C Angel Wings

He smiled and gave that little hand a squeeze, unable to stop himself as he bent to kiss Cael - it was the highlight of many moments, kissing those soft lips. "Grocery store. I promise, I don't need a whole lot, so we won't be gone for very long. Not unless you wanted to go elsewhere while we were out?" He didn't mind, but then they'd just have to go to the grocery store last, didn't need the ice cream melting after all. "We could go to the movies or just hang out in the park if you'd like... I'm not against hanging out today and just doing whatever you want." He kissed Cael again and headed them toward his truck in the driveway.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Cael smiled as he shook his head, releasing Marshall's hand only when he went to get into the passenger side door of the truck. "Nope," he spoke when Marshall got in himself while Cael was locking in his seat belt. "I'm perfectly happy to keep you home on your day off. Maybe another day when the sun is out." Looking out the window it was a pretty cloudy day today, not quite looking like rain but no real sight of the sun either. "It's a perfect night to stay in with warm food. Though I wouldn't mind watching a movie with you in the living room." Once Marshall had the truck started and on the road to the grocery store, Cael held his hand out on the middle part between them so that Marshall could take it if he wanted.

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By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"


There wasn't even a seconds hesitation before he placed his hand into Cael's, fingers gently wrapping around that smaller hand "Sounds like the perfect evening to me. Maybe I'll even build a fire in the fireplace, we can cuddle and watch your favorite movies, eat a bowl of ice cream." He smiled over at Cael, squeezing his hand lightly. It didn't take too long to get to the grocery store, really. He found the parking space closest to the building and then cut the engine, got out and came around to collect Cael once more, "Should we pick up some popcorn, too?" He questioned as he slid an arm around Cael's waist and headed them for the doors, grabbing a carry basket on the way into the place. He really didn't need a whole lot. Pasta Noodles, Cheese, Pregnancy Test, Ice Cream, possibly Popcorn... That was the mental list he kept running through his head.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Cael kept close to Marshall, the man's arm around Cael's waist hardly a bother as he fell gracefully instep beside him. "That's the buttery stuff right?" Cael asked, looking around at the aisles full of human necessities. His stomach turned at the thought of something so salty right now and he quickly shook his head. "No, thank you. That doesn't sound very good tonight, I think just the ice cream will be more than enough to go with the movie." There were a number of people in the supermarket and they got a couple of stares while they made their way further in. The people in the city knew their police force quite well and thus a few of them knew Marshall well, they'd seen Cael only a few times in the store in the last couple of months and always at Marshall's side. It didn't help that the two of them were quite attractive in their own respective ways and when they were together like this they always got some attention for it-- not that Cael really minded of course.

[Image: UXpL7lx.png]

By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"


"Just the ice cream it is, then." Yeah... This was definitely something. He knew Cael wasn't fond of many salty things, but the popcorn was at least something he did enjoy once in a while, turning it down really just confirmed his suspicions, small as they were. "Here." they were stood on the ice cream aisle, Marshall having gotten almost everything else they needed "I'll let you pick anything you want from the ice cream aisle. I have to run and grab one more thing, and I'll meet you at the check-out, okay?" He kissed Cael and smiled softly, lifting a hand to stroke his cheek "It won't take longer than a few minutes, promise."

With that, he quickly headed off in the direction of the grocery store pharmacy, located the aisle he needed and found the pregnancy test. It was the quickest one they had on the shelf, and probably the most expensive, but Marshall didn't care. He paid for it at the pharmacy counter, had it placed in a brown paper bag and then he headed off toward the check-out. He quickly located Cael and smiled at him "So, what did you pick for ice cream tonight?"

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


There had been so many ice cream flavors in front of him when Marshall quickly left to grab something he might have forgotten that Cael took a moment to just stare. Usually he just grabbed a typical chocolate or strawberry but for some reason didn't feel in the mood to enjoy his usual favorites. Grabbing the one that seemed most appealing today, the angel took his ice cream towards the cashiers and waited slightly off to the side for Marshall to return from wherever it had been he'd disappeared off to. He didn't have to wait too long before he spotted him and waved slightly as Marshall made his way over to him with a smile. Cael held up the ice cream in question when Marshall asked with a smile. "Peanut butter and fudge swirl." Turning the carton of ice cream in his hands so that Cael could look at it himself, he grinned. "I liked the sound of a swirl of fudge."

Now that they were together again, the two of them got into the line to check out their food items, Cael's eyes spotting the brown paper bag that Marshall had already paid for. "What did you get?" He asked curiously.

[Image: UXpL7lx.png]

By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"


"Peanut butter and fudge swirl sounds delicious, Cael. Good choice." He smiled and walked with him through the line. He set everything on the conveyor belt, minus the brown bag which he slid into his pocket. "Oh, that? Nothing. I'll show you when we get to the truck." He didn't need anyone else around them seeing what he had bought. It was preposterous, in all honesty, for two men to need a pregnancy test, but they weren't your average couple, Marshall didn't know what he needed, if anything, to see what was wrong with his lover.

