C Summer Star Point

"Because medical school requires a lot of chemistry, and last time I checked, neither of us are science wizards." Dustin squinted at where Sin pointed. "Sort of? I think those things that look like pearl strings are their spines. So, if we aren't missing anything that's hiding, we're... having triplets?"

Email me to RP: simonbrownmpreg@gmail.com

"Looks like it." Sin stated quietly, biting on his lip as he moved to shut the machine off and hang the wand back up. He turned and faced Dustin, bit of a nervous look on his face as he settled a hand over the man's expanded abdomen, gently rubbing the rest of the aloe into his skin "Who knew either of us were so fertile... producing triplets on the first go 'round." He looked up at Dustin slowly, taking in a slow breath and letting it out just as slowly "It's not like we can turn back now, but... are we okay with this? Can we manage three children?"

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


"Oh, I'm sure that's all thanks to my mutation." Dustin watched that large hand move across his swell of a belly. He felt the shapes inside him squirm. It was a little surreal that he was just looking at them on screen. "We'll have to, won't we?" he replied. "We can't spend time and energy doubting ourselves. Now, we have to start getting into the mindset of fatherhood. Feeding, bathing, clothing... All the more reason we have to find Summer Star Point. If there really are other family units there... an entire community dedicated to raising and protecting kids... we have to join them. We'll be so much better off."

Email me to RP: simonbrownmpreg@gmail.com

Sin nodded as Dustin spoke; it made sense, it all did, he was just worried about the traveling while Dustin was pregnant - he'd heard it wasn't safe, add in the crazy things they were dealing with now, mutated animals and hunting parties, it was all very... dangerous. "Okay... We'll get there. We'll find Summer Star Point, and we'll find the safety that our children and we need." He leaned over and kissed Dustin's swell lovingly, resting his cheek against that soft skin "I wish I could fix this hotel up for you, but if we're going to find Summer Star, we should probably get back on the road again tomorrow morning..." He looked up at Dustin, chin resting lightly on his stomach "I know you want a shower, but can it wait a bit longer?"

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


"It was your idea to stay here for a couple of days!" Dustin gawked. "Babe, listen, I can live without the shower. It's fine. But stick to your decisions a little bit more. Are we leaving tomorrow or are we resting here for the next two days? One of them means I'm going straight back to sleep in a real bed while I can."

Email me to RP: simonbrownmpreg@gmail.com

Sin made a bit of a face, a sad one, as Dustin scolded him and got on his case "Okay, okay... I'm sorry." He sighed and slowly stood up, running a hand through his hair "I'm just a little stressed out, I guess." He grabbed the ultrasound machine and pushed it into the corner of the suite so no one would trip over it. He then hefted the generator and put it in the same corner "We can stay a couple of days, that's fine. I'll work on the water system in the meantime, it'll certainly keep me busy and keep me from causing trouble, and if by some stroke of dumb luck it works... We'll at least be able to shower." He came back over to the bed, stripping down to his boxers before sliding into it and curling up beside Dustin, hand on his belly and rubbing gently "You need your rest anyway, so, a few days here, where we're relatively safe, and then we'll get a move on... Maybe I'll even find a semi-recent map somewhere and it'll tell us exactly where we are and how far we have to go to get to Summer Star."

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


"Ah-ah-ah, don't you pout at me, mister. I have to start building up an immunity to sad puppy faces if I'm going to stand a chance against our kids." Dustin watched Sin lug the equipment around the room, privately marveling at his boyfriend's muscles. "You don't have to work on the water if you don't want to. On the other hand, though, it would mean we could fill as many containers as we can find with drinking water for the trip. It's more valuable than gold these days, so if we run into bandits, we might be able to buy our way out of trouble with it." He hummed and scooted closer to Sin in the bed. "Remember how we couldn't go anywhere with Google Maps?"

Email me to RP: simonbrownmpreg@gmail.com

"All the more reason to pour at you, then. Help you build your immunity up." He grinned a little and sighed. Arm not around Dustin's middle went around his shoulders, holding him close and kissing the top of his head lightly "I miss the modern technology we had back before all this shit happened... I'm not even sure a GPS would work these days, but it might, considering it goes off of satellite rather than Wi-Fi." He hummed a little and nodded his head "An older GPS model would certainly come in handy... I saw an electronic store while I was out scrounging for medical supplies, maybe I'll head over there tomorrow and see what I can't find." It was just a touch backwards that he hadn't gone there in the first place, Sin loved everything electronic, going to a shop like such would have been first priority, had the world been the same as before and he wasn't fighting for survival.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Dustin chuckled. "Electronics places are like toy stores for you. I'm sure you'll be gone all day." He closed his eyes, relaxing at the sensation of Sin slowly rubbing his belly. It felt nice. Physical contact between them always felt nice, but something about this in particular felt really good. He noticed how Sin's fingers hooked ever so gently when gliding along the side of his belly, how Sin's palm pressed up ever so slightly when cupping his underbelly, and how Sin's thumb took an extra few seconds to tease ever so curiously at the pucker of his belly button. The little gestures repeated themselves with every pass of Sin's hand over Dustin's pregnant swell. Soon enough, the motions even lured Dustin to sleep, leaving him breathing softly against his boyfriend's shoulder.

