C The experiment

Ry smiled sadly “It’s difficult to explain how my kind is. Everyone is family up to a point, when you don’t get chosen as a mate of someone you are seen as unworthy and become an outcast, they see you as almost contagious misery” he shrugged a little and sighed “I have ways to fix that if you wish, I can change your memories after you have my child and return you with fake memories of a trip and medically you will not seem like anything has changed” he said softly

"I don't want you brainwashing me. I want to know the truth... I was touched by your family story, but please understand that I've never even kissed anyone," he said, and then covered his shoulders with the blanket. He immediately got up and started walking around the bedroom. "It's too much... But I know you won't let me go. Let this end quickly and painlessly," he said, and then stood in the door frame, "I can go out and explore, can't I?"

Ry frowned “It wouldn’t be brainwashing, it would simply be changing memories to positive ones” he said softly before going to a drawer and picking out a shirt and shorts for him and holding them out to him “You may enter the living room and kitchen areas and out to the backyard, that’s your perimeter” he said

"We're on Earth, right?" he asked, taking the clothes from him. They weren't bad. But he didn't know if they would be too small in a few weeks. Well, he'll find out soon enough. But where should he change? "Mmm... Would you mind leaving? I would like a change of clothes, and besides my dressing gown I am naked," he explained, and then he blushed a little

Ry looked at him curiously “Of course we’re on Earth” he said before laughing a little “I have seen you naked before but as you wish” he said leaving the room for a few minutes waiting for him to get changed patiently.

Amadeus took a breath, being left alone. He changed clothes, but his gaze lingered on her naked, slightly rounded belly. So there... There's a baby in there. Kind of eerie and scary. The boy touched the spot with his hand. It was a little different. Smoother and more pleasant? He didn't know how to describe it. Still, he needs to get through these three months and then he'll be out of here.

Ry waited patiently for him to get dressed before returning to the room “Where would you like to go?” He asked. He wanted to supervise Amadeus and make sure that he didn’t choose to run off on him, he was incredibly excited to have a child of his own and didn’t want it to be taken from him.

" The garden," he said without thinking. He wanted to go out into the world. To see if it was indeed Earth, for he did not know what to believe. It's just still unrealistic. But he was trying to get used to it. To get out of here quickly.

Ry nodded and showed him the way to the back door, he opened it to a small backyard with a little pond and some rose bushes. It wasn’t much but it was Avery tranquil environment and Ry often sat out here to read.

The heavyweight sat down on a bench near the pond. He covered himself more with his sweatshirt and observed his surroundings curiously. - Do you have neighbors?

Ry nodded “Yes, an elderly couple on one side and a young man on the other, he works in construction” he said shrugging a little and went to the pond running his fingers through it watching curiously as the little fish in it followed after his fingers.

"How far am I from my apartment?," he asked, being genuinely curious. He stared at the cloudless sky. It was spring and everything was coming to life. At least he thought he did. Confused by it all, he swayed on the bench. "Pregnancy... The baby's doing well, right? I'm asking because apart from growing belly, so far I don't feel anything"

Ry hummed gently “We’re probably a 20 minute drive from your apartment” he said softly “You’ve only been pregnant one week, not much will happen yet, another week until even I will be able to hear the heartbeat, and you probably won’t feel any movement for another 5 weeks. I have a book on pregnancy if you want to read it, you just need to divide all the normal milestones by 3, so heartbeat is usually 6 weeks so we should be able to hear it next week, movement is 18-20 weeks so that will probably be 5-6 weeks”

"Have you lived here long?" he asked, not knowing why he wanted to continue this conversation. He just felt the urge to talk to someone. And Ry was the only one here. He may have slowly understood his take on the situation, but there was still grief in him.

Ry smiled gently “About five years, I need to move around a lot because I’ve looked like this for a hundred years and people get suspicious if you don’t change” he laughed softly and stood so the sun was on his face sighing happily “Would you like to know anything else?”

"I don't know how much you can tell me... I will not forcefully ask," he said, and then got up from the bench. He strolled slowly through the garden. The air was nice and the sun gently warmed his body. Amadeus stopped by a rose bush. "You don't take good care of roses... They'll be dry soon "

Ry shrugged “If you ask me something I don’t wish to tell you I will not answer” he said softly before looking at the plant “My planet did not have plants like yours, I am not equipped with a green thumb, however, if you wish you may look after it” he smiled softly

"Do you have gardening tools? This needs to be addressed... Not to mention the baby. Do you have baby accessories? Clothes?" he asked, and immediately stood before him leaning against the arch around which the roses grew. He looked into his eyes without any fear.

Ry nodded and pointed to a small shed down the side of the house “Shed is there, should be all you need and of course, I have plenty of things for my child, I’ve been planning this for a long time” he said patiently

"You can show me those clothes later... I need to make sure they're good. Besides, I'm his mom after all, right?" he said, and then on the other side he heard a voice. It was the elderly couple who lived next door. They smiled at them. "It's those neighbors of yours... Did you ever talk to him?"

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