Sia slept on his slumber so deep an elaphant herd couldn't wake him. He was esughsted beyond so. He snored lightly nuzzling closer to ia. He was so intoxicated by the unknown cat nip and blood loss his body had made him go into a kida hibernation mode. He was unaware that ia had moved him let alone drying his hair.
Siria shivered his small frame was very cold. His body trembled trying make heat. Siria had never been good at making or keeping heat well. As je curled up tighter his body seemed even smaller than before. He was hugging his tail and maling a small mewl. His beat up body was being hos worst enmey and there was no way to fix that.
Siria shivered his small frame was very cold. His body trembled trying make heat. Siria had never been good at making or keeping heat well. As je curled up tighter his body seemed even smaller than before. He was hugging his tail and maling a small mewl. His beat up body was being hos worst enmey and there was no way to fix that.