03-05-2015, 07:53 AM
Actually in a few of my stories I've incorporated some of the things I've heard of happening to women I personally know.
In my story I posted on here called, "Merrick's Cesarean" his labor scenario is very similar to a lot of real life stories, with the doctor refusing to take their hand out even during a contraction, etc. I bet people thought I was exaggerating to torture the character, but it's sadly not an exaggeration at all of the treatment some women experience.
I chose to have my son at home, so I had zero cervical checks, or any interference/intervention at all. I couldn't do it any other way unless our lives depended on it.
In my story I posted on here called, "Merrick's Cesarean" his labor scenario is very similar to a lot of real life stories, with the doctor refusing to take their hand out even during a contraction, etc. I bet people thought I was exaggerating to torture the character, but it's sadly not an exaggeration at all of the treatment some women experience.
I chose to have my son at home, so I had zero cervical checks, or any interference/intervention at all. I couldn't do it any other way unless our lives depended on it.
As bad as I am, I am proud of the fact that I'm worse than I seem