C My brothers best friend

Owen grinned brightly as the waitress walked away “Nick doesn’t like me eating too many carbs and sugar so I treat myself when I can” he laughed lightly “Anyway, I know your birthday is coming up soon, are you planning anything for it?” He asked smiling

"Just don't eat too much sugar, it's not the best thing for you or the babies" Shawn chuckles "Not really, I have work for most of the day. It's not a big deal" He shrugs, being used to working on his birthday.

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Owen rolled his eyes “If I want sugar it’s good for my mood, therefore good for the babies” he winked and laughed “What do you mean you aren’t doing anything? It’s your 30th birthday! You have to do something!” He said pouting a little before the waitress came back with their milkshakes and he sipped at his happily

"I suppose you're right, just don't go overboard" Shawn laughs "It's okay, my co-workers usually bring me a cake and a few gifts. I'm used to working on my birthday" He smiles "Actually, isn't your next appointment on my birthday? We could have lunch together again, you could even bring Nick if you want to"

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Owen pouted “I suppose lunch will have to do” he said and smiled gently at him “Yeah, I’ll see if Nick is free, he might be working” he shrugged lightly, he honestly would prefer Nick not to come wanting Shawn all to himself but that was selfish. He thanked the waitress as she brought their food over and took a bite moaning a little at the flavour happily

"That's okay, he doesn't have to come if he can't or doesn't want to" Shawn says "I'm honestly not sure if he likes me very much" He admits, thanking the waitress when she brings their food "I take it that you're enjoying the food?" He chuckles.

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Owen laughed “He just comes off that way, I’m sure he likes you, well he has to at least be nice to you, they’re your kids” he said shaking his head smiling before taking another bite “I do, it’s delicious” he smiled brightly

"You think so?" Shawn asks, not quite believing that Nick actually liked him in any way but not wanting to say anything about it in front of Owen so he wouldn't upset the other man "That's good, I'm glad you like it"

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Owen smiled brightly at him “Do you like yours?” He asked happily before rubbing his stomach as the twins had become active again.

Shawn nods happily, not wanting to speak with his mouth full "Mmhm, I come here everyday but I've never tried this before"

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Owen laughed “You’re welcome then” he smiled before getting up “Sorry, bathroom” he grinned before quickly going to the bathroom needing to pee. He returned a couple minutes later and sat back down “So, Nick is trying to convince me that I should have a natural birth instead of a c-section, but that’s way more dangerous for twins right?” He asked chewing on his lip

"It can be sometimes, it depends on the health of the parent and their babies. Your pregnancy has been progressing well so I don't think it would be very dangerous for you to deliver naturally, but you'll be the one having to go through it either way so the choice is yours no matter what anyone else says. Well as long as everything continues to progress well" Shawn tells him.

(Maybe Shawn and Owen end up stuck somewhere together so Shawn has to help Owen give birth outside of the hospital?)

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Owen chewed his lip nodding a little “Okay, well I guess I can think about it then. I’m not sure yet though” he said before sipping his milkshake lightly. He finished off his pasta and sighed smiling happily “That was a good feed” he chuckled

(I was thinking maybe Shawn has a surgery that day and Owen had a fight with Nick so Nick isn’t answering when he rings and Shawn comes out of surgery to a bunch of missed calls so by the time he gets to the apartment it’s too late for drugs and even to potentially get to the hospital so they have it there?)

(Ooo, that's a good idea!)

"Don't worry, you have plenty of time to decide" Shawn gives him a reassuring smile "It was, now you know a good place to eat out" He chuckles.

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Owen smiled brightly at him “Definitely. A month later it was Shawn’s birthday and Owen had made plans for them after his appointment and he was really excited. He rubbed his stomach waiting in the waiting room, he was now at 32 weeks and knew that he probably only had a month or so left before they came.

It doesn't take long for the nurse to come and ask the same questions as always before getting Owen settled into a room to wait for Shawn to arrive. Shawn comes in a few minutes late "Sorry for making you wait" He apologizes "How are all of you doing?" He grins at Owen.

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Owen laughed “The waiting is fine, you don’t have to be sorry” he grinned and rubbed his stomach “I swear, they’re going to be acrobats, they never stop moving” he laughed lightly “and…Happy Birthday!” He grinned holding out a bag with a present in it for him happily

"That's a good sign, it means that they're healthy" Shawn grins "May I feel?" He asks before seeing the bag "You didn't have to get anything for me, thank you" He smiles and takes the bag, removing his gift for inside.

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Owen smiled brightly “Of course you can!” He laughed lightly and lifted his shirt gently, the baby making movements on his skin pretty obviously. “I hope you like it, I saw you looking at it in that small shop near the cafe” he bit his lip a little

"Like it? I love it! Thank you so much" Shawn hugs the black and blue striped scarf close to his chest with tears in his eyes before laying a hand on Owen's belly, feeling the twins kicking and shifting around under the other man's skin.

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

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