looking somethng

Ah, it's not a published manga, it's a doujinshi, which is something fan-made with a series' characters.
You can download it here
But it's only in Vietnamese I think, and doujinshi's don't often get translated into other languages, so I definitely can't read it. ;c;

Ah, if you don't mind me making a suggestion, your find did bring to mind another doujinshi that's in English for Axis Powers Hetalia. The artist's style is nice and they have other mpreg art. The page I'll link you to has a little button to download a zip file of the first chapter, and a link to their second chapter that you read the same way.

Messages In This Thread
looking somethng - by bueno69 - 04-02-2013, 12:28 AM
RE: looking somethng - by MagnaCarta - 04-02-2013, 03:36 AM
RE: looking somethng - by bueno69 - 04-02-2013, 03:54 AM

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