C My brothers best friend

(Hi there! It’s been a long time since I rp’d on here. If anyone likes the style of my rp or potentially has an idea and likes the way I do rp just send me a message I’ll be happy to set something up - if you would like I am happy to play both breeder and seeder but would prefer if I’m originally seeder that I also get a chance to be a breeder. Anyway, just send me a message and I’d be happy to rp with you - I’m good with fantasy as well as simply day to day life rps however I do like a bit of romance and a bit of a story not just always birthing [though obviously I love that too!] Thank you!)

My Brothers Best friend (in this world both men and women can get pregnant):
Jace’s older brother Joey has a best friend named (whatever you would like to call him), they’ve pretty much grown up together since they were little. Jace is in the closet very worried about how his parents will react to him coming out as they live in a very homophobic town, the younger generation are much more accepting like Jace’s brother Joey who is the only person that knows Jace’s secret and for now he wants to keep it that way. Their parents head off one weekend and Joey plans a big party. At this party Jace is sober trying to ensure the house doesn’t turn upside down and (your character) is sober (for whatever reason you would like). They end up hanging out a bit that night and usually they feel a bit of a spark but tonight it’s gone through the roof and they end up going back together to Jace’s room. Several weeks later, after almost pretending it didn’t happen Jace realised he’s been feeling sick and rundown and ends up figuring out he’s pregnant. (Obviously opportunity for your character to get pregnant after mine)

Brief history:

Name: Jace Stanford
Age: 21
Description: Slender body but reasonably tall at just under 6”, bright green eyes, full lips and wavy brunette hair shaved on the sides but long on the top, pale skin with freckles along his nose and across his neck and shoulders
Brief history: Has lived in the small town all his life, grew up with his older brother and sister, his sister has left and gotten a house with her fiancé. His mum and dad are super religious which has caused him to hide the fact he’s gay from them until he is sure he has a secure income and can move out on his own if need be. He’s trying to become high school maths teacher currently.

Name: Joseph (Joey) Stanford
Age: 24
Description: Stands just over his brother at 6” but is a bit bulkier and likes rough housing sports like football etc, he has brown eyes and pale skin with lots more freckles due to him being outside a lot more. Also brunette but cut short.
Brief history: Grew up with his siblings. Loves his parents but loves his brother so he would never reveal his secret to them. He dropped out of college to figure himself out a bit more and spends most of his time messing around with his best mate

Jace chewed on his lip looking around the party nervously. So many of Joey’s friends here he was really worried that the chance of something breaking was highly probable. He really wished he hadn’t said he would stay sober tonight, he really needed a drink. He went to the cupboard and pulled out some packets of potato crisps before pouring them in the empty bowls left on the patio. He ran a hand through his wavy hair. What was worse was that so many of Joey’s friends were really good looking and he had to act straight in front of them, he knew at least a couple of them would be homophobic so there was no way he could be himself unless he really wanted the house destroyed tonight. He went back in and to the fridge grabbing a can of soft drink sighing as he heard his brother yell something about truth or dare.

Name: Steven (Steve) Smith
Description: Steve has brown eyes, freckles across the bridge of his nose and cheeks, and short wavy brown hair with dyed light blue bangs that are swept off to the side, he's around 5'3" and has a decently muscular build. He can usually be seen wearing either hoodies or baggy sweaters along with jeans or jogging pants and sneakers or mismatched socks.
Brief history: Steve has spent most of his life in the same small town as his best friend with his mother Light and stepmother Rose.

Steve is wandering around through the crowd, looking a bit awkward as he tried to find his friends. Large crowds and parties made him nervous when he was by himself, leading him to usually trail close behind his best friend. He smiles a bit and follows the sound of Joey's call to play Truth Or Dare.

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Jace stood at the back of the room, no way was he going to participate in an unruly game of truth or dare with a bunch of guys who would undoubtedly dare each other to jump off the roof or streak down the street naked or something of that sort. He sipped on his can of lemonade, his eyes darting around, he really barely knew most of the boys here, his eyes landed on Steve as he made his way towards the game. Jace couldn’t lie to himself any time Steve entered a room his heart fluttered, they had grown up together and Steve’s parents were gorgeous and such a role model for him in so many ways but none that they really knew of cause he couldn’t be open about himself, at least not in this house. He chewed on his lip slightly as the boys became rowdier getting the game started. (Do you want Steve to be out? Or maybe just to Joey and Steves parents or not at all yet?)

(Steve is out to pretty much everyone he knows)

Steve turns to see Jace from across the room "Hey, Jace! Wanna join us?" He waves and calls out to him "I'll take any dares that you don't want to do" He offers as he walks over to Jace so he doesn't have to shout to be heard.

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

(Sweet, just checking)

Jace smiled gently at him and shook his head lightly “I’m okay just keeping my distance” he laughed softly “ I can only imagine what my brother would have me do” he said shaking his head lightly. He wished he could be as open as Steve, he was so comfortable just being 100% himself and Jace was not. Jace saw his brother grinning at him and giving him a raised eyebrow and he blushed lightly looking away, just looking at the wall trying to find something to distract himself as he chewed lightly on his bottom lip.

