03-04-2017, 06:52 PM
Edmond lamented he had missed the days when Mounee was unwell and he hadnt been there to help gis submissive get through the physical sickness. He held him down when he attempted to get up to yhe kitchen. "No i am quite well now. Especially after drinking from you, I feel quite full." He smirked and licked his lips, looking like he's still tasting the sweet and nutritious milk from Mounee. He was quite surprised by how Mpunee suddenly leapt onto his lap and smotheted him with kisses, but he welcomed the affection. Looking straight into Mounee's brilliant eyes, he smiled and responded. "And you too, little one. You just constatntly surprises me with how you could become even more perfect, my perfect submissive. I feel like all my fatique went away the moment i saw you." He stroked his soft face as he said with a loving smile. "Now, mama, do you want to get some sleep before the dawn? I would like some of your excellent brrakfast tomorrow morning. We have some shopping to do tomorrow. I dont think there would be too many clothes you can still fit in now with your belly so large. Is the doctor sure you are not carrying twins?" Edmond said playfully. He knew there should be only one in there, though how massive Mounee already is made him wonder.