Email me to RP: simonbrownmpreg@gmail.com

The next morning dawned early, as it always did. As soon as Sin woke up, he curled up around Dustin's belly, rubbing it gently and kissing it softly "Good morning, my sweet, sweet children." Sin whispered, nuzzling Dustin's belly and sighing softly "I need you three to behave for your other daddy today. I'm gonna be gone for a little while, I have to search for a lot of things so we can get to a safe place, to protect you guys... But I promise I'll come back, and when I do, I better hear good things." He smiled and kissed Dustin's stomach again, sighing as he laid his head against it gently, arm wrapping around Dustin's middle and holding to him securely "I love you all, so much."

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Dustin woke up a few considerable hours later. Finding shelters was always an excuse to be lazy, and he took full advantage of it. Especially being pregnant. He sat on the edge of the bed trying to decide if he should bother getting dressed or not. In the end, he resigned to just pulling on a pair of cargo shorts. Most of his clothes were getting too small anyway. Dustin spent the better part of thirty minutes carefully making his way down the stairs from the top floor of the hotel. Christ how he wished the elevator was more reliable. The hotel was a chain, which meant everything was on a budget, even the food, so Dustin was lucky enough to find pancake mix and imitation eggs with almost infinite shelf life that he whipped up for breakfast. The pool area was all skylights, so he made his way out there, lying back on one of the reclining pool chairs, and took himself a sunbath.

Email me to RP: simonbrownmpreg@gmail.com

Sin finally came back to the hotel, loaded down with more than just the electronic components he needed to make the GPS system work in the car. Sin dropped off the stuff in one of the offices where he had commandeered for his work space and then headed out to find his boyfriend. He smiled to see Dustin laid out by the pool as if they were on vacation and not running for their safety. It was actually a surreal moment and he just stood in the doorway, looking at Dustin for a while. He was a beautiful man, and he was so lucky to have him in his life.

After staring for, what he realized was a pretty decent amount of time, he finally stepped out into the sunny pool area "Hey, Dust... I'm back." Sin still had a few bags in his hands, "I uhm... I found some stuff that wasn't electronics, while I was out scavenging." Sin came over and settled himself in the lounge chair beside Dustin, smiling as he started pulling out outfits that were still in relatively decent shape, some dirt but nothing major "I got a few different sizes for you, because I wasn't sure what you were fitting into these days, and I don't mean any offense by it, I just noticed and have heard you complain about it," there were shirts, pants, shorts, and, still clean, in the package boxers and socks, "And thought we could use some new underwear and socks, too..."

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


"Man, we can always use new underwear and socks. Nice find." Dustin sat up with a quiet grunt and swung his legs over the side of the chair, knees spread apart to accommodate his belly. He started looking through the bags of clothing for himself. "These are cool, Sin. Thanks." One couldn't be picky about style these days, but luckily, everything his boyfriend picked out was easy and casual. Being comfortable was an increasing priority, so Dustin wasn't going to complain about the XL labels on the tags of everything when he used to be a svelte medium. He couldn't keep borrowing Sin's clothes, either. "Did you find the parts you were looking for?"

Email me to RP: simonbrownmpreg@gmail.com

Sin smiled as he watched Dustin rifle through the clothes; he was glad he was able to find the things that made Dustin comfortable, he did try his hardest to do that "You're welcome, I hope they're as comfortable and soft as they look when you're wearing them, because I know how you are." He grinned and reached over, lightly stroking one of Dustin's reddened cheeks "You need suntan lotion apparently."

He nodded at the next question "Yeah, I found everything and then some... Should know to never let a boy like me into an electronics shop. It's like a fat kid in a bakery." He laughed and swung his legs around so he could recline in the lounge chair "I found a lot of cool things, really. A radio, the GPS that we were after, and a bunch of other things that, at one point or another, I can use either for parts or as their designated job, just depends on the situation."

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


"Eh, even if I burn, it'll just turn into a tan by tomorrow," Dustin said with a shrug. "I knew all that Mediterranean blood in me was good for something." He glanced up at Sin. "Did you grab all the batteries? We can use those as currency. Did you check all the registers for actual money, too? Making ourselves as rich as possible on this trip is probably the smartest thing we can do. Anything we can give people that can be considered more valuable than me as a breeder."

Email me to RP: simonbrownmpreg@gmail.com

Sin laughed a little "Then I guess I won't go buy sun lotion." He grinned, though he nodded his head as Dustin spoke "Yeah, yeah. I gathered all of the batteries, there was a good amount there and in the hardware store I went into." He smiled over at Dustin "I found the coolest things at the hardware store, and they'll definitely come in handy... Water bottles that have like this, built in water purification system... It's battery-powered, and I got a few of them, so we'll always have drinkable water now, and it'll be safe to drink." He shook his head at the second part though "Not a single dime to be had in any of the registers, but that doesn't mean there aren't stores that have money in their registers, I just haven't found the right store yet... but for now, we got quite a loot on batteries and other basic necessities that we can bargain our lives for."

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


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