Joey chuckled softly, he knew his brother had a crush on Steve and he knew it was since Jace started having crushes at the age of 12 but he also knew his parents and some of his friends would try to start shit with Jace if they knew, he knew Jace was not confident in himself like Steve was, he wished he was cause he was such an awesome person when his walls were down. He motioned for everyone to come forward and sat an empty bottle in the middle of the table “I’ll spin and whoever it lands on has to choose truth or dare and then I’ll choose what that is and if completed successfully it’s their turn to spin, if not I then spin again” he said grinning and span the bottle

"Oh c'mon, it won't be that bad. You could get the chance to embarrass Joey" Steve grins teasingly at Jace as he takes a seat on the floor next to Joey. "What's the punishment for not completing a dare? There must be some kind of repercussion for chickening out"

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Jace laughed softly and shook his head before joining them sitting next to Steve, he could feel Steve’s body heat from here and it made his heart beat a little faster as he looked at all the others around him. He noticed how some would sit further away from Steve when they could and knew it was because of the homophobia set into a lot of this town. He wondered to himself if it hurt Steve knowing that people wouldn’t be friends with him because of his sexual orientation, he chewed on his lip lightly unsure how his friends would react if they knew he was gay and knew this was one reason he hadn’t come out yet.

Joey laughed “Then you’ll no longer be my friend and you can leave my party, that’s your punishment” I grinned at Steve before spinning the bottle watching as it slowed and stopped on Jace. Joey grinned brightly “Truth or dare little brother?”

Jace blushed as it landed on him, chewing on his lip anxiously he looked around the room, surely his brother wouldn’t make him say he was gay in front of all these people, or admit his crush or anything that would have been cruel and he knew he would probably not do any dares as he definitely had not had enough to drink to make him feel confident in his abilities to do anything. “Truth” he said, a lot of the other boys groaned and he heard a couple of them mutter “Pussy”, he blushed a little more, his ears now turning a light pink too.

Joey rolled his eyes at his brother “Hmm....that’s boring. When was the last time you had sex?” He asked smiling, he wasn’t even sure if Jace had had sex before but immediately knew as his brothers jaw dropped and his whole face became bright red.

Jace stuttered lightly looking around the room, he could feel them judging him, he opened and closed his mouth several times before he stood up quickly and rushed to his room closing the door behind him quickly. He felt tears well in his eyes and fall quickly, he felt so embarrassed, right in front of Steve and everything. He knew his brother was simply curious but he could have asked him privately not in front of all of Joeys friends. He swallowed roughly and went laying stomach down on his bed shoving his face into the pillow

"Wait, Jace!" Steve calls out for the younger man and gets up to follow him. He hears the bedroom door close and makes his way over to knock on the door "Jace? Are you okay?"

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Jace groaned internally at the only person he really didn’t want to see at his door. He wiped his face free of the tears and chewed on his lip lightly before going and opening the door looking down at his hands “Yeah, I’m okay....just embarrassed” he said softly and covered his face with his hands “Now they all know I’m a virgin...all of them” he said sadly before standing back and going curling back up on his bed hugging his pillow tightly, leaving the door open for Steve to come in.

"There's nothing wrong with being a virgin, I am too" Steve says as he crosses the room to sit down on Jace's bed beside him "Anyone that makes fun of you for that is just an immature asshole"

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Jace bit his lip nervously looking at Steve “I know...it’s just...hard sometimes. I wonder if I’ll ever find somebody in this town” he chewed on his lip before deciding to be honest “I’m gay too Steve...and sometimes I think leaving would make things so much easier, go somewhere accepting like New York or Canada” he laughed softly and rubbed at his eyes “Why haven’t you run away? Why did your parents stay here despite the rampant homophobia around” he said softly

Steve looks surprised for a moment before smiling at Jace "You are? I knew it!" He says "I'm sure you'll find someone soon, you're a great guy" He chuckles "My moms stayed because they're stubborn and they refuse to let a bunch of homophobic pricks push them around"

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Jace blushed brightly “How did you know?” He said terrified that perhaps someone else had figured it out, he was terrified of his parents finding out knowing they would let him down and probably kick him out or worse, especially his dad. He ran a hand through his hair lightly “There are very very limited out gay kids in this town, I mean, you paved the way for the few strong ones but people like me, it’s too terrifying to even think about coming out. I’m trying to save enough money to move away but everywhere that’s accepting is so expensive” he sighed softly and fiddled with his fingers

"You remind me of myself before I came out. Don't worry, I won't tell anyone" Steve says, placing a comforting hand on his friend's shoulder "You could stay at my place until you save up enough to live on your own, my parents would love to have to there"

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Jace smiled warmly before shaking his head gently “No it’s okay, I’m safe here as long as my parents don’t find out” he said softly and chewed on his lip lightly as he was touched by Steve. He laid back on the bed and looked at his roof “I don’t think I can go back out there but you go, enjoy the party” he said softly smiling gently at him

"You're always welcome in my home if you want to stay with us" Steve says as he lays back next to Jace to stare at the ceiling, content just relaxing with him.

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Jace smiled gently looking over at him. “You can go back to the party if you want. I’m sure Joey probably misses you” he said softly, his heart beat quickly, Steve was laying next to him in his bed, it was just like so many fantasies he had had but just with more clothes and less contact and touching of each other

"Nah, I don't feel like playing if all of the questions are going to be like what they did to you" Steve says, rolling his eyes in annoyance as he turns onto his side to look at Jace "Joey will survive without me for a little while"

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Jace looked over at him, staring a bit into his brown eyes and the freckles lined across his nose. His breath caught lightly at how close they really were to each other. “I’m sure my brother was just curious, I’m sure he didn’t mean for it to embarrass me” he said softly, his heart pumped rapidly in his chest as he looked at him

"I know, but the rest of the guys might think asking crap like that is funny. Especially since I'm out and they all know it" Steve sighs, eyes then going wide when he finally noticed how close his face was to Jace's.

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

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