembled his burgers before eating, starving today more than usual; he hadn't eaten much today.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Cael spent no more than a minute trying out the laptop before closing it and turning his attention back to his meal. He didn't need something to distract him when Marshall was home but he made a mental note to check out the device tomorrow when Marshall was at work. "Thank you, Marshall," he spoke with a smile, putting some honey mustard on his burger. He liked it because it had just enough sweetness to satisfy but not enough to ruin the flavor, he still enjoyed his sweets here and there but Marshall had helped him find ways to satisfy in a more normal way. Watching Marshall dig into his burger Cael smiled, happy to see that his efforts to provide a good meal had succeeded. "I'm happy to see that you like it," he commented with a laugh, taking a bite of his own burger.

[Image: UXpL7lx.png]

By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"


"Anything to give you something to do, Cael." He leaned over, wiping a dollop of mustard off of the corner of Cael's mouth before proceeding to kiss him softly and humming lightly "You can research so much on it. Learn new recipes and things... I'll leave you my debit card, too. You can buy stuff online and it will be delivered right to the front door in just a few days!" The internet surely held a special place in everyone's heart these days, it helped them with a lot and got them through more than enough stressful situations.

Once they were done eating, Marshall grabbed the plates and took them into the kitchen. He easily cleaned them and got them drying before turning back to Cael and smiling warmly at the young angel "So, what do you want to do tonight, Cael? Would you like to cuddle under the stars, or perhaps curl up on the couch and watch a movie?" They had a lot of options, they did a lot together, so it was really just what struck the mood tonight, and whatever it was, Marshall would enjoy.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


"You didn't have to clean up," Cael mentioned, watching as Marshall turned back from the sink and moved towards him. Bringing his arms up to wrap around Marshall's waist and pull himself close, a position he'd grown quite comfortable with recently, he thought about the options on what he wanted to do tonight. They had been together a long time now, getting more and more comfortable with each other, and Cael wouldn't deny the fact that he hadn't stopped thinking about sex with the mortal. He knew Marshall thought about it to, could feel Marshall's reactions against his body when they would cuddle at times, but the man was patient with him and never made a move. Cael was beginning to wonder if Marshall was ever going to make a move, perhaps too shy to ask the angel if he could touch him that way, so he breathed in deeply and decided to take it upon himself.

It wasn't like he didn't want it himself, he'd thought about it for long enough and was more than comfortable having Marshall so close to him. If he were to ever experience the act of sex he wanted it to be with Marshall and no one else. "Maybe we could lay down in bed for a bit?" He asked, looking up at Marshall with ice blue eyes from his potion against him.

[Image: UXpL7lx.png]

By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"


He slid his own arms around those slim shoulders and brought Cael close, kissing his forehead lightly. He watched those ice blue eyes and how they flitted with thought. It amused him and intrigued him when Cael was thinking about something. He, however, did not expect the question that was asked. Though, he smiled and nodded his head, his body already reacting to just the mere thought of being laid in bed with Cael "Yeah... Laying in bed sounds perfect." He whispered thickly.

Marshall slowly untangled himself from Cael again before taking the other's hand and giving it a light squeeze. He walked backwards, keeping his eyes locked with Cael's as they headed into the bedroom. Marshall stood at the foot of the bed and slowly stripped his clothes off, never once taking his eyes from Cael's face. Once he was down to just his boxers -his erection was now very obvious, hard and tenting the thin material- he stopped and moved to lay in the middle of the bed, holding a hand out to Cael in invitation. He didn't know what the angel wanted to do completely, but he had a feeling Cael would soon tell him.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Cael watched as Marshall stripped, his eyes leaving Marshall's only to watch the man's body as he moved into the middle of the bed then to the hand that was held out to him. He didn't immediately reach for it in return, instead slipping his fingers into his jeans to tug them off before stripping free of the rest of his clothes, leaving only his boxers on just as Marshall had. In nothing but his gray boxers, something that he and Marshall had gone shopping for as most of Marshall's clothes were just slightly too big for him, it was clear just how true to the mortal male form the angel was. His own erection was clearly visible in the light material of his underwear, neither of them were embarassed-- they'd seen each other's visible arousal plenty of times during cuddling-- but this time a tingle ran through Cael. This time it was different because this time Cael was ready for what it really meant.

Moving up the middle of the bed after Marshall, Cael sat himself down on Marshall's upper thighs, taking the mortal's hands in his to set them on his own hips as his wings spread out behind him. "You can touch me," Cael encouraged, removing his hands from Marshall's as he allowed him to explore as he'd liked, this time in a way that was not simply affectionate gestures in cuddling.

