O Mpreg Brunch

Austin Mahone: Okay but He has a Gun how can those stop him?
Austin Mahone: Thanks Mark for helping us... There's only one problem with your plan?
Austin Mahone: And that is We don't know where Daniel is? He could be far away from here?

He looks at them "lock every door and windows

Austin Mahone: Okay when we get back home we will do that....
Austin Mahone: Mark thanks again for helping us and saving Jethro...
Austin Mahone: Now this is getting scary now...
Austin Mahone: First Sterling Knight whom killed Jethro's Ex-Girlfriend Yareli try to kill us and now Daniel's trying to kill us...
Austin Mahone: They are both Psycho so they can do anything they want... Even The Police gave up because how bad they are....

Mark looks up "I want to stay by your guys side you need the help

Austin Mahone: But Mark don't you have 7 babies and a Kitten to take care of?
Austin Mahone: We don't want to put you out...
Austin Mahone: What If Daniel shows up at Goodwill to kill me?

"Then I protect you, you guys have room in your house I'm going to live with you guys also I'm all alone and need help

Austin Mahone: Are You Sure you want to do this?
Austin Mahone: What if Daniel comes back and shoots you?
Jethro Grantham: What The Fuck Happen to me? I felt like i got hit by a Truck....
Austin Mahone: Jethro babe you made it....
Jethro Grantham: Sorry but who are you?
Austin Mahone: I am your fiance and we are getting married...
Jethro Grantham: Sorry but I don't remember you...
Austin Mahone: I am your fiance and you recently help Mark deliver his 7 babies...
Jethro Grantham: Who's Mark? I don't know nobody with the name "Mark"...
Austin Mahone: Mark what's going on why doesn't Jethro remember Us?

Mark looks at Austin "I think he brainwashed him he lost his memories but don't give up hope he will remember

Jethro Grantham: Now where is my boyfriend Daniel?
Austin Mahone: He's not your boyfriend but I am your fiance...
Jethro Grantham: When i get out of here and back at home I am gonna call the cops that the both of you kidnap me away from My Boyfriend Daniel...
Austin Mahone: We didn't kidnap you...
Jethro Grantham: I am so out of here and I am gonna call Daniel to pick me up because I don't feel like driving right now....

*Jethro leaves & waits for Daniel to pick him up*

Jethro Grantham: Before i leave You & Mark is gonna be lock up for the next 5-6 years on the charge of kidnapping & attempted murder....

Mark looks up "now look here Jethro Daniel almost killed you he shot you blame him not us Austin is pregnant with you baby respect him I was out cold but i heard everything Daniel is a dick and a sick person he doesn't care about you all he cares is about money Austin loves you the way you are not Daniel he will hurt you badly more then shooting you

Jethro Grantham: Who the Fuck are you? I don't talk to Strangers and My Boyfriend Daniel won't do that...
*Daniel Shows up*

*Jethro gets in Daniel's Car*

Jethro Grantham: Daniel babe thanks for showing up because These 2 Strangers try to turn me against you...
Daniel Edwards: Oh Babe (Kisses him)
Jethro Grantham: (Kisses Him back)
Jethro Grantham: Daniel remind me when we get back home to call the cops on these 2..
Daniel Edwards: Okay Babe...
*Daniel & Jethro kiss for one more time until they drove away*
*Jethro & Daniel left*

Austin Mahone: Jethro NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Austin Mahone: He left?
Austin Mahone: Should i go back home and wait for him?
Austin Mahone: I am hoping his memories came back and realizes that I am the one that he supposed to be with?
Austin Mahone: But when will Jethro get his memory back?

Mark hugs Austin "soon I hope but that bitch is going to pay because he doesn't know I had hidden cameras In my house and I got proof so we won't be charge

[Meanwhile at the Airport]

Jethro Grantham: Daniel i need to ask you a question?
Daniel Edwards: Yes Babe what is it?
Jethro Grantham: (Gets down on one knee) Daniel Edwards Will You Marry Me?
Daniel Edwards: Oh God Yes I will Marry You Jethro Grantham...
*Jethro & Daniel kiss while The Entire Airport applauds them*
Jethro Grantham: I can't believe we are finally getting away from this place....
Daniel Edwards: Yeah I been saving up to finally leave here...
Jethro Grantham: Remember I already called the cops on those 2 strangers that kidnap me so they are gonna pay for taking me away from My Future Husband... (Kisses Daniel)....
Daniel Edwards: Oh Babe I Love You too and I can't wait to start our lives together and also I am Pregnant & You the father....
Jethro Grantham: WOW!!!! You are i just thought you was fat that needed to go on a diet?
Daniel Edwards: Nope not fat but Pregnant...
Jethro Grantham: Hello My Little Baby i can't wait to meet you...

*Jethro & Daniel gets on the plane and leaves*
*The Police shows up and arrests Mark & Austin for kidnapping Jethro*
*Now Mark & Austin are behind bars*

To Be Continued......

(So do we continue (

yeah we continued we don't want it to end on a cliff-hanger...

I just added a "MPREG Crazy Bitch Pt. 2" so we continue over there...

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