Nesting phase?

Do you guys have nesting phases during your pregnancies? I end up reorganizing, cleaning, and reorganizing everything again like a dozen times.

Any thoughts?

I already do that thanks to my OCD, its bloody annoying.

Whoops. Guess I should have posted this in mpreg discussion. Hope you all can understand, because with my nesting phase in full swing it's driving me up the wall!

i'm the same way i do so much more cleaning and organizing. i'm starting to wish i was pregnant all the time so the house would be clean more

drop a line anytime you have questions or drop by for a belly rub.

I do notice that when I'm in a complete "mpreg-type mood", I experience this compulsion to "Nest"! That, and I also just enjoy a waddling around and cleaning my apartment!

Heart ☣️ Heart ☣️ Heart

Actually due to my lack of privacy at home I tend to just stay in my room chatting to you guys on my laptop. However if I had the privacy I wanted i'd probably do everyhing I normally do - just pregnant.

I know it's not the same thing, but my Domme already says I "nest" at night because I barricade myself with pillows in the bed. =P

Kilix stockpiled 3!

CDO. Like OCD, but in alphabetical order.
The Compulsive Disorder of Obsessiveness.
I like it better that way, it satisfies my CDO.

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