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By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"


Despite seeing Cael in various stages of undress, even naked, it still amazed Marshall. The beauty that the angel's body held was captivating, mesmerizing. "Okay," Marshall swallowed thickly and nodded his head "You can touch me, too." He whispered, looking up at Cael and smiling, though brief before he looked back at the body on top of his own. Fingers were soft as he gently moved to caress those slim hips, tracing the curves and lines of Cael's abdominal muscles "You're so beautiful, Cael." Marshall whispered, tone filled with admiration. He slowly leaned forward, one hand slipping behind Cael's back to hold him steady as he began kissing over that warm skin, kissing over Cael's collarbone, down his sternum and over those tight little nipples -paying a bit of extra attention to those, even.

Marshall's erection was throbbing like mad, leaking profusely, as he touched over Cael, worshipping every inch of skin that he could "So beautiful." He murmured again, unable to not tell Cael just how beautiful he was. Fingers were deft, though, as he began carefully working Cael's boxers down and off, setting them aside. He wanted to explore every inch, learn every curve on the angelic little body. He slid his hands over Cael's butt cheeks, but didn't linger there too long. He smiled as he looked up at Cael and slid his hand around to his front, very carefully wrapping his large fingers around the other's erection "Every inch of you is beautiful." He whispered, gently stroking that cock in his hand, working it with a gentle but firm touch. He didn't know what Cael enjoyed, as far as this went, so it was a learning process -probably for the both of them.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


The invitation to touch Marshall was hardly needed, Cael's hands were ready to run along the body beneath him nearly as soon as he'd released Marshall's hands. The man's body was firm and Cael found himself lightly massaging his fingers into the muscles he found at his shoulders before moving down to his pectorals. His thumbs brushed against Marshall's own nipples before dragging down his abdomen and to Marshall's own boxers. Marshall's own hands against his body caused the angel to heat up, slightly warmer than usual, his wings twitching behind him when a particularly sensitive spot was hit. The twitch they gave when Marshall's hand wrapped around his cock was enough to bathe them in a wave of warm air and it was a good thing most of the objects in the bedroom had been removed beforehand-- probably a good oversight from Marshall.

"Ahh... Marshall." His voice nearly left him at the sudden feeling that hit his stomach, fingers wrapping around Marshall's shoulders as his wings twitched again, this time less quickly after the surprising feeling had dimmed to a pleasant pressure.

[Image: UXpL7lx.png]

By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"


Marshall chuckled a little at the reaction, it really hadn't been unexpected, he knew no one else had ever touched Cael like this before "It's okay, Cael," Marshall whispered, still stroking that small member "It's all new for you... I just want you to enjoy it." He couldn't very well stroke Cael to completion though -well, he could, but that wasn't his goal. After a few more minutes, Marshall released Cael's cock and reached over to the nightstand, pulling an unused, brand new bottle of lubricant out "Alright." He looked up at Cael and smiled "I'm going to try something else, Cael. I just need you to breathe and relax as best you can..." He coated his fingers with the lubricant, smiling as he reached around Cael, leaning forward to kiss over his chest lightly once more. Very slowly Marshall ran his index finger over Cael's hole, gently loosening those tight muscles before he was able to push in. Every action Marshall made was calculated and careful, not wanting to cause Cael any undue harm with this process. He did everything precisely, as if he were teaching a class rather than doing this for his own personal pleasure.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


The feeling of something inside him was a new one, and Cael did tighten up at the unexpectedness of it at first before mentally coaxing himself back into relaxation. It wasn't a particularly painful feeling so much as it was an invasive one he wasn't used to. Marshall was slow though and patient, just as he had been every step of the way with the angel and Cael leaned forward to kiss Marshall's lips. The kiss was a good distraction as Marshall worked at his hole, taking his time in opening Cael up. At least his twitching wings provided a good rush of air here and there against their overly heated skin. By the time Cael's body had learned to relax against the feeling of something inside him, Marshall had added a second finger and not a moment afterwards did the man manage to just graze against his prostate. Cael's whole body shook, a breathy exclamation leaving him as he fell forward slightly, his hand against Marshall's shoulder the only thing keeping him up.

