C The experiment

Ry smiled gently at him “Of course I will tell you, you know I only like the truth, I don’t like hiding things” he said softly “Here” he said and stood going and grabbing his pad flipping through until he found the app he was looking for. He passed it to Amadeus “That is a live reading of the baby’s vitals, any changes that are negative or dangerous will come up on there like a notification” he said softly

Amadeus looked at the application. It was really well thought out and well done. He was impressed. "I understand now. Thank you for showing me this. I appreciate it," he said smiling slightly at him. That time at Ry's house gave him some really fond memories, except for what happened in the beginning.

Ry smiled gently and sat it in a holder next to the bed “Whenever you’re worried it’s right here and you can go on and see anything you want” he smiled and got up stretching a little “Are you feeling okay now? I know you said you wished not to eat but if it was early labour you may need something to keep your energy up as well”

"I don't really want to eat.... I just need rest. Thanks for asking...," he said gratefully, and then covered himself with the blanket, laying his head on the pillow. His body needed to recuperate from a severe cramp, which was terrible for his

Ry nodded and stood “Of course” he said softly and bit his lip before leaning down and placing a soft kiss on his forehead “Feel better” he said gently before retrieving a book and heading to the other room to leave him in peace.

Feeling the kiss on his forehead Edward's face blushed. It felt good... Really.

He spent the entire day and the next in bed, occasionally drinking something or eating little. His body needed it. He thought it was because of a sore back or feet. But when a strong cramp woke him up in the evening he changed his mind. He sat on the bed, stroking his stomach chaotically. It was bad for him. He was hot and felt his stomach ache. "Ry!" screamed to wake the father of his child

Ry was in the other room reading when he heard Amadeus call for him. He got up quickly setting the book down and went to his side quickly “Are you okay?” He asked before taking the pad and looking through the vitals quickly “The baby’s okay” he said sighing in relief assuming Amadeus thought there was something wrong with the child.

"I had a cramp... And it hurts so much. I think I'm giving birth, Ry," he said, being uncertain, though his body said otherwise. Propping up his back, he stood up and walked over to Ry, feeling the pain that radiated

Ry looked a little shocked “Oh, you’re a few days early but mathematically it would still make sense for you to be in labour” he said before grabbing a strap from a cupboard and wrapping it around his stomach gently before plugging it into the wall “That will show if it was a contraction, time them and see how far apart they are” he said

Amadeus nodded with understanding and as he sat up on the bed he wiped his face with the palm of his hand. He waited a long time. The next contraction didn't hit him until ten minutes later. "Ten minutes... Damn"

Ry nodded “They may even be uneven, you may get another one in five minutes or twenty minutes, when they even out and become consistent then I will give you pain medication to ensure that it will last during your labour as well as the birth” he said softly “I’ll grab you some water” he said going to grab a bottle of water for Amadeus before returning.

Amadeus rested his head against his hands, trying to survive the unpleasant tingling of his body. He hoped that the contractions would come slowly after all. He didn't want to feel that pain. He thought he was going to die from the searing pain. He didn't know if he could even give birth...

Ry returned with the water and handed it to him. He then climbed behind him on the bed to help support him a bit and began to give his back a deep massage knowing that often in labour the persons back also aches and he wanted to make this as comfortable as possible for Amadeus as he knew he was only at the start of labour and the pain would only get longer and stronger as time wore on.

Amadeus took a large gulp of water. It gave him solace, but not for long. Fortunately, the massage worked a little better. He thanked in his spirit that Ry cared for him so much. "Thank you... That's nice of you..."

Ry smiled gently at him “I read that often back pain is also associated with labouring so I thought this may help a little” he said gently continuing to massage his muscles nice and deep, trying to calm and distract him as well.

"You think it's a boy?" he asked, trying to think of something else. Uncomfortable cramps were not a good thing for today. The temperature outside was reaching really high. It was the beginning of summer. He felt like he was in the hot sun. There was sweat on his body

Ry shrugged “I am unsure” he said softly “Though I will be happy as long as they are healthy and they seem to be by all the vital signs” he pressed a button on the wall that immediately had cool air conditioning blasting through the room, dropping the temperature in seconds. He reached over and picked up a cloth gently wiping the sweat from Amadeus’ head and neck gently

"Have you ever done that? Or have you seen a birth?" he asked, then breathed a sigh of relief. Ry saw his needs perfectly. It was astonishing. Men usually did not see the needs of pregnant people. But Ry was special.

Ry nodded “I told you, I’ve been on earth for a hundred years, I have done plenty of jobs, I was a midwife for about ten years so I can tell you I know what I am doing and you are in great hands” he smiled gently and reached his hands forward then massaging his stomach but being more gently knowing how sensitive it would be in labour

"I didn't know you were a midwife... You're really smart. May our child inherit your vast knowledge. I'm the fool," he laughed confusedly, and then felt a little relieved to feel hands on his stomach. Ry did it really well. The child listened to him.

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