O Mpreg Brunch

*Jethro arrives*

Jethro Grantham: Mark I am finally here sorry for being late but I got stuck in traffic...
Jethro Grantham: So did your water break yet?
Jethro Grantham: Sorry that Austin was at work but you still have me let me get a wash cloth to wrap up your sweat and then I want to see how far you are along....

Mark nods his head tears falling down his face "it's hurts Jethro

Jethro Grantham: *puts a wash cloth on Mark's forehead then removes his pants and checks his dilation. Congrats your already at 5 centimeters dilated... But your water hasn't been broken yet...

He groaned softly in pain as he being check "I it stings Jethro

Jethro Grantham: if your water hasn't break in the next minute or so i has break it myself so just breathe hopefully your water breaks soon..

Mark breathes hard leaning over the couch

Jethro Grantham: Congrats your water just broke so let me check you again...
Austin Mahone: I am finally here sorry about that I had to work overtime but I am here so where are we at?
Jethro Grantham: His Water just broke now I am going to check him again..
Austin Mahone: Okay...

Mark whimpers in pain shaking his head no "no no it hurts when you check me

Jethro Grantham: Congrats Mark you are currently at 8 Centimenters dilated you are almost there...
Jethro Grantham: Now Austin I need you to hold his hand when he gets another contraction....
Austin Mahone: Okay Jethro; (Holds Mark's Hand)....
Jethro Grantham: Austin thanks for coming i don't know what i do if i has to deliver this babies on my own... (Kisses Austin)
Austin Mahone: Oh Jethro (Kisses Jethro)
*Jethro & Austin begin Kissing*

Mark breathes very hard having a contraction "how do I push because it feel like i gotta shit badly

Jethro Grantham: Austin hold Mark's Hand while i check him again....
Austin Mahone: Okay...
Jethro Grantham: Congrats Mark you are finally at 10 Centimenters dilated and you are already started crowning because i can see the head....
Austin Mahone: Holds Mark's Hand...
Jethro Grantham: Now Mark on your next contraction i want you to push....

Mark breathes hard squatting down "I don't know how to push

Jethro Grantham: come on Mark push...
Austin Mahone: (Holding Mark's Hand) breathe and push...

Mark trys to push

Jethro Grantham: Good Job the first baby is out and it's a boy....
Austin Mahone: (Holding Mark's Hand): Great job Mark..
Jethro Grantham: You don't have that much time to relax because the 2nd Baby is coming fast...

Mark whimpers in pain "I can't

Jethro Grantham: Yes you can we believe in you... If not for us then push in memory of Jimmy...

Mark pushes but he stops "this one feel different doesn't know it's breech

Jethro Grantham: Mark calm down but you has to push a little bit harder because This Baby is Breech... Remember do it in memory of Jimmy....
Austin Mahone: (Holding Mark's Hand) Yeah Mark come on breathe and push... Do It for the Memory of Jimmy....
Jethro Grantham: Yeah He's up there in Heaven watching us.... just breathe & push......

Mark pushes hard tears falling down his face "nggh it's hurts

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