Hey writers and RPers!

This is something I've been meaning to post about here for a LONG time.


As a mod, I read through a lot of the roleplay and fiction here. In fact, I read almost everything. And something I've noticed is thus: Many of the stories and roleplay threads are quite lacking in extensive vocabulary.

Sometimes, I find myself losing interest VERY quickly in something I'm reading because the same adjectives and verbs are used over and over and Over and OVER. What makes a story great for me is when the author(s) has an expansive vocabulary and makes use of it.

Some of you, I know, are considerably younger than me. Some of the very prolific members of this site are a good ten years my junior. I'm not especially old, but I have been writing for sixteen years, and my vocabulary has only expand in that time.

And I'm offering all of you now this tip, if you want to broaden your vocabulary and improve your writing: PLEASE make use of a thesaurus. Most word programs have one if you highlight a word and right click on it. And if you're typing right here on the forum, well...The website I linked to above will certainly come in handy.


Sometimes, the world is cruel to shiny things...

Messages In This Thread
Hey writers and RPers! - by Buggy Girl - 10-13-2014, 06:43 PM
RE: Hey writers and RPers! - by WolfgangD - 10-14-2014, 02:24 AM
RE: Hey writers and RPers! - by Belly Button - 10-26-2014, 05:23 PM

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