
Personally i'm not sure about the daisies, it makes me think of Easter, not Mpreg lol XD

I wouldn't mind seeing something a little more lively, but to be fair I appreciate that you have to do what you can to please the majority and so long as I can log in and preg up, the rest is just a bonus :)

You have created a really special place here Lyric and i'm grateful for that :)

I am liking the new theme. As much as I adore mpreg, I'd rather strangers look over my shoulder and see flowers than a shirtless pregnant guy. The portal is plenty mpreg-ly welcoming! XD Love it all. Love seeing the site grow.

(04-22-2012, 09:26 PM)Lyric Wrote:  I'm changing the layout because I think MPC deserves more than just a default layout.

I hear ya there... I manage too many other hobby sites, and I know that sentimental feeling, LOL.


You know guys, I like this the way it is. I am happy that Lyric made us our own site. I am ecstatic that we have this awesome sight. And for all I care it can look like a monkey riding a cow in that banner. This is still Mpreg Central no matter how it looks. We have our own place and I am happy about that.

Thanks for the positive feedback, glad you guys like it :)

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