C My brothers best friend

Kyle laughed loudly “Mmhmm, and that would have stopped you before” he teased glad to get a laugh out of his friend

"I'm not saying that, I just have an excuse now" Steve teases back.

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Kyle grinned “Only for nine months” he chuckled getting inside, he put the ice cream and brownies away for later before going to sit on the couch with his food looking over at his friend “Do you want to talk about what happened? Or do you want to bottle it up and watch a movie?”

"How about we talk about it and watch a movie?" Steve says as he sits on the couch.

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Kyle smiled and nodded before switching on the first Lord of the Rings and then turning expectantly to Steve

Steve takes a deep breath to settle himself before explaining what happened between him and Mark at the restaurant "W-Well things started going downhill when Mark ordered wine for both of us, I turned down his offer and had to tell him why I couldn't drink it...then he he broke up with me and left me stranded at the restaurant after accusing me of cheating on him with you and refusing to believe that the baby is his..."

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Kyle frowned and pulled his friend close “He’s an idiot” he said softly rubbing his back gently “If he didn’t know that you were faithful to him, didn’t know that you aren’t that type of person he isn’t worth your time” he said gently

Steve hugs Kyle tightly "You're right, I deserve better than him" He says softly "He probably just wanted a reason to justify not sticking around to help raise the baby..."

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Kyle sighed sadly “Probably, but don’t worry, I promise to help you with anything you need, I’ll be the babies second father if you want, or like an uncle, wherever you want the line drawn I’ll be there, I promise” he said softly

"Thank you, I don't know what I'd do without you" Steve smiles sadly and wipes his tears away "This kid is lucky to have you in his or her life"

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Kyle smiled gently and cuddled the other man close gently as the movie played. He got up a little later and grabbed the brownies, heating them up so they were gooey and put them with the ice cream before returning to Steve handing him a bowl smiling gently

(That sounds so good lol)

"Thanks" Steve smiles a bit and takes his bowl as they start the next movie.

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

(Hahaha, yeah)

Kyle smiled and ate some of his humming happily

Steve quickly empties his bowl.

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Kyle took their bowls to the sink before going back to his friend and sat close pulling him into a hug “So, what’s the first thing on this baby train?”

"I actually haven't figured that out yet..." Steve admits, hugging Kyle back.

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Kyle rubbed his back gently “Have you been to the doctors yet?” He asked gently

"Only once so far, that was how I found out" Steve admits, resting his head on Kyle's shoulder.

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Kyle nodded and chewed his lip “Well did they give you any pamphlets or information, we can figure it out from some of that”

"No, but I've been doing my own research online" Steve says.

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

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