[Image: UXpL7lx.png]

By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"


He happily kissed Cael back, providing that distraction as necessary. As he continued working, adding that second digit, he couldn't help but chuckle when he found and grazed Cael's prostate and the other reacted in that way - it was cute, and he loved it "You okay, Angel?" Marshall questioned softly, continuing to work his two fingers in and out of that virgin hole, adding a bit more lubricant to make the slide even slicker and easier. He loved how tight Cael was, but being as well endowed as Marshall was, he knew that if he tried anything now, it would be pointless and painful. The last thing he wanted to do was cause the love of his life any amount of pain "How're you feeling?" He was close to adding a third finger, but he needed to make sure that Cael wanted to keep going.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Cael had to take a moment to catch a breath he didn't actually need but found himself seeking out anyway, eyes closed tight as that small wave of pleasure rolled through him. When he heard Marshall's voice his eyes opened and leaned down to his mortal with a nod. "Yes," he spoke, sounding uncharacteristically out of breath. "I'm fine, it just surprised me is all." He kissed Marshall again for reassurance, which apparently was all the man needed to inert a third finger into Cael's body. The angel shuddered at the feeling, this time his hips moving forward a little on their own as if seeking out that feeling again. Cael's fingers trailed along Marshall's chest and abdomen, his head dipping and wings pumping slightly. The motion of his wings sent his hips moving against Marshall's fingers again, and again his prostate was struck, causing a gasping moan to leave the angel's lips.

[Image: UXpL7lx.png]

By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"


He couldn't help but moan himself when Cael started riding his fingers; he was being pleasured simply with Cael's pleasure "Shit..." Marshall breathed, the word barely audible. After a few more thrusting motions from both of them, Marshall found that Cael was more than ready for the next step, and Marshall very carefully slid his fingers from that tight hole "We're going to move onto the next part now, Cael... Remember that you have to relax." Breathing wasn't much of an issue, he knew, but Cael definitely needed relaxation.

Marshall slid his own boxers off finally and his cock, ten inches and quite thick, sprang out, slapping Cael in the stomach harshly "I'm going to keep you on top of me, Cael, this way you can control how much you take and how fast you want to take it... Okay?" He slowly shifted so he could lay flat on the bed, though raised his feet to plant them on the mattress. He got himself positioned and lubricated heavily "Just breathe and relax.." He reminded, looking up at Cael as he very carefully started slipping the thick, slick mushroom head of his cock into Cael's stretched opening.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Cael kept himself as relaxed as possible, more than ready to be connected to Marshall in such a way, but Marshall's cock was certainly much bigger than his fingers. "Ohh..." The small noise left him in a breath of air as he felt himself lowering onto Marshall's hips and every inch of the cock inside his tight hole. No longer was his body pure and virgin but Cael didn't find himself caring much as he finally felt Marshall bottom out inside him, feeling his hips against his ass cheeks. Cael stayed like that for a moment, wings raised high above his head as he got used to the feeling of being completely full. If Marshall had been just a little bigger he wasn't sure if he'd been able to take it and although it still felt very tight it was a pleasurable pressure. Rocking his hips in an up and down motion, a light motion of his wings helping to achieve a graceful motion of it, he groaned at the feeling of moving against Marshall, fingers digging into those firm shoulder muscles.

[Image: UXpL7lx.png]

By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"


Marshall's head fell back and a loud, pleasured, groan escaped him as Cael started lowering down onto his length. His fingers gripped into those slim thighs and he couldn't help but rocking up gently against Cael, especially once the other was fully seated on his cock "Cael..." Marshall breathed out, smiling up at the Angel "You feel so good, Angel. You feel amazing, wrapped so tightly around me." He slowly ran his hand over Cael's chest, rubbing against those sensitive areas he had found in his previous explorations "Just take it nice and easy, a slow and steady up and down motion." He had one hand on Cael's hip, guiding those movements carefully - up and down, rocking from side to side, he showed Cael each motion and then smiled up at him "Do your own thing, beautiful. Pleasure yourself as you see fit." He'd be able to hold out for Cael as long as Cael was being pleased, this was no longer about Marshall. This was all about Cael and Cael's pleasure.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Marshall's compliments had Cael's wings preening with happiness, leaning back slightly as his hands moved to Marshall's waist just to have something to hold onto. His wings were helpful in keeping control of his pace, making it easier to lift his light body and move as he needed to. It took him a couple of tries to get used to his own body and figure out how to work his hips in the perfect position to have Marshall's thick cock striking his prostate when he came down. Soft moans escaped him before he leaned down to pull Marshall up by the shoulders so Cael could wrap his arms around Marshall's neck. Pushing his hips down in this new position made it feel like Marshall's cock was deeper than ever and the hit against his prostate had him tightening around Marshall with a whine, wings coming around the the of them.

[Image: UXpL7lx.png]

By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"


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