Once all of the items were paid for and loaded up into the truck, he and Cael got themselves in and Marshall pulled the bag from his pocket again "Okay. I don't want you to freak out, Cael," He gently took the angel's hand and gave it a light squeeze "There is only a few things I could think of that could be causing your symptoms. So, I bought this... Hoping that maybe it would give the answers we need," he pulled the pregnancy test out of the paper bag, holding it out to Cael "I don't even know if it'll work, because you're an angel... but that's what I think is going on with you."

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Taking the box from Marshall with confusion written all over his face, Cael carefully read the words on the box. "A pregnancy test?" he asked, eyes going to Marshall's for a moment before going back to the box. Cael knew what pregnancy was, he'd been around long enough to know how human reproduction worked, but he'd been given the same body as a mortal man hadn't he? There had been a time when humans and angels were known to have children together, many years ago, but the story was that they had been wiped out with the flood. The topic went undiscussed among the angels and there had been no cases of angels reproducing after that.

Cael glanced at Marshall before setting the box between them and biting his cheek without saying anything. He wasn't sure how extensive Marshall's religious knowledge went but Cael was suddenly nervous. If he were pregnant, if he were to have a Nephilim child, he certainly wouldn't be able to return home. If they had been wiped out by God before... Cael swallowed, mouth suddenly dry. "Let's go home."

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By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"


Marshall certainly didn't like the sudden silence or the look on Cael's face, but he didn't want to pry. He had clearly upset his little angel and now he had no idea if he could fix it. He hoped, though. He held his hand in between the seats, just as invitation if Cael wanted it, but he wouldn't blame the young angel if the gesture was rejected. Marshall got the truck started and he started them towards home "I..." He stopped and shook his head, swallowing thickly "I'm sorry if I upset you, Cael. It wasn't my intentions." He whispered finally, not sure how much good that an apology would do in the moment.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


It didn't matter how suddenly worried Cael was, when he saw the open invitation for Marshall's hand he took it with no hesitation. After they headed back towards the beach house he started feeling a little guilty for keeping something from Marshall when the man apologized. It wasn't his fault and Cael didn't want him to feel that way, so he squeezed his hand and turned to look at Marshall. "I know," he assured him, brushing his thumb against the hand in his. "You're just trying to help and I appreciate it. We'll figure things out no matter what." He promised himself he would tell Marshall, but only if by some odd chance of fate the test came out telling them he was pregnant. If it was a negative than Marshall didn't need to worry himself for no reason like Cael was doing now.

[Image: UXpL7lx.png]

By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"


Marshall nodded "I know we'll figure things out. You just worry me when you go silent." He admitted quietly. It wasn't much longer and he pulled into the driveway. Truck was shut off and he turned to face his lover "Are you worried, that if you're pregnant, you won't be able to stay? Or is there something else going on, Cael? I need to know... Because if I'm going to lose you, I need to know so I can prepare to fight for you. Fight to keep you." He lifted a hand and cupped Cael's cheek and neck. He took a deep breath but smiled "I love you, Cael," it was his first time truly saying it, the admission was deep, passionate, and so very true "I love you, and I will fight for you, to keep you here, no matter what. You are the love of my life, and I am not willing to give you up. Not without a fight. Even if I have to go against God or any other Angels."

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Sitting in the truck with Marshall, hands held in his as the man was honest about his worry towards him had Cael offering a half smile, feeling slightly bad for making Marshall upset. He leaned forward and kissed Marshall deeply at the admission of love, one hand going to Marshall's cheek as he leaned over the middle of the seat. "I love you too, Marshall," he spoke softly when he pulled away. The motion of Cael moving back had the box he'd leaned over moving and capturing his attention again. Releasing one of Marshall's hands to take the box in his, Cael sighed slightly as he thought back again on the idea of him possibly being pregnant. "A long time ago, before I was even created, angels and humans copulated and what became known as the Nephilim were born. None of the angels I know know the whole story but the Nephilim were wiped out during the flood, they were one of the creatures God did not save with Noah's ark." Another sigh left him as his icy eyes left the box to meet Marshall's again. "If I were to be pregnant... I couldn't go home. They could never know." Cael shook slightly at the thought of anything happening to a potential offspring between himself and Marshall.

