C Love, Coffee and Baby [closed with Whoknows]

“Whatever...” he said indifferently and closed his eyes and massaged his stomach lightly. He’s had enough. Their leaving wasn’t a good idea. John’s appearance destroyed that peace and happiness. It was starting to get unpleasant.

Andrew just sighed and left, he ordered Aiden something that he’d had before so he knew that he liked it. Then he went and sat back down with Aiden, in silence.

Aiden hasn’t been in touch this whole time. Only when the waitress brought their order he thanked her quietly and began to eat slowly.

Andrew didn’t say anything either and ate in silence before waiting for Aiden to finish, “you done yet?”

“Already...” he said, and set the plate aside, where he buried his food with a fork. He lost his appetite because of all this.

Andrew sighed,” please eat a little more” he grabbed onto Aiden’s hand stroking the top of it with his thumb.

“Stop.." he said, and took his hand. He wasn’t in the mood. He didn’t like Andrew making decisions without his knowledge.

“Alright” Andrew said as he stood up and wheeled Aiden out of the cafe, he stayed silent until saying,” I do try to do what’s best for you, you know that’s right?”

“And how do you know I want that?” he asked quietly, staring at his hands. He wouldn’t talk to him. At least no now.

“I’m sorry” he murmured, continuing to push Aiden in silence, moving around the crowds of people.

Nobody said a word on the way home. In the apartment, Aiden immediately went to bed without wanting anything. He was sad. He shed a few tears softly, massaged his stomach

Andrew watched Aiden head upstairs and laid on the couch. He watched tv for a few hours before turning it off and falling asleep.

It’s been a week. The relationship between them has not improved. Andrew went to work and Aiden packed his clothes in boxes. It was fast... They barely knew each other and lived together.
Doorbell. He put down the box and opened the door in the wheelchair. At the doorstep was a middle-aged woman. Andrews' mother.
“Good morning...” Aiden spoke shy

“Good morning” she said,” my idiot son sent me here, to take you shopping”. She smiled at Aiden,” assuming you are Aiden that is, I am Clarissa”.

“Good morning...” greeted her shyly and scratched his throat awkwardly “I am very happy... But I don’t think I’m ready”, he blushed. He wore very old clothes, and his hair was unwashed because he had no strength.

“Right”. The lady said. “One moment” Clarissa walked into the house and called her son. “Andrew you’d better come home and help your boyfriend”

Aiden got stiff. Clarissa was direct. “Please don’t call him... He’s already doing a lot. I can do it”, he smiled softly and the wheelchair went into the apartment.

“Don’t go anywhere” she called out to Aiden,” let Andrew take care of you, from what he has told me he needs to make up with you”.

Aiden stopped and clumsily began to play with his hands “Andrew... Did he say much about me?” he asked shyly and then felt uncomfortable: “I shouldn’t have asked, I’m sorry!” he said honestly: “Would you like something to drink?” he asked politely.

“Don’t worry about it hun!” She chuckled,” he said that he didn’t ask you about something and that he had to make up with you”. She sat down on the couch,” could I have some water? Please”.

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