C My brothers best friend

Liam rubbed the back of his hand gently “What’s getting worse babe? The pressure? What sort of pressure is it?” He asked confused

"...intense...I-I need to push with it..."

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Liam nodded and pulled over a few minutes before the hospital getting out and going to his side gently pulling down his pants and underwear “Okay baby, whatever you need to do” he said gently before getting back in to continue to the hospital

"I-I'm scared, Liam...what's wrong with me...?" Steve looks over to his husband before gasping and pushing down hard, screaming and sobbing as he does.

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Liam held his hand tightly “Baby, I don’t know, but you’ll be okay, I promise” he said scared as he pulled into the parking lot and started to look for a parking space

Steve whimpers and cries softly, still squeezing Liam's hand.

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Liam rubbed the back of his hand worriedly “Is it feeling any different now?” He asked biting his lip still looking for a spot

"Th-The pressure is starting to burn now..." Steve whimpers tiredly.

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Liam reached over pushing his hair back from his face gently “You’re okay, just keep breathing he said as he finally found a spot pulling in

"Just...hurry up and park the c-car...please..."

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Liam turned off the car and got out going to Steve’s side opening his door before stopping. He reached out gently touching the bulge pushing against Steve’s anus “Oh my god, Steve, it’s a baby’s he said. He didn’t want to carry Steve with the baby already starting to push out. He lowered the seat and gently lifted Steve’s legs up onto the dashboard so he was lying down a bit

"Wh-What?! How does this keep happening...?" Steve gasps then groans, holding onto the sides of the seat tightly.

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Liam chuckled softly “You mean how do we keep having babies in the car? To be fair we didn’t know about this one” he said and took Steve’s hand gently letting him squeeze it when he needs “I can’t carry you in because you’re already crowning, but as soon as you have the baby we’ll go in and we can make sure you and the baby are okay”

"We really...ngh...need to stop going on v-vacations..." Steve sighs and takes a deep breath before pushing hard.

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

(They haven’t been on vacations, haha, the first one was when Steve gave birth in the college room, then Liam hid his and had it in the car on the way to the hospital)

(Ah, dammit. I'm thinking a different RP, sorry about that lol)

"We really need...to start using...ngh...protection more often..." Steve sighs and takes a deep breath before pushing hard.

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

(Hahaha, we’ll that would have been the first pair in this rp too)

Liam chuckled softly “Maybe, yeah” he said pushing the hair back from his eyes “You’re doing good, the heads pushing out now”

(Yeah, I got them mixed up lol)

"H-How are we going to...explain this to the kids and...mmph...my parents?"

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Liam laughed “Is that really what you’re worried about as you push a human out of you” he laughed lightly shaking his head “We’ll just say we weren’t expecting it but now they have another sibling and grandchild, I’m sure they won’t be mad” he laughed a little

"Sh-Shut up" Steve chuckles breathlessly, feeling more at ease now that he knew what was happening to him.

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

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