[Image: UXpL7lx.png]

By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"


Well, of course he hadn't known that. He was religious, but not so religious that he had an inside knowledge like that. He nodded his head, listening to the repercussions that their actions had caused. "I'm so sorry, Cael." There wasn't definitive proof that Cael was pregnant, but even just the thought of his lover being pregnant and never being able to return home, it did break his heart. He pressed a soft kiss to his lips and sighed quietly, squeezing Cael's hand in a comforting manner "Let's just take the test, and see what it says... We will figure out what we must do next, after we know for sure." He hoped that the pregnancy test would give them a definitive answer, but he had never used one before, let alone on an angel, so he didn't know if it would or not.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Cael nodded, taking the test in his hand as they got out of the truck, Marshall grabbing the bags with the rest of the items they had gotten at the store. After Marshall unlocked the for the both of them and they walked inside, Cael couldn't help but stare at the box with the test on it quizzically. According to the directions he would have to urinate on it, which was something Cael hadn't done before. He'd mentioned it to Marshall before, that his body simply burned up whatever it took in. Would he even be able to go? Furrowing his eyebrows in thought, he figured maybe if he drank a lot of water in a short span of time, more than what his body could burn off, he could. "I'm probably going to need a lot of water if I want to try and take this test," Cael informed Marshall. "A lot of water."

[Image: UXpL7lx.png]

By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"


Marshall quickly put everything away and then turned to face Cael, hands on the small kitchen island. His own brows furrowed as he thought about it "Okay... You can drink water, that's fine." He hummed lightly and shrugged a shoulder "Before you take the test, though... Why don't you try it?" he paused, blinked, cleared his throat and smiled a bit sheepishly "Try going to the bathroom, I mean." He clarified, nodding his head and exhaling slowly "You've been sleeping and eating, like a human would, so maybe using the restroom is something you can also do now? I mean, what's the worst thing that'll happen? You stand in front of the toilet with your penis in your hand for a few seconds?"

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Thinking about it for a moment, Cael decided it wouldn't do any harm to try and began opening the box up to take out the test inside. "Might as well bring this along then." Cael brought the test with him into the bathroom, leaving Marshall to deal with putting the groceries away. For a moment he stood in front of the toilet, just as Marshall had said, feeling a little silly before he let out a surprised noise when it suddenly happened. Taking the opportunity to open the test with his teeth, his other hand a little occupied, and at least got enough on the test to activate it before he finished up quickly and washed his hands. He recapped the test and wiped it down with a paper towel before bringing it back into the dining room and setting it on the open box he'd left laying there. "Well...it worked. Now I guess we just have to see if the test actually works."

[Image: UXpL7lx.png]

By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"


Marshall had finished putting their groceries away and was sat in the kitchen, waiting. He was surprised when Cael came back and exclaimed that it had worked. He was hoping that at least that one human essential hadn't hit Cael yet, but he couldn't be too surprised, either, considering everything that had happened thus far. "It takes about three minutes for those to read properly... So I guess we can just wait." Marshall went over to Cael and easily wrapped his arms around his lover, kissing his temple softly "No matter what happens, Cael, I am here for you. You are my angel."

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Cael brought his arms around Marshall and leaned into him, comforted by his lover's embrace. "Whatever happens," Cael assured him. "As long as you're with me I think I can pull through it." A smile graced his lips as he stepped back. "Three minutes, hm? I guess that's just enough time for me to get a bowl of the fudge swirls. Maybe a treat of sugar will help calm my nerves a bit." Giving a quick kiss to Marshall's lips, Cael moved back to the cupboards where the bowls were stored, turning back towards Marshall in thought. "Do you want some? Or I could just put extra in one bowl for both of us and get two spoons....yeah that might be easier." He answered himself, taking a single bowl out and setting it on the counter. He was nervous and probably talking too much now, at least more than usual for him but he needed something to distract himself with for three minutes.

[Image: UXpL7lx.png]

By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"


When Cael left him, Marshall moved to stand over that pregnancy test. He knew staring down at it was a mistake, mostly because when you stared at something for too long, it felt like it took even longer for the results to show. However, that didn't seem to be the case here at all. The pregnancy test was rather quick, as the label on it said. It was already starting to show a positive sign, well before the three minutes were even up "Yeah... one bowl sounds fine, honey." Marshall stated, voice sounding a million miles away.

They were pregnant. Cael was pregnant with his child. Or so this test concluded. How did they deal with this? How did they proceed from here? Where did they go from here? Cael couldn't return to Heaven. Couldn't ask questions; there was no one who could answer them anyway. They couldn't go to a doctor here, the doctors wouldn't understand. And if he was truly pregnant, their child was half human, half angel. A nephilim, as Cael had said. If Cael was indeed pregnant, an ultrasound may not do either of them any good. They had no knowledge of what the future held for them.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Busing himself with getting a bowl full of ice cream and two spoons, Cael couldn't help himself from taking a spoonful of the sweet treat before walking back to Marshall. He didn't need to walk back to know the answer, not when he saw Marshall leaning over the pregnancy test with that look on his face. It had to have been positive to get that kind of reaction out of the human, otherwise they might have been able to laugh off the silly idea of taking a pregnancy test at all. Swallowing his mouthful of ice cream, Cael couldn't find it in himself to come any closer and see the results for himself. "It's positive, isn't it?" He asked, tapping his finger against the bowl as the idea struck him hard in the chest.

[Image: UXpL7lx.png]